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farting and burping


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DO u think it's sexy when girls fart and burp in front of their loved ones REALLY LOUD ? :)

I would like to one day bend over in front of my bf, husband or a fuck buddy - and while he's tossing my salad blast him away and fumigate his face !! That'll be sooo much fun !! he he he !! :tongue:

My parents - now that they're reaching the senior citizen age - totally lost control over their farting + burping . If I hang out with them all I hear are these gastric noises .. ..Eeeeeeeek !

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Well, I fart and burp in front of my boyfriend all the time and he says the farting is unattractive. But I'm comfortable in front of him so I do it. He never would do it but then I started so now he does. I dont see the big deal, everyone does it, whether or not they admit it.

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I gotta gain control over my farts again becuz I don't wanna be one of those peeps that can't control it .

I farted loudly at one restaurant bathroom once - becuz I thought it'd be funny and when I came out - this lady gave me the dirtiest look !! ha ha ha !


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Originally posted by gmccookny

I sometimes they come out to show our undearing affection for each other :laugh::tongue:;)

Yea I guess - that's LOVE ! when you gas each other to death !! LOL

One time this one guy almost killed me - I was sleepin and woke up to this nose piercing fumes and it was one of those dealy silent ones !! He had lactose intolerance .

Powerful enough to be used in gas chambers !

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I think you guys are all fuckin gross... I def do not find it cute nor humerous... If it slips it slips then there's nuttin you can do but if she does it on purpose I would just get up and leave. Burping isn't that big of a deal to me, but the farting is no good.

I dunno, whateva if that's cool with you and your partner then that's okay. But for me, there will be no farting (not from my end nor her's). I just feel that it's like taking a nasty shit at a girls house, you just dont do it. You go home!

maybe its just me though:blank:

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Originally posted by origskeemr

I think you guys are all fuckin gross... I def do not find it cute nor humerous... If it slips it slips then there's nuttin you can do but if she does it on purpose I would just get up and leave. Burping isn't that big of a deal to me, but the farting is no good.

I dunno, whateva if that's cool with you and your partner then that's okay. But for me, there will be no farting (not from my end nor her's). I just feel that it's like taking a nasty shit at a girls house, you just dont do it. You go home!

maybe its just me though:blank:



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Originally posted by trancerxn112

i dunno burping is cool and maybe a fart here and there but no fucking lethal industries or SBD's (Silent but Deadly) thats just gross... if you got gas leave the room and go toot but dont be brandishing ur farts like its a trophy thats nasty...

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

ur okay lol as long as ur not ripping em and pulling ur mans head under the covers :)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:LOL, EWWW, NO NOT BALLSY ENOUGHT TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT...............YET, LOL, NAH, IVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO FART IN FRONT OF A GUY BUT MY DAD :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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Originally posted by sugarnspice69

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LOL, EWWW, NO NOT BALLSY ENOUGHT TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT...............YET, LOL, NAH, IVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO FART IN FRONT OF A GUY BUT MY DAD :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

im sure papi looooves that :) "honey, you really should drink less milk"

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Originally posted by origskeemr

I think you guys are all fuckin gross... I def do not find it cute nor humerous... If it slips it slips then there's nuttin you can do but if she does it on purpose I would just get up and leave. Burping isn't that big of a deal to me, but the farting is no good.

I dunno, whateva if that's cool with you and your partner then that's okay. But for me, there will be no farting (not from my end nor her's). I just feel that it's like taking a nasty shit at a girls house, you just dont do it. You go home!

maybe its just me though:blank:

Amen BRETHREN!...preach on...

u will never..ever..ever..ever hear me burp or fart.. EVER!!...so for a girl to do it in front of me..wow..i duno how id fuckin react...and for her to think its cute..i think id ban her from my house

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According to the New England Journal of Medicine (watched a show on this on BBC the other night) the average person farts/breaks wind/squeezes one off/bakes bread/bakes brownies/floats a loaf/passes gas a minimum of 20 times a day.

As you get older your liver and kidneys don't work as well, allowing less gas to be absorbed into your digestive system and more gas through your digestive system. The farting actually helps you loose weight as well. On avergae the leaner the body fat on a person, the more they fart, about 40 x daily for 10% body or under.

You also expell other toxins into your digestive system when you fart, including undigested food (aka the wet fart), nicotine and even small corpasals that can turn into cancer sists or "stones".

So, let one go!

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I don't know if I'd actually refer to any of this as "sexy" but if you can't be comfortable enough with your mate to do bodily functions, are you really comfortable?

I'm not too sure about the tooting, but then again, I'm not really into the, uh, "eccentric" stuff. But burping, now THAT's cool. It's practically funny.

Then again, I'm a former frat guy.

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never have and never will do this, lol...this is just the way i am esp. with my boyfriend, but really, just in general...I think it's "unladylike" if you do..that is just the way I was brought up to think...but, hey everyone is diff. and if u can do it and have no problems then do you. Its just not my thang and i would neevr find it sexy...i would actually be embarrased as hell, :blank: and my boyfriend would probably die of shock:laugh: ...

But, dont get me wrong, i am 100% comfy with my bf, this is just the way i am..;)

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

Amen BRETHREN!...preach on...

u will never..ever..ever..ever hear me burp or fart.. EVER!!...so for a girl to do it in front of me..wow..i duno how id fuckin react...and for her to think its cute..i think id ban her from my house

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


lollie60 this thread is hysterical

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