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Diff betwean Bouncers in factory and vynil

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This weekend i went 2 Soundfactory and vynil for saed n palash. Lets start with factory:

When we got there 1 of my boys forgot his ID at home and the bouncers at the door didnt wanna let him in even though the rest of us already went insideand he would b stranded outside till we came out. Finally he told the bouncer he would py him a 100$ to let him in n the bouncer agreed. About 20 min after being let in a bouncer comes up 2 him inside the club takes him by the arm and drags him out of the place without even giving im a reason. I came out of the club to give him keyes to the car and the bouncer tells me i cant go back in i ask for the reason he says cause he feels like it i say i will pay again to get in no problem the bouncer just says no get ta fuk out of here before u catch a beat down. So basically i was just kiked out of the club fo no other reason then that i came out 2 help a kid that the bouncer didnt like evn though he just got payed a 100$ by him.

The next night we come to vynil and again 1 of my boys forgets his ID. The bouncer says no problem just take care of me ifi take care of you so my boy slipped him a 20. Inside the club 1 of my boys falls in2 a huge k whole so 1 of the bouncers takes him in2 some room tells him 2 sit down once h comes to the bouncer lets him go back to the party. Next 1 of the boucnes catches us doing bumps, takes 4 of us in2 a room n asks us watdrus we have on us we tell him wat we have n he says guy i knowu r jut here to enjoy yourselves but i have to do my job so eithr u guys keep the drugs and leave or i throw them out n u go back to the party. We decide to go ack to the party. after the rest of my boys got their drugs confiscated and went back to the party the bouncer comes up2 me and gives me back a jar and tells me hre i dunt wanna ruin your night completely.

NEWAYS just waned to make a point of how much of a diference the bouncers make in a nightclub.

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Why don't you keep your drug stories to yourself you fucking mongoloid? Don't ruin it for everyone asshole. If the Factory shutdown was any lesson it's that police DO read messageboards on occasion for info. No need to be posting about this shit unless you want one less place to party in.


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First of all Your An Asshole For Giving Any Bouncer a bribe, because they then own you. Most of the time their gonna make you look like an asshole after that too.

Second of all I don't believe you about the Second Story. I know for a fact that every bouncer @ Arc/Vinyl ejects you from the club on a drug use problem. Ive never heard of them taking someones shit and then giving it back!

Lets just say your a Tool!

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This guys right. They would never ever let your ass go in VInyl. That placei s one of the hardest places to do anything. And thats what makes the place dope. Of course people are gonna party but they know if they're caught they're gone so they do it responsibly un-like "other" places we know. So my advice to you is, SMARTEN UP!

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WoW just a bunch of hatefull people on this board all of you do drugs, half of you probably sell drugs and the police know whats going on in these clubs regardless of what i type and i doubt they will be using my post as evidence. And hitting of the bouncer is always smart in ne club even if you dont need to cause then for the rest of the nigt that bouncer is sucking your dick. You all just wanna sound like u big shit on this message board but whateva i got no reason to hate , every1 got their own high i like goin 2 clubs hittin of bouncers doing some recreational drugs and enjoyin myself you guys like to diss on people on these message boards for basically doing the same things you do.

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Originally posted by blunty

you guys like to diss on people on these message boards for basically doing the same things you do.

Your Sorta Right on this one yes we love to bash people on the board, but it's asshole's like you who are just so perfect to make fun of. There is more to Clubland than sitting around and getting fucked up all the time.

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No one is really hateful, just telling the truth. First off how can you go out on 2 different nights and have someone forget their ID? Then you (friends) bribe the bouncer (s) and they throw him out and you too. :laugh: Thats some funny shit, they played your boy. Also the shit with Vinyl is hard to believe cause they dont take no shit from no one. They see you with drugs you are gone. The best is when Danny sees someone doing something he comes down from the booth and escorts them out himself, or just put the light on them to security comes and takes them out.

NOT everyone hear does drugs when they go out, some do but they dont really talk about it like you do.:confused:

Originally posted by blunty

WoW just a bunch of hatefull people on this board all of you do drugs, half of you probably sell drugs and the police know whats going on in these clubs regardless of what i type and i doubt they will be using my post as evidence. And hitting of the bouncer is always smart in ne club even if you dont need to cause then for the rest of the nigt that bouncer is sucking your dick. You all just wanna sound like u big shit on this message board but whateva i got no reason to hate , every1 got their own high i like goin 2 clubs hittin of bouncers doing some recreational drugs and enjoyin myself you guys like to diss on people on these message boards for basically doing the same things you do.

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Originally posted by blunty

WoW just a bunch of hatefull people on this board all of you do drugs, half of you probably sell drugs and the police know whats going on in these clubs regardless of what i type and i doubt they will be using my post as evidence. And hitting of the bouncer is always smart in ne club even if you dont need to cause then for the rest of the nigt that bouncer is sucking your dick. You all just wanna sound like u big shit on this message board but whateva i got no reason to hate , every1 got their own high i like goin 2 clubs hittin of bouncers doing some recreational drugs and enjoyin myself you guys like to diss on people on these message boards for basically doing the same things you do.

Instead of doing drugs and wasting away any brain cells you have left, how about you go back to school and learn how to spell. Its Vinyl, you stupid tool.

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Originally posted by blunty

Finally he told the bouncer he would py him a 100$ to let him in n the bouncer agreed. About 20 min after being let in a bouncer comes up 2 him inside the club takes him by the arm and drags him out of the place without even giving im a reason.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :laugh: :laugh:

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Ok I wont bash... Well actually I will...

You should really stop the drugs cause you have more issues with spelling in your little story that you wrote...

But back to subject at hand. I think I would rather the bouncers be a little more strict. The New York scene is dying club by club and part of the reason for this is because bouncers like those at factory who take bribes and let people who were in a K-Hole back into a party. YOu notice that Vinyl is not under half or even a tenth of the stress that Factory is of getting closed down.

Why... Because the the more strict bouncers at one that are not at the other.... I am sure Vinyl does not want little kids running around there club... :idea:

And I am sure there are more reasons for you or your boy getting kicked out. Secondly your boy will think twice next time he leaves his ID somewhere and pay a bouncer $100.

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Yell you're idiot friends to remember their IDs....you would think that after the night before of someone forgetting theirs and all the shit it caused, the rest would remember. But why are you forgetting to take your ID with you when you go out anyway? Everyone on their right mind that goes out checks to make sure they have their wallet with the ID, or just their ID. But then again, if you're doing bumps of whatever inside a club, then it doesnt sound like you're in your right mind.

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Originally posted by elementx

Ok I wont bash... Well actually I will...

You should really stop the drugs cause you have more issues with spelling in your little story that you wrote...

But back to subject at hand. I think I would rather the bouncers be a little more strict. The New York scene is dying club by club and part of the reason for this is because bouncers like those at factory who take bribes and let people who were in a K-Hole back into a party. YOu notice that Vinyl is not under half or even a tenth of the stress that Factory is of getting closed down.

Why... Because the the more strict bouncers at one that are not at the other.... I am sure Vinyl does not want little kids running around there club... :idea:

And I am sure there are more reasons for you or your boy getting kicked out. Secondly your boy will think twice next time he leaves his ID somewhere and pay a bouncer $100.

That's right, baby! :kiss2:

Everyone just have fun and be responsible! I know some of us may have been FUBAR at some point in our lives LOL, but it's simply not a good look.

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Originally posted by tastyt

I think it's somewhere in Jersey- Danny Tegliano is the resident on Friday nigths.

Vinyl isn't in Jersey ... It's now called Arc and is in downtown Manhattan on Hubert Street. Like a block away from the Holland Tunnel.

I doubt anyone in Vinyl would have let you guys stay and party in the club after he found drugs on you and HE WOULD NEVER GIVE EM BACK.

I went on Saturday night and this kid merely dropped a pill on the floor and the bouncers saw him, the bouncers didn't even find the pill just suspected that he had drugs and threw him out. So your story sounds hard to swallow.

It's a pretty cool club but theres no alcohol which is whack and the crowd is so young and grungy looking. Music is good though

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Originally posted by jjkitten

Originally posted by tastyt

I think it's somewhere in Jersey- Danny Tegliano is the resident on Friday nigths.

Vinyl isn't in Jersey ... It's now called Arc and is in downtown Manhattan on Hubert Street. Like a block away from the Holland Tunnel.

I doubt anyone in Vinyl would have let you guys stay and party in the club after he found drugs on you and HE WOULD NEVER GIVE EM BACK.

I went on Saturday night and this kid merely dropped a pill on the floor and the bouncers saw him, the bouncers didn't even find the pill just suspected that he had drugs and threw him out. So your story sounds hard to swallow.

It's a pretty cool club but theres no alcohol which is whack and the crowd is so young and grungy looking. Music is good though

Hun... Tasty was being sarcastic... Hence Tenagliano... ;)

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