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its the parents


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allright you fuckers...relax.....what about the old days wehn fathers would be happy to see their daughters get married at 13 years old? think about that...because thats how things used to be.... people in this freakin city think they have an image to uphold... fuck that... age doesnt mean shit... you cant tell someones age by looking at them, when your attracted to someone and you get along with them really well... whatr u gonna do when u ask them how old they are and they say 16.. and your 22? not talk to them? why not? you dont want to look like an asshole in front of your freinds? wel guess what... your friends wont be there in 20 years ..but your gf/bf might be

its one thing to be player and a scumbag...and use little girls for blowjobs and shit because its easy..hehe....

but thats not mys ituation i never disrespected my gf or used her in any way.....and i dont want to control her... she is her own person she can make her own dicisishunz.fuck spellin..


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Originally posted by nynyny

allright you fuckers...relax.....what about the old days wehn fathers would be happy to see their daughters get married at 13 years old? think about that...because thats how things used to be.... people in this freakin city think they have an image to uphold... fuck that... age doesnt mean shit... you cant tell someones age by looking at them, when your attracted to someone and you get along with them really well... whatr u gonna do when u ask them how old they are and they say 16.. and your 22? not talk to them? why not? you dont want to look like an asshole in front of your freinds? wel guess what... your friends wont be there in 20 years ..but your gf/bf might be

its one thing to be player and a scumbag...and use little girls for blowjobs and shit because its easy..hehe....

but thats not mys ituation i never disrespected my gf or used her in any way.....and i dont want to control her... she is her own person she can make her own dicisishunz.fuck spellin..


You really are a fuckin moron...

I love the part where you say your friends won't be there in 20 years. 2 of my closest friends I have known since I am 7. Calculations in mind I have been friends with them for 18 years. And we will probably friends for the rest of our lives...

22 dating a 16 year old = 20 + years in Jail

Ever stop and think it has nothing to do with image. And alot to do with the Law.

Besides the fact. Yeah you may be attracted and sometimes you have no clue of there age. But you can tell 99% of the time as soon as you have a conversation with them...

22yr old guy " So what did you do today?"

16yr girl " We played soccer in Gym today...What about you "

22yr guy " Well we have finally laid out the final plans for this new project we have been working on for months in the office... Etc... etc..."

I am not saying this will always happen. But chances are there is nothing to talk about between the 2.

One has experienced a little more in life at 22 than one has experienced at 16...

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Originally posted by elementx

22 dating a 16 year old = 20 + years in Jail

dating a 16 year old will not land you in jail..but having sex with them will..big difference

i agree with the rest of what your saying...it may be very true in most instances. but regarding my relationship..im glad it doesnt hold true for us. i have a lot in common with my boyfriend and we have great conversations :D

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Originally posted by ladyshady

dating a 16 year old will not land you in jail..but having sex with them will..big difference

i agree with the rest of what your saying...it may be very true in most instances. but regarding my relationship..im glad it doesnt hold true for us. i have a lot in common with my boyfriend and we have great conversations :D

if ur able to get along with the girl or boy then thats cool...im almost 24 and my girl is 19 ..so i understand the whole age doenst matter part...but to me under 18 is just wrong....it just seems dirty...

and the vomit before ...was becouse he said give me that young pussy!! not cuz of the ages

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idk...It all depends on the 2 people.....The guy I lost my virginity to was 20 & I was 16......Some may think it's gross or whatever...But me & him had a very strong connection...We were together on & off for a long time & to this day we speak on a pretty frequent basis (we are still great friends)....My parents knew about him when I was actually dating him & they didn't see anything wrong w/ it due to the fact he was an EXTREMELY respectable guy towards me & everyone else....

It's kinda funny b/c when we talk about it now it's like me & him grew up together.....We look @ ourselves back then & now & beleive it or not we learned A LOT from each other despite the age difference.......For some people...Age isn't even a factor...but for others it is....

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I knew a girl that was 13 who went out with a 19 year old, same girl when she was 14 year old dated a 22 year old and one of my closest friends was going to be 27 when he started dating a 16 year old girl. I recently dated a girl 8 years younger than me. Point is, the law is made for the overall probablity of cases but it truly is a case by case scenario, just like the DWI laws. The law is made for most people but there are some people that can drive fine even if above the limit.

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my ex was 25 and i was 17, we're good friends now.. but there were a lot of things i wish didn't happened, and I was definitly not mentally prepared at all even though i was already in college and living on my own. He would control me since he was older and more "mature". Definitly taught me lots of lessons. My parents didn't like it, they still don't like him to this day. But there wasn't much they could do since i wasn't living with them.

I don't agree with young people (13-17) dating anyone much older than them, past 20.... but there are certain situations where things strangely work out...

i think good (correct) education about male and female sexuality as well as STDs and control methods is very important. Especially those awfully graphic tapes of a woman giving birth that they show in high school works pretty well i think, made me not want to have children for a really long time. :)

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Originally posted by rfkfreak

I knew a girl that was 13 who went out with a 19 year old, same girl when she was 14 year old dated a 22 year old and one of my closest friends was going to be 27 when he started dating a 16 year old girl. I recently dated a girl 8 years younger than me. Point is, the law is made for the overall probablity of cases but it truly is a case by case scenario, just like the DWI laws. The law is made for most people but there are some people that can drive fine even if above the limit.

19 dating 13... WRONG

22 dating a 14 year old... That is fucking nasty... And the person must have major mental issues...

27 Dating a 16 year old is just as bad... What is the fucking deal people... Can't these people find anyone within a normal limit of their age. I mean as you get older ok. 30 is ok to date a 22 year old... But a person has matured a great deal by 22 so dating the 30yr old is not bad at all...


I don't know. Maybe because I am 25 and my oldest nephew is 12 and I have more of a adult / child relationship that I think this way. But I cannot see a 19 year old dating a person that is only a year or 2 older than my nephew... SICK. SICK. SICK....

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I don't think that the relationship is one that is sick or wrong, especially if the older guy isn't setting out to take advantage of the younger girl.

However, there is usually quite a bit of psychological difference between the two age groups, and I don't really know how the older individual could really relate to alot of the shit that the 15 year old has to worry about. Also, the younger girl is still growing, psychologically, and will eventually mature into a woman who wants to do different things and perhaps see different people. As the girl starts to hit her late teens, she will be exposed to alot of shit, and her experiences may not necessarily permit the presence of the older guy.

I've noticed that, in relationships where an older guy is dating a younger girl, the older guy usually just winds up being a burden on the younger girl at some point. This is not always the case, but it does happen quite a bit. The younger girl could wind up being a burden on the older guy as well, especially if he's in the process of trying to get his life together.

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

I don't think that the relationship is one that is sick or wrong, especially if the older guy isn't setting out to take advantage of the younger girl.

However, there is usually quite a bit of psychological difference between the two age groups, and I don't really know how the older individual could really relate to alot of the shit that the 15 year old has to worry about. Also, the younger girl is still growing, psychologically, and will eventually mature into a woman who wants to do different things and perhaps see different people. As the girl starts to hit her late teens, she will be exposed to alot of shit, and her experiences may not necessarily permit the presence of the older guy.

I've noticed that, in relationships where an older guy is dating a younger girl, the older guy usually just winds up being a burden on the younger girl at some point. This is not always the case, but it does happen quite a bit. The younger girl could wind up being a burden on the older guy as well, especially if he's in the process of trying to get his life together.

Well Said :aright:

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

I don't think that the relationship is one that is sick or wrong, especially if the older guy isn't setting out to take advantage of the younger girl.

However, there is usually quite a bit of psychological difference between the two age groups, and I don't really know how the older individual could really relate to alot of the shit that the 15 year old has to worry about. Also, the younger girl is still growing, psychologically, and will eventually mature into a woman who wants to do different things and perhaps see different people. As the girl starts to hit her late teens, she will be exposed to alot of shit, and her experiences may not necessarily permit the presence of the older guy.

I've noticed that, in relationships where an older guy is dating a younger girl, the older guy usually just winds up being a burden on the younger girl at some point. This is not always the case, but it does happen quite a bit. The younger girl could wind up being a burden on the older guy as well, especially if he's in the process of trying to get his life together.

i will agree with on the part where the girl will grow and will want to date other people.......when i was 14 i was with an 18 yr guy and we were together for 3.5 years....we got along great had long conversations he never took advantage of me blah blah blah but around 17 i started thinking that i havent dated enough people that even though i've had guys before him he was my first serious relationship and i wanted to see what else was out there........while i dont regret going out with him and im stil friends with him i dont think relationships with big age differences work out well in most cases........my 2 cents!

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Originally posted by sexxyme

Yea I guess. I mean in allll honesty...when I hear that my younger cousin is going out with an older guy, I get all protective and start bitching about it, but than i realize that I did the same thing, and hey...it lasted for 4 years, so it couldn't have been THAT bad..right? ;)

thats what happened w me too, but i was 16, not much of a diff though
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