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Office Pranks - help


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Ok everyone, I need your help...

I need to get a little revenge on someone @ work. What are some good office pranks??? (that dont go too far ;))

The only prank i pulled on him --> Broke into his office and taped EVERYTHING in his office to something else...i mean everything. We basically spiderwebbed his entire office. Even papers were taped to the furniture so he would have to take very careful care when peeling it back. It took him forever to get rid of all the tape. This was again, in retaliation for something he did :)

P.S. This is in good fun, I actually get along with this guy, so no malice involved here :tongue:

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here's a good one, take a screenshot of someones computer by hitting the print screen button. then go to Start-Program-Accessories-MsPaint, or Paint and paste the image into that program. Save the picture as a .jpg file and set it as the wallpaper. Then Right click on your desktop- arrange icons, and unclick show desktop items. Walaaa no you have a perfect wallpaper that has the icons of the desktop and no real icons cause you disabled them. I guess by the time the person figures out what went wrong he's program rebooted the system like 90 times thinking it was stuck :D

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Originally posted by rdancer

here's a good one, take a screenshot of someones computer by hitting the print screen button. then go to Start-Program-Accessories-MsPaint, or Paint and paste the image into that program. Save the picture as a .jpg file and set it as the wallpaper. Then Right click on your desktop- arrange icons, and unclick show desktop items. Walaaa no you have a perfect wallpaper that has the icons of the desktop and no real icons cause you disabled them. I guess by the time the person figures out what went wrong he's program rebooted the system like 90 times thinking it was stuck :D

i think i may have to do that to my mom cuz she pulls pranks on me all the time....

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Originally posted by rdancer

here's a good one, take a screenshot of someones computer by hitting the print screen button. then go to Start-Program-Accessories-MsPaint, or Paint and paste the image into that program. Save the picture as a .jpg file and set it as the wallpaper. Then Right click on your desktop- arrange icons, and unclick show desktop items. Walaaa no you have a perfect wallpaper that has the icons of the desktop and no real icons cause you disabled them. I guess by the time the person figures out what went wrong he's program rebooted the system like 90 times thinking it was stuck :D

ive seen that one done before...very funny ish :laugh:

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Originally posted by iamme

Ok everyone, I need your help...

I need to get a little revenge on someone @ work. What are some good office pranks??? (that dont go too far ;))

The only prank i pulled on him --> Broke into his office and taped EVERYTHING in his office to something else...i mean everything. We basically spiderwebbed his entire office. Even papers were taped to the furniture so he would have to take very careful care when peeling it back. It took him forever to get rid of all the tape. This was again, in retaliation for something he did :)

P.S. This is in good fun, I actually get along with this guy, so no malice involved here :tongue:

vaseline on the headset??? call their line

confettie in their umbrella, so when they open it up when they go outside poof confetti...

put shrimps or tuna in the drop ceiling above their desk... lmao theyll look for days for the smell...

a put a gay ad on a online personal, and their ext.

page them on the PA asking them to wash their feet...

lol i could think of tons...

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Originally posted by rdancer

here's a good one, take a screenshot of someones computer by hitting the print screen button. then go to Start-Program-Accessories-MsPaint, or Paint and paste the image into that program. Save the picture as a .jpg file and set it as the wallpaper. Then Right click on your desktop- arrange icons, and unclick show desktop items. Walaaa no you have a perfect wallpaper that has the icons of the desktop and no real icons cause you disabled them. I guess by the time the person figures out what went wrong he's program rebooted the system like 90 times thinking it was stuck :D

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by dgmodel

put shrimps or tuna in the drop ceiling above their desk... lmao theyll look for days for the smell...

:mad: That's why i posted this thread...I got da TUNA!!!! Bastards....

Shit was here for nearly a month, then one day, BAM stankey ass tuna smell :blown:

(always a great prank though) :half:

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order some gay or child porn to his office then have it mistakenly opened so everyone can see it and hell get in trouble. that or put lsd in his coffee so he starts trippin at work and hell be actin mad weird and wont know it. if hes gotta fax machine tape papers together in a loop so that the fax keeps loopin and send the fax, it will go on forever and all hell get is mad papers everywhere that are blank hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahaha

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if he/she has her own office you can do this trick... at night when everything is locked up take a blow drier and 4 bottles of baby powder... plug the blow drier in and start spilling the baby powder under the door jam and use the drier to blow it into the room continue till you use up all 4 bottles the next day he/she will come in and everything in the room will have a white glaze and he will be stomped as to how the perpetrator got into his office with the lock intact :)

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Originally posted by rdancer

here's a good one, take a screenshot of someones computer by hitting the print screen button. then go to Start-Program-Accessories-MsPaint, or Paint and paste the image into that program. Save the picture as a .jpg file and set it as the wallpaper. Then Right click on your desktop- arrange icons, and unclick show desktop items. Walaaa no you have a perfect wallpaper that has the icons of the desktop and no real icons cause you disabled them. I guess by the time the person figures out what went wrong he's program rebooted the system like 90 times thinking it was stuck :D

can u do that in windows 2000 or only XP ?

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take him for a drive in your car and tell him you have like an ounce of blow, half pound of weed, and like 35 pills in your car.............or basically any drug or amount of it that would get in deep fukin trouble for

then have one of your friends with another car(preferably someone he doesnt know and wouldnt recgonize their car)follow you for a few blocks

dont say anything at first but look a little nervous, tighten up, and keep looking in the rearview mirror. when he finally asks whats the matter, and if he doesnt, say that you think there is an undercoer cop following behind you

now tell the person in the car behind you to flash their headlights at a certain location. then its time for you to be like...oh shit, it IS the cops, they want me to pull over. then throw a big plastic bag at him and tell him to hide it under his seat. this is supposed to be the bag with the drugs in it.

so now you are pulled over, and the other car is behind you. now tell your friend in the other car to stay behind you for about a minute n a half so you have time to tell your friend to stash the drugs(ON or NEAR *HIM* though)

then after that minute and a half..have your friend in the other car behind you slowlyy pull up next to you. when the car is almost pulled up next to you....be like "FUCK THIS I AINT GETTIN CAUGHT BY NO COPS!" and pull away! now your friend will think you're on the run from the Police with this huge amount of drugs also. have your friend with the car follow you a few blocks. then you turn down a street and the friend with the car stops following you and you can say "thank god, we got away!"

your friend will probally have shit his pants from you handing him all those drugs then getting into a chase with the police

then you can finally tell him it was all a joke an laugh at him for being such a pussy

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Originally posted by ladyshady

take him for a drive in your car and tell him you have like an ounce of blow, half pound of weed, and like 35 pills in your car.............or basically any drug or amount of it that would get in deep fukin trouble for

then have one of your friends with another car(preferably someone he doesnt know and wouldnt recgonize their car)follow you for a few blocks

dont say anything at first but look a little nervous, tighten up, and keep looking in the rearview mirror. when he finally asks whats the matter, and if he doesnt, say that you think there is an undercoer cop following behind you

now tell the person in the car behind you to flash their headlights at a certain location. then its time for you to be like...oh shit, it IS the cops, they want me to pull over. then throw a big plastic bag at him and tell him to hide it under his seat. this is supposed to be the bag with the drugs in it.

so now you are pulled over, and the other car is behind you. now tell your friend in the other car to stay behind you for about a minute n a half so you have time to tell your friend to stash the drugs(ON or NEAR *HIM* though)

then after that minute and a half..have your friend in the other car behind you slowlyy pull up next to you. when the car is almost pulled up next to you....be like "FUCK THIS I AINT GETTIN CAUGHT BY NO COPS!" and pull away! now your friend will think you're on the run from the Police with this huge amount of drugs also. have your friend with the car follow you a few blocks. then you turn down a street and the friend with the car stops following you and you can say "thank god, we got away!"

your friend will probally have shit his pants from you handing him all those drugs then getting into a chase with the police

then you can finally tell him it was all a joke an laugh at him for being such a pussy

This isn't an office prank, this sounds like an elite production set. :laugh:

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Originally posted by ladyshady

take him for a drive in your car and tell him you have like an ounce of blow, half pound of weed, and like 35 pills in your car.............or basically any drug or amount of it that would get in deep fukin trouble for

then have one of your friends with another car(preferably someone he doesnt know and wouldnt recgonize their car)follow you for a few blocks

dont say anything at first but look a little nervous, tighten up, and keep looking in the rearview mirror. when he finally asks whats the matter, and if he doesnt, say that you think there is an undercoer cop following behind you

now tell the person in the car behind you to flash their headlights at a certain location. then its time for you to be like...oh shit, it IS the cops, they want me to pull over. then throw a big plastic bag at him and tell him to hide it under his seat. this is supposed to be the bag with the drugs in it.

so now you are pulled over, and the other car is behind you. now tell your friend in the other car to stay behind you for about a minute n a half so you have time to tell your friend to stash the drugs(ON or NEAR *HIM* though)

then after that minute and a half..have your friend in the other car behind you slowlyy pull up next to you. when the car is almost pulled up next to you....be like "FUCK THIS I AINT GETTIN CAUGHT BY NO COPS!" and pull away! now your friend will think you're on the run from the Police with this huge amount of drugs also. have your friend with the car follow you a few blocks. then you turn down a street and the friend with the car stops following you and you can say "thank god, we got away!"

your friend will probally have shit his pants from you handing him all those drugs then getting into a chase with the police

then you can finally tell him it was all a joke an laugh at him for being such a pussy

:laugh: that would be crucial.....i like the way you think :aright:....hate to piss you off though:shake: :laugh:

Have you ever actually done something this envolved?? :shaky:

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