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Saddam Captured!


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Originally posted by starvingartist

Saddam is captured and it only costs the United States the largest deficit in American history...I guess it is a matter of opinion whether or not it was worth it.

Yea, HOWEVER we really needed to find Osama Bin Laden instead of Saddam. We should have never gone after Saddam in the first place. Actually, he should have been taken care of when Pappa Bush was in office.

Like it has been said before, Osama Bin Laden was the master-mind of 9/11......Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.......but we have been told so many different reasons for going to war I lost count. :(

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Originally posted by CHRles

Because it's so easy to capture guys like this?

Seriously, some of you guys have the mentality of a 15 year old who think they know the world better than anyone. You're never satisfied with what the US does, and at the same time you people don't condone terrorist attacks as much as need be. Why even bother following current events if all you can do is act all cynical towards any US action.

Admit it - you guys really don't give two shits about anyone dying, all you care about is having a stupid internet message board where you can vent about whatever.

i like how everyone just ignored this post as if it didnt apply to them.

read it again and weep, motherfuckers.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

i read it again but io aint weepin cuz it dont apply to me :rolleyes:

It does apply to you, and everyone else who does not believe that the capture of Saddam Hussein means something...

You miserable, hypocritical dickheads need to do some serious soul searching for discounting this historical day.....

It was a good day for the President (which kills you), it was a good day for the United States, it was a great day for our military, and it was a great, great day for the Iraqi people.....

To recognize anything less simply means you have serious mental issues, and a rotted soul

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Originally posted by igloo

Only a complete, ignorant moron living under a rock would make a statement like this...and a complete miserable asshole

ur really all over my shit aint ya...

i cant make a statement without u addin ur bullshit in. it wont change anything...u caught saddam..whooooooooopeeeeee....is that gona stop the flow of "containment tubes" with dead bodies comin back to Middle America?? NNNNNNNNEGATORY!!

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

I think now is the time we should begin asking the question again..."WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!!!????" now that we got Saddam.


Apparently someone asked him already and he said they didn't have any. The US made it up to just attack Iraq.

I believe I heard this on CNN earlier today.....

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It will be interesting to see how cooperative he is with US interrogations. At first I though, he knows he'll never be in power again, as well as any of his staff...so there is no use in hiding anything.

But then I thought, this is the man who despises the US with every ounce of his soul and knows he is dead man no matter what, so why tell?

Should be very interesting to see in the months to come...

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

now if only we can find weapons of mass destruction to charge him with a crime.

How about the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of his own people? That's not a crime we can charge him with? Fucking moron.

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Originally posted by dkny8

How about the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of his own people? That's not a crime we can charge him with? Fucking moron.

if we charge him with that crime shouldnt bush be charged with that crime too? didnt he kill alot of iraqis and americans as well? your the fucking moron. must be a jew.

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Originally posted by dkny8

How about the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of his own people? That's not a crime we can charge him with? Fucking moron.

Eh, one of the main reasons this war was started was because of WMD. The "humanitarian" reasons were only secondary to that.

Catching Saddam is a good thing, and hopefully will sovle a lot of the problems in Iraq. However, only time will tell.

Pattbateman - what if WMD are never found? Will you be singing a different tune, or will you right-wing diehards just keep claiming he hid them, and transported them out of the country? Every coin has two sides.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

if we charge him with that crime shouldnt bush be charged with that crime too? didnt he kill alot of iraqis and americans as well? your the fucking moron. must be a jew.

You never tire from being a moronic asshole , do you?

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I would not expect much information from Saddam Hussein. If there were a dozen nuke warheads buried in the desert somewhere, he would not tell, nor will he admit to ties with terrorist organizations. He will be defiant to the end.

What the U.S. needs to do (and hopefully the Euorpeans stay out of it) is let the Iraqis try him in an Iraqi court, and dangle the death penalty over his head.

Since it is obvious that he wants to live, perhaps the death penalty can be used as leverage in a deal to spare his life in turn for information.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

this accomplishes NOTHING :aright:

You think? :rolleyes:

Military: Saddam's Capture Led to Others

By JIM KRANE, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s capture is reaping dividends for the U.S. military, providing intelligence that led to the arrest of several top regime figures in Baghdad, a U.S. general told The Associated Press on Monday. Suicide bombers attacked police stations in the capital, killing eight people as the insurgency showed no sign of letting up.

"We've already gleaned intelligence value from his capture," Hertling said. "We've already been able to capture a couple of key individuals here in Baghdad. We've completely confirmed one of the cells. It's putting the pieces together and it's connecting the dots. It has already helped us significantly in Baghdad."

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Originally posted by skince55

You think? :rolleyes:

Military: Saddam's Capture Led to Others

By JIM KRANE, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s capture is reaping dividends for the U.S. military, providing intelligence that led to the arrest of several top regime figures in Baghdad, a U.S. general told The Associated Press on Monday. Suicide bombers attacked police stations in the capital, killing eight people as the insurgency showed no sign of letting up.

"We've already gleaned intelligence value from his capture," Hertling said. "We've already been able to capture a couple of key individuals here in Baghdad. We've completely confirmed one of the cells. It's putting the pieces together and it's connecting the dots. It has already helped us significantly in Baghdad."

Again, anyone who believes that the capture of this ruthless dictator means nothing is clueless, and needs to have their soul questioned......

I find it amazing that the hypocritical, anti-war crowd who claims to care about Iraqi civilians can not simply remove the foot from their ass and admit that this is a good thing for the Iraqi people.....I will not even mention what is means for the region, the U.S., the military, the war, etc, etc....

Nah.....people who lived under constant terror and fear for decades could never be happy that this monster was caught. They are simply dancing in the streets because Clay Aiken's CD has reached Iraq.

It could not possibly be a good thing for Iraqi's, civilians and military, who were afraid of cooperating because of the fear that this monster could actually return to power and they would incur his revenge and brutality. Nah...not a good thing he was caught and never coming back. Means nothing.

Nah. The capture means nothing to begin to heal the pyschological damage done to a people who lived under a brutual police state for decades.

It means nothing that mass graves will no longer be filled. It means nothing that one of history's most reprehensible animals is no longer in power.

Means nothing that this monster was exposed as a fraud, not the person who cultivated an image of "standing up to the U.S."....."The great Arab Leader" being pulled from a shithole crying right away "don't shoot", "I will negotiate".....that should really cement his "myth" and send a powerful message throughout the Middle East.......nah...means nothing that another fraud was exposed.

I suggest that those who ridiculously continue to discount this put away for a moment their anti-Bush hate, their anti-war views, and their shameful hypocrisy and do the human thing and recognize this as a good thing.

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Originally posted by igloo

Again, anyone who believes that the capture of this ruthless dictator means nothing is clueless, and needs to have their soul questioned......

I suggest that those who ridiculously continue to discount this put away for a moment their anti-Bush hate, their anti-war views, and their shameful hypocrisy and do the human thing and recognize this as a good thing.

Finding and getting rid of Saddam is great, wonderful. woo hoo! :party: I'm glad he's gone, don't get me wrong.....


1) It should have been done a long time ago.....like when Pappa George Bush was in office....

2) The reason why we are so gung-ho for "war" is because of 9/11. We started off going after the real terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. Then, outta no where, we go after Iraq and Saddam? Just doesn't make sense.

But let's not distract the people with stuff like that. I'm glad Saddam is done and over with. Now we need to get back on track and go after the REAL reason why we wanted to go to war....Osama Bin Laden, for attacking our country on 9/11

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

Finding and getting rid of Saddam is great, wonderful. woo hoo! :party: I'm glad he's gone, don't get me wrong.....


1) It should have been done a long time ago.....like when Pappa George Bush was in office....

2) The reason why we are so gung-ho for "war" is because of 9/11. We started off going after the real terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. Then, outta no where, we go after Iraq and Saddam? Just doesn't make sense.

But let's not distract the people with stuff like that. I'm glad Saddam is done and over with. Now we need to get back on track and go after the REAL reason why we wanted to go to war....Osama Bin Laden, for attacking our country on 9/11

(1) Again, by saying we should have done it a long time ago is discounting what was done today. And if I was you, I woudl check your history and facts about why decisions were made at thattime. A decade later it is easy to say "we should have done it then", but at least get an understanding of the time period before you make ignorant statements.

(2) No, we did not "outta no where" go after Iraq and Saddam. Again, an ignorant statement. You may disagree to the reasons for going to war, but there are plenty of them. Decades worth. And if you think catching Bin Laden is easy, you are completely clueless.

And you hypocrites are unreal. You claim the capture of Saddam Hussein means nothing, but the capture of Bin Laden will?...Again, a clear ignorance about Al Qaeda and the war we are fighting. Yes it will mean something, of course, but the hypocrisy is laughable.

Like I have said, keep your "buts" to yourself and simply admit it was a good day yesterday.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Eh, one of the main reasons this war was started was because of WMD. The "humanitarian" reasons were only secondary to that.

Catching Saddam is a good thing, and hopefully will sovle a lot of the problems in Iraq. However, only time will tell.

Pattbateman - what if WMD are never found? Will you be singing a different tune, or will you right-wing diehards just keep claiming he hid them, and transported them out of the country? Every coin has two sides.


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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Here's another question for us all to ponder now that we have Saddam.

Is it harder to find thousands of pounds of hidden botulenium toxin, anthax, mustard gas, etc... then it is to find one human being in Iraq?

hahahahahahaahahh thats a good one...

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Here's another question for us all to ponder now that we have Saddam.

Is it harder to find thousands of pounds of hidden botulenium toxin, anthax, mustard gas, etc... then it is to find one human being in Iraq?

Keep on discounting the day...you guys are unreal....

And if you think WMD was the only reason for this war, or the main point of this war, you are simply living under a rock.....

I give you that WMD was emphasized, especially for ignorant fools like you who would never be able to grasp the bigger picture...

But do not claim other reasons were not used as justification as well....and for those who love to discount the "human" side of the administration "sell", Bush's first address to the U.N. included both WMD and human suffering.....BOTH.....those simply have selective memory

ANd I will repeat, no one...not one anti-war country or antiwar hypocrite has the right to bring up "iraqi" civilians as part of your debates since you are fucking hypcorites..........the antiwar crowd, and France and Germany could care less about Iraqi civilians, never did and never will.....remove the issue from the debate because your hypocrisy is laughable, and complete shameful


scary you do not see how blind you are to your hypocrisy

BTW--to answer your ignorant question, if you took all of the claims about Iraqi WMD, it could be hidden in a box car and buried where no one would ever find it....schmuck

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