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Favorite BEER?

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when i used to like beer:




st. pauli girl


dos equis



shitty beer:

most local brewed shit= michelob, coors, bud, budweiser, shit all of them.....

carslberg used to be good, now it sucks....

these 40's in the stores....OE, mickey's........all suck...:blown:

but instead of drinking beer, drink the ultimate drink: vodka....or wine...... :D

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I once felt the same way, and was convinced that I would never enjoy the actual taste of beer. Even years into my drinking career, I was convinced that I drank only to get drunk, and not to enjoy the taste of beer.

However, as of the past three years, I've started to appreciate the flavor of certain beers. I don't quite know how it happened, but I started enjoying other aspects of drinking, such as the taste and sharpness of a beer as it gently flows down. Eventually, I started sipping rather than chugging, and I started realizing that beer drinking in itself is a true pleasure that not everyone gets to enjoy.

It's a rare treat, and should be enjoyed in the most gentlemanly ( or gentlewomanly) of ways.

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I always switch up my beers. It depends on where I am and what I'm in the mood for.

I like:

Molson Ice





Why can't you drink the water in Mexico, but everyone drinks Coronas? :confused:

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Originally posted by DarrellG

Why can't you drink the water in Mexico, but everyone drinks Coronas? :confused:

Because the brewing process kills what ever enzymes or parcites that maybe in the water. The majority of the corona brewing takes place in texas not mexico, the ingredients are grown in mexico so that is how it get's the "Product of Mexico" tag!

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Originally posted by housedog

Heineken :aright:

Anyone who like Guniess, have you ever did a car bomb?

werd... best shot in the fuckin world

For me:

Yuengling Lager

Guiness (Murphy's & Yuengling Porter close to the same)

New Castle



Almost any German Hefeweizen I've tried

Whoever said Fat Tire - I was just out in Boulder & tried it for the first time... def the best local beer out there

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