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Should I????


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Originally posted by kaydup

Kind of fucked up, what if it is not true. What if she is a slut and did something like this to him. What did he do to you to piss you off????

alot of things. he took it upon himself to expose me when i was the one having a secret affair! so now do you think i should return the favor?

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Originally posted by tranzwhore

alot of things. he took it upon himself to expose me when i was the one having a secret affair! so now do you think i should return the favor?

Oh, so he busted you when you were having an affair...hmm???

Sounds a bit hypecritical, don't it? That means you are no better than he is. You are saying he is a low down dirty dog when you are no differnet, cheating is cheating.

You admit to having cheated yourself so why do you care what this guys does? Telling his wife would be sinking to his level, be the better person.

He isn't cheating on you so unless his wife is your friend or someone close to you it may be a good idea to stay out of it.

Revenge can be a dangerous thing to fuck around with !


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Well, if you're guilty of the same thing, then your moral outrage is kind of suspect... but hey, if he's cheating on his wife, then he deserves whatever is coming to him.

Whatever you decide, be really careful, because payback IS a bitch and this guy could totally escalate this into an all out war...

Plus, there is an innocent bystander to think about here. Are you really doing the wife a favor? You're going to totally destroy the life of some random woman who you don't even KNOW, just to get your jollies...

It's a sticky situation. I personally would much rather condemn them to their own personal hells and be confident in the fact that sooner or later, the wife will figure it out, if she doens't already know.

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But also you have to think about your own ass. If this guy is willing to cheat on his wife with whores, who knows what depths he will sink to to extract his revenge from you. He's a man, you're a woman, just be careful...

And the wife is just an innocent third party. You may be doing her a favor, but you will definitely be destroying her world...

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Originally posted by tranzwhore

I still haven't decided what to do yet! He fucked me over some time ago and I just found out some really juicy info. about him.

I may even do it anonymosly!

i was involved in almost the same thing, i was bein hit on by someones bfriend, and he has a kid w her and i thought that she was cool w me, i told her and then she eneded up believing her scumbag boyfriend, i was shocked as hell, she said that he said i started the whole thing and she was like oh well u started the whole thing and believed every word the ass was saying, i was like WTF!?!?!?!?!? goes to show u what happens when u actually give a shit about someone and u try to help them, oh well, people are friggin stupid :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by nomembername

Tranzwhore...don't you have a boyfriend now?

yes, my affair has lasted 1o years and we're getting married next year. i guess i should just let it go since his big mouth ultimately lead to me & lex's being together. this dick will eventually get caught & get his & it still might be by me. :laugh::blown:

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Originally posted by tranzwhore

I still haven't decided what to do yet! He fucked me over some time ago and I just found out some really juicy info. about him. I may even do it anonymosly! [/quote

if u have alot of time on your hands, like if u aint got shit to do ....do what my ex gf did to a girl she babysitted for...she was cheating on her husband and one day at a friends house...we were really fucked up ....we wrote her husband a letter. but this wasnt your ordinary letter....we started cutting out letters from the newspaper and pasting them on a blank paper and sent it thru the mail.....my ex lived right in front of her so we got to see all the shit we caused her !!!!!!!! that shit was hilarious......so TW is that an idea or what ??? nothing better than a big fuck you!!!:finger:

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Originally posted by trojanman

Originally posted by tranzwhore

I still haven't decided what to do yet! He fucked me over some time ago and I just found out some really juicy info. about him. I may even do it anonymosly! [/quote

if u have alot of time on your hands, like if u aint got shit to do ....do what my ex gf did to a girl she babysitted for...she was cheating on her husband and one day at a friends house...we were really fucked up ....we wrote her husband a letter. but this wasnt your ordinary letter....we started cutting out letters from the newspaper and pasting them on a blank paper and sent it thru the mail.....my ex lived right in front of her so we got to see all the shit we caused her !!!!!!!! that shit was hilarious......so TW is that an idea or what ??? nothing better than a big fuck you!!!:finger:

that's crossed my mind or i can have someone call the answering machine pretending that they are from the escort service and that his credit card wasn't processed properly and that he needs to call back with the correct CC # but here's the kicker, leave a number to a real escort service so when the wife calls back she'll hear someone answer with "Escorts R Us". :laugh: :laugh:

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he did it to you...thats all u need to know.....and everyone is saying that his wife is a third party and ur gonna ruin her life...her life is already ruined!!!! her husband is a cheating asshole who may even be exposing her to diseases and shyt.......she has to know and make her decision with that knowledge...i mean its better that she finds out now than 5 years from now....THINK OF THE WIFE PEOPLE!! she willl have like 3 kids by then and not too many men want to date a mother of 3 :idea::tongue: no but seriously tell her....

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God Dammit, woman...DO NOT DO IT! You're getting married, you're happy; don't go fucking up anything. You don't want this guy looking to slash your throat if he finds out what you did. Mind your business, go shop for the top for your wedding cake, and leave that poor woman in her blissful ignorance.

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Originally posted by mala

God Dammit, woman...DO NOT DO IT! You're getting married, you're happy; don't go fucking up anything. You don't want this guy looking to slash your throat if he finds out what you did. Mind your business, go shop for the top for your wedding cake, and leave that poor woman in her blissful ignorance.

she can do it anonymously that way her throat stays intact!!:idea:

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You wrote that "he fucked me over in the past". That coupled with the fact that you are now contemplating "telling" on him. It is quite clear that you are seeking closure, otherwise someone who is happily engaged would not even think of this sleezeball. I'll bet he doesnt think of you.

Telling on him will NOT give you closure, so just let go of it.

Instead write him a letter that vividly explains how he wronged you & how much you hate him for it. Then read the letter out loud to yourself with allot of passion & emotion into it. Really let go & try & tap deep into those feelings of anger, frustration, even hate that are enslaving you.

Of course dont send the letter to him, this is more for you, not him.


that is the best advice you'll get on here that has your well being in mind.


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