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NYU Suicides

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y'know its hard to have sympathy for people who kill themselves because life sux, nobody here is fucking alone, and we all live thru shit. when shit happens well fucking learn from it and move the fuck on, get fucking help theres no excuses and no exceptions. especially fuck heads who have everything to live for then throw it out cuza some stupid fucking bullshit.

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I'm not sure whether the NYU students who committed suicide did so out of academic frustration, but I do know a couple of students who, despite their confident dipositions, are very deeply affected by their performance in school. I guess many students are affected by their academic performance on some level; I mean, I've never really met anyone who didn't give a fuck whether they passed or not. For some, however, it's just a very overcoming thing that stresses the shit out of them.

I went to Hofstra for undergrad (hardly an ivy-league / top tier school), and I knew a girl who wound up committing suicide a year after I graduated. She was the daughter of a fairly prominent NY real estate attorney, and on the few occasions that we met, she seemed very focussed on and confident in what she was achieving. However, after finding out that she'd have to stay back a semester in order to finish some classes, she wrote her parents a note, went into her garage, started the car, and inhaled carbon monoxide until she was dead.

School gets me down sometimes, and although I've never contemplated suicide, I could definitely understand how fucking up or not being able to graduate could seem like the end of the world to some, especially in an economy where people are moving on with their lives and making great money at a younger age. I guess sometimes they forget that their entire lives are ahead of them, and that, despite how stressful college may seem, it's really just the tip of the ice-berg. It's hard to see the bigger picture when all the shit around you seems so overbearing. I give alot of credit to students who can perform well under heavy academic stress and still remain focussed on their ultimate goal. I know that when I'm fucking up during the semester, I feel like there's no point to anything.

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y'know its hard to have sympathy for people who kill themselves because life sux, nobody here is fucking alone, and we all live thru shit. when shit happens well fucking learn from it and move the fuck on, get fucking help theres no excuses and no exceptions. especially fuck heads who have everything to live for then throw it out cuza some stupid fucking bullshit.

i dont think suicide is the answer, ur right on that. but neither u nor i can ever really know why these kids did what they did. so instead of saying, "well i dont feel sorry for them bc everyone goes thru hard shit" maybe u can just be happy to know that ur brave enough to survive all the bullshit. we dont know if they had everything to live for, or anyone who commits suicide for that matter. its obviously a touchy subject... im just saying it sucks. period. and theres no reason to bash on anyone regarding death ya know.

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

I'm not sure whether the NYU students who committed suicide did so out of academic frustration, but I do know a couple of students who, despite their confident dipositions, are very deeply affected by their performance in school. I guess many students are affected by their academic performance on some level; I mean, I've never really met anyone who didn't give a fuck whether they passed or not. For some, however, it's just a very overcoming thing that stresses the shit out of them.

I went to Hofstra for undergrad (hardly an ivy-league / top tier school), and I knew a girl who wound up committing suicide a year after I graduated. She was the daughter of a fairly prominent NY real estate attorney, and on the few occasions that we met, she seemed very focussed on and confident in what she was achieving. However, after finding out that she'd have to stay back a semester in order to finish some classes, she wrote her parents a note, went into her garage, started the car, and inhaled carbon monoxide until she was dead.

School gets me down sometimes, and although I've never contemplated suicide, I could definitely understand how fucking up or not being able to graduate could seem like the end of the world to some, especially in an economy where people are moving on with their lives and making great money at a younger age. I guess sometimes they forget that their entire lives are ahead of them, and that, despite how stressful college may seem, it's really just the tip of the ice-berg. It's hard to see the bigger picture when all the shit around you seems so overbearing. I give alot of credit to students who can perform well under heavy academic stress and still remain focussed on their ultimate goal. I know that when I'm fucking up during the semester, I feel like there's no point to anything.

well said

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anyone who talks crap about ivy league schools gotta stop hating.

who knows why they did it.

just give their families your prayers.

p.s. - im not an ivy leaguer, in all honestly i think school is and was a waste of time... and yes i am a graduate.

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Some people buy into this notion, this propaganda that school-a college degree is the only thng that would make you be successful in life....Society including parents, teachers, school officials, etc. help to promote this idea....and it ties into institutional competition prestige, financial gain, etc....

This could be a reason why students feel trapped because they limit their options because of this sort of brainwashed mentality...

It's tragic!!!

Having and open mind, being more knowledgeable about your options in life, and reading books like "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" could be helpful....;)

and yes, NYU is too expensive!!! I took classes there b4:rolleyes:

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I went to NYU. Yes it is overpriced, but they gave me a crapload of scholarship money to go there. I was in the applied psych. program there. One day a classmate asked an instructor what the difference is between psychology and psychiatry. Mind you, she was a psychology major. That gives you an idea of the morons I was working with. One semester later I transferred out. Am I saying I am better that some people? Yes, of course I am. But some people, not all. I'm not going to speak for the entire student population of NYU, but from my experience, I met one too many idiots.

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I know this sounds typical but if they killed themselves out of academic frustration, I blame the parents.

Too often do you see parents pushing their kids too far. They force their kids to study and get good grades with intimidation. Not everyone is going to get A's in every class, everyone is not equally intelligent or good at school (two seperate skills, in my opinion.)

I was lucky that my parents understood that kids shouldn't be forced into anything but rather allowed to develop and learn on their own. A little encouragment or support is essential though.

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fouroneone- What's with your pretentious comments about NYU, coming from someone who went to Brown??? At least NYU doesn't have grade inflation like places such as Brown or Harvard....and "tacky?" We do NOT pay 42 grand a year to simply get a degree, we work our asses off...hence people feeling the needs to kill themselves because they are so depressed and pressured. I'm not saying that I even like going to NYU, it's a weird crowd of students, but you're comments are completely off and u shouldn't be saying shit like that and talking about the suicides.

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Originally posted by funkyfreshdc

the econ profs at my school (GW) don't speak english :mad:

That's true man, I went there for undergrad and the econ dept was wacky... Yezer still there?

On the college and value question, no school is worth $32,000. All you are paying for is buildings that are already built and some professor's opinion. I wouldn't mind owning a college myself!

But community college is a blessing, I saved $60,000 at Nassau Comm, and it was the best $ I ever spent. Now I'm throwing $100,000 in loans down for a M.A. from Columbia, and I am going to owe more than the value of my parents' house when I get out.

I might jump out a window myself :-)

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and I'm sorry but to all the knocks on Ivy league being this and that, having experienced several levels of schools from the bottom to a middle to Ivy, I will say that it is not even the school that makes such a big difference, it is the level of your peers. Every day I am humbled by the ideas of the people I study with and frequently I learn just as much over drinks w/ them as I do in the library. That is the real benefit.

But I am sure that NYU is the same situation, whoever says NYU is not a top notch school is mis-informed. Especially Stern--what about Bud Fox?

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I'm not sure where any one person gets the right to determine what any school (any THING for that matter) is to EVERYONE --- didn't we learn in kindergarten that everyone is different and that's a GOOD thing?

Talk to a group of people from ANY school-company-club-organized anything - and you'll get 100 different opinions....and each are valid, and 'right' for that person, and can't be argued. Sure we can all contemplate things like value - but again it's different for every person... I think a $1000 purse is insane, but I have a friend who worked her ass off and bought one she'd been dying for forever, and it means so much to her (both the item, and her EARNING it)....That makes her as happy as a trip I might take for that same $1000 she thinks is a WASTE. Point being , value is determined by us as individuals, who we are, what we've been through/love/work for/care about and what makes us :)

I was a clubkid at 15, diagnosed w/ ADD, almost dropped out of HS, barely passed Junior year, was at Tunnel and Limelight 4 times a week etc etc......Parents almost gave up on me....

One day I took a trip to NYU ......I fell in love with it, the city ,the area, the bustle, the writing/communications program my mom took me to learn about........ EVERYTHING....... from that day on I worked my ASS off...graduated HS EARLY - went to Manahattanville college....got 12 college credits to help my weak HS record....applied to NYU - got rejected- went to Syracuse for a year... got 4.0's my freshman year at Syracuse and GOT IN for my Sophmore year.

The first concrete success for me was NYU, after 3 applications, 2 other colleges, and more concentration and determination than I'd ever had in my LIFE. It all stemmed from my trip to NYU And the goal that it gave me. EVERYONE has something that pushes them to do good, that in itself is 'priceless' - furthest thing from 'overpriced and tacky' IMO......:) I FULLY understand that many others at NYU hate/hated it, wasted their time there, but to ME and my experience, it meant a lot. My story can happen at ANY school, at any level, but if it DOES happen at someplace like NYU, it's just as valid - it shouldn't be discredited b/c it's expensive etc.....

I graduated with a Bachelors from NYU a few years ago, and to this day I look at my diploma every day and feel so proud... It's been my biggest achievement and worth every penny to me.

Who is anyone to tell me (or anyone else w/ a similar story) that NYU is OVERPRICED AND TACKY? I may not agree w/ the $ and things people do/spend but I respect their right to do it and enjoy it ....Even CALLING NYU that is tacky IMO :) Respect people's right to enjoy what they enjoy and concentrate on finding something like that for yourself!

Today that NYU degree has helped in so many ways, some more genuine than others (as with everything) but has been such a base for me to progress from.......And a lot of people I know feel the same way, some worked every night to pay for it, some had every cent paid for them, some owe a shitload....but the feeling of accomplishment and education to many exists regardless of the $ aspect.........In the same respect, talking down to a C.College is just as wrong - not everyone can get to /afford a higher ranked school, and true some idiots graduate from Harvard and brilliant ppl graduate from CC's or dont graduate at all .....its not WHERE you go, its HOW you go through it.....and what you get FROM it........if you're a complete asshole, the word HARVARD on your resume can't hide that from a potential boss, or a partner etc.... and if you're brilliant and hardworking/talented, a CC won't hide that either....

Sorry to ramble on but had to offer my 16 cents :)

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Originally posted by MissDiva

I'm not sure where any one person gets the right to determine what any school (any THING for that matter) is to EVERYONE --- didn't we learn in kindergarten that everyone is different and that's a GOOD thing?

Talk to a group of people from ANY school-company-club-organized anything - and you'll get 100 different opinions....and each are valid, and 'right' for that person, and can't be argued. Sure we can all contemplate things like value - but again it's different for every person... I think a $1000 purse is insane, but I have a friend who worked her ass off and bought one she'd been dying for forever, and it means so much to her (both the item, and her EARNING it)....That makes her as happy as a trip I might take for that same $1000 she thinks is a WASTE. Point being , value is determined by us as individuals, who we are, what we've been through/love/work for/care about and what makes us :)

I was a clubkid at 15, diagnosed w/ ADD, almost dropped out of HS, barely passed Junior year, was at Tunnel and Limelight 4 times a week etc etc......Parents almost gave up on me....

One day I took a trip to NYU ......I fell in love with it, the city ,the area, the bustle, the writing/communications program my mom took me to learn about........ EVERYTHING....... from that day on I worked my ASS off...graduated HS EARLY - went to Manahattanville college....got 12 college credits to help my weak HS record....applied to NYU - got rejected- went to Syracuse for a year... got 4.0's my freshman year at Syracuse and GOT IN for my Sophmore year.

The first concrete success for me was NYU, after 3 applications, 2 other colleges, and more concentration and determination than I'd ever had in my LIFE. It all stemmed from my trip to NYU And the goal that it gave me. EVERYONE has something that pushes them to do good, that in itself is 'priceless' - furthest thing from 'overpriced and tacky' IMO......:) I FULLY understand that many others at NYU hate/hated it, wasted their time there, but to ME and my experience, it meant a lot. My story can happen at ANY school, at any level, but if it DOES happen at someplace like NYU, it's just as valid - it shouldn't be discredited b/c it's expensive etc.....

I graduated with a Bachelors from NYU a few years ago, and to this day I look at my diploma every day and feel so proud... It's been my biggest achievement and worth every penny to me.

Who is anyone to tell me (or anyone else w/ a similar story) that NYU is OVERPRICED AND TACKY? I may not agree w/ the $ and things people do/spend but I respect their right to do it and enjoy it ....Even CALLING NYU that is tacky IMO :) Respect people's right to enjoy what they enjoy and concentrate on finding something like that for yourself!

Today that NYU degree has helped in so many ways, some more genuine than others (as with everything) but has been such a base for me to progress from.......And a lot of people I know feel the same way, some worked every night to pay for it, some had every cent paid for them, some owe a shitload....but the feeling of accomplishment and education to many exists regardless of the $ aspect.........In the same respect, talking down to a C.College is just as wrong - not everyone can get to /afford a higher ranked school, and true some idiots graduate from Harvard and brilliant ppl graduate from CC's or dont graduate at all .....its not WHERE you go, its HOW you go through it.....and what you get FROM it........if you're a complete asshole, the word HARVARD on your resume can't hide that from a potential boss, or a partner etc.... and if you're brilliant and hardworking/talented, a CC won't hide that either....

Sorry to ramble on but had to offer my 16 cents :)

:love: :love:

how's careernet treating ya? ;)

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Well - its great for a lot of reasons but bad for others - it's also VERY hard for a die hard NY'er (esp after living in Manhattan forever) to live here after all that - though the sad state of clubs in NY and the $$$$$$$$$ (plus the WINTER) are 3 reasons enough I'm glad to be here :) Plus that fact that I'm unexpectedly playing housewife haha.

It's really about timing - leaving NY for a year or so to take time away is the best thing a NY'er can do - just has to be the right time w/ the right goals (or ideas :) and the right person/people. Of course things always change once you leave - but its hard right when you move, esp if you're really social.......


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Originally posted by MissDiva

Well - its great for a lot of reasons but bad for others - it's also VERY hard for a die hard NY'er (esp after living in Manhattan forever) to live here after all that - though the sad state of clubs in NY and the $$$$$$$$$ (plus the WINTER) are 3 reasons enough I'm glad to be here :) Plus that fact that I'm unexpectedly playing housewife haha.

It's really about timing - leaving NY for a year or so to take time away is the best thing a NY'er can do - just has to be the right time w/ the right goals (or ideas :) and the right person/people. Of course things always change once you leave - but its hard right when you move, esp if you're really social.......


totally agreed... if only there were some good investment banks w/ offices down there i'd definitely spend a few years there... but for now the search continues for an apartment... $$$$ is right... i cant' find a nice 1 bedroom for less than $2200 a month....

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Originally posted by leener4269

ok, i admit it, i do go to nyu. and yeah, i am white. yeah im from putnam county. yes i went to a private high school. i know i am not unfortunate. i never was trying to act like im not lucky to be at nyu.

HOWEVER, my parents both have jobs. the only reason im at nyu is bc the school gave me a shitload of money bc i actually have a brain, plus i have loans to pay, plus money from ny state. i know ppl that go to community college can do shit with their life, but most dont. wcc is like extended high school. go to nyu, take the classes, then make fun of it. i never would have expected someone who went to brown to be so close-minded. i dont think im better than anyone else, in fact i have no idea what im gonna do with my degree. but aright, ill be honest, im going to nyu and im gonna graduate, and meanwhile I GET TO LIVE IN MANHATTAN, not in rhode island. haha, just had to add that...

all i wanted to say was... suicide is not funny, ok? and im definitely not proper. by any means. im just a kid, who doesnt like when ppl joke about death.

it really doesnt matter wehre you go to school, it matters what you do with your time there. if you study something specific where you know exactly what you want to do and intern, you will get a good job even if you went to WCC. beside it is more about who you know than what you know these days. it kinda sucks. i have lots of friends who didnt go to college and are making 1000s a day because they know people. i know people who have gone to ivy league schools and cant get their foot in the door. that is life.


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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

you should be able to get in most neighborhoods for that money

hell...you could buy something at that budget.

i guess you could try stuyvesant (sp?) town....i have always heard good things about that place.

well, ideally i'd like to keep it under $1600 or $1700...

stuyvesant town actually has all new apartments, but i'm not sure about that neighborhood... i'd really like to find a good place in gramercy park... either that or in the village around thompson and bleecker... hopefully something comes up soon... you living in the city now?

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