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Friends with benefits.........


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.....ok I have a question, I have a guy friend that Ive known for about 8 monthsand at first we were friends and every now and then hooked up, but then for the past 2 months we've been having sex, and its wierd cause this is the first time there;s no like actual "feelings", like its just sex, and we hang out alot and we're best friends, I dunno I don't know how to describe it its a wierd situation. Like he's good looking but just not my type. The one thing im worried about is that when me or him find someone we wanna actually date and be commited to, will that change our friendship?

anyone else ever have this problem or has some advice?



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Originally posted by i3itch

Shouldn't change your friendship...

And if it does, it means one of you grew feelings for the other ;)

I agree with her...I've been in this situation before and it didn't change our friendship since we are still best friends...

...but sometimes when we are with other people, you can sometimes sense a little bit of jealousy from the other...

I guess it depends on how close you two are and what feelings you both have for eachother.

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i love all my friends with benefits...

i'm just not in love with them...

its an understanding that should be made up front...

---if you do find someone...

don't try to hide it...

just discuss it like the friends that you are...

if you are that close he will understand...

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  • 1 month later...

i didnt know this was even posted.....it is possible to have a friend with benefits.....you just make sure you never develop any feelings.....be open with each other...and make sure it is "just sex" and not "falling in love"....it depends i guess on how you originally felt about the person and your own past relationships....

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Originally posted by nybeauty

i've been in this situation before also and for some reason the guy always gets emotional after awhile, one thing is for sure that if u end the relationship u have w/ him and won't ever be the same, unfortunately

the guy gets emotions...i would think it would be the girl....i think i agree...the benefits unfortunately, may add more than just a friendship...sad but true...but only time can tell i guess

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Originally posted by podes881

the guy gets emotions...i would think it would be the girl....i think i agree...the benefits unfortunately, may add more than just a friendship...sad but true...but only time can tell i guess

i know it's weird but i dont get emotional when i know it's just a sexual thing, its a mistake i wont ever do again, i prefer to keep my best friend which sadly i couldnt because he wanted to be w/ me and i didnt feel the same way
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i hate girls like you..if im fucking a girl(unless it was just some slut one nighter, but i would never talk to a girl i fucked the first night again. no respect for sluts like that)...its for a reason and she better not be fucking anyone else

once you fuck someone..there no longer your friend, but something more...(usually this begins a sexual relationship, or some form of tension because of mis matched feeelings) and theres no turning back(at least until some amount of time has gone by).... boys and girls cant be freinds...unless one of them is gay..thats just human nature... every single male is only freinds with good looking girls for one reason...BECAUSE THEY WANT TO FUCK THE GIRLS ! thats right.. and if you think thats bullshit, your not in touch with reality...

now im a guy and i know how guys brains work...but women..shit, i dont know much about them...i do know that they are irrational and do illogical shit alot more then men...

but to answer your question.. the guy probably thinks your his girl because..YOUR FUCKING HIM ALL THE TIME ! so by you going out and getting a new cock, you will probably break the poor kids heart and make him crazy

and the moral of the story is:

dont fuck your freinds

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wow nynyny.....very well said---i have to agree that it is bullshit when a str8 guy and str8 girl are "just friends" there is ALWAYS attraction on 1 side or the other..even if they dont admit it....now im talking about peeps who spend a shitload of time with their "friend" not just casual aquaintences (sp).....SOMEONE is feeling more than just "freindship"......

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i dont know....i had a girl spend the whole summer at my apartment, and it has stayed friends with benefits (yes, we are both straight, well me straight, her bi)...whatever....we both know it will come to an end eventually and we decided just to deal with it then...I DO NORMALLY AGREE STRAIGHT GUYS AND GIRLS CANT BE 'JUST FRIENDS'......

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Originally posted by sobeton

once you hook up, it's no longer a friendship. there are going to be emotions that develop. as much the emotions may seem suppressed, they are there always lingering in the background.

an intelligent comment from a human being- whew

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tasty--good point but i wasnt talking about just fucking that person---i was talking about the attraction that one or the other feels......its not the same with guy/guy or girl/girl friendships.....in most cases someone always feels more than just freindship.....btw tasty..u have awesome vocab skills and a very eloquent way of saying things:)

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Originally posted by houze-kitty

tasty--good point but i wasnt talking about just fucking that person---i was talking about the attraction that one or the other feels......its not the same with guy/guy or girl/girl friendships.....in most cases someone always feels more than just freindship.....btw tasty..u have awesome vocab skills and a very eloquent way of saying things:)

Oh, I wouldn't deny that there's often (usually?) an attraction on one end or the other... just that in *most* situations it's something that can be dealt with, and doesn't pose a major threat to the friendship.

...and thanks... :)

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