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when the condom breaks?

Morning after pill? Just say fuck it and hope nothing happens? Wait a week or so and then kick the girl in her stomach?

No but seriously, this has happened to me a few times when I really go at it. I pull out and that shit is completely ripped but I have already busted up in her shit


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Originally posted by nomembername

when the condom breaks?

Morning after pill? Just say fuck it and hope nothing happens? Wait a week or so and then kick the girl in her stomach?

No but seriously, this has happened to me a few times when I really go at it. I pull out and that shit is completely ripped but I have already busted up in her shit


I tell her to name him Johnny.

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i think it is romy20

i am on the pill. a girl cant get preg unless she is ovulating or around the time of ovulating. so if she just had her period 2 days before chances are she will not get preg... i am not saying it CANT happen but it would be a very strange occurance. i really dont want kids now, maybe not ever so if i was not on the pill and this happened, i would probably get the morning after pill. i dont think the morning after pill should be available to people OTC though if this is what youre getting at with this topic, i think people need to think responsibly ahead of time & possibly not have sex with people they wouldnt consider raising a child with. just my opinion.

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Originally posted by somebitch

i dont think the morning after pill should be available to people OTC though if this is what youre getting at with this topic, i think people need to think responsibly ahead of time & possibly not have sex with people they wouldnt consider raising a child with.


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1.) don't know why she ain't on the pill cause she isn't my girlfriend.

2.) Somebitch, sorry buy I don't think I will be abstaining from sex so that is why I use condoms but unfortunately they are not always 100% effective

I'm just saying that it sucks when you are responsible and then shit like that happens. And I guess I wanted to know if this has happened to people before and if so what have they done?

Everybody else...thanks for all the great advice and I will take into consideration the name Johnny


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i dont understand why people take sex so lightly. sex can be a really beautiful thing and a really ugly thing. sounds like you make it an ugly one. i think it is unfortunate that you cant take the good out of my advice, instead you focus on the things you disagree with and say "everybody else, thanks for your advice"

lol. youre pathetic.

worry about that itch on your cock...


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i dont understand why people take sex so lightly. sex can be a really beautiful thing and a really ugly thing. sounds like you make it an ugly one. i think it is unfortunate that you cant take the good out of my advice, instead you focus on the things you disagree with and say "everybody else, thanks for your advice"

lol. youre pathetic.

worry about that itch on your cock...


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Originally posted by somebitch

i dont understand why people take sex so lightly. sex can be a really beautiful thing and a really ugly thing. sounds like you make it an ugly one. i think it is unfortunate that you cant take the good out of my advice, instead you focus on the things you disagree with and say "everybody else, thanks for your advice"

lol. youre pathetic.

worry about that itch on your cock...


wow...take it easy there! who said I'm taking sex lightly? how do I make it ugly? I did appreciate your advice and I agree with some of it. But lets be realistic here...sometimes when you have sex things like the condom breaking happens.

and when I said "everybody else, thanks for your advice"...I was talking about everyones funny comments so I thinK you should relax and calm the fuck down...do yourself a favor and go get some cock to loosen yourself up


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the only time its happened, he felt it break... so he pulled out before he came and we dealt with it then...im assuming it broke and we felt it because of dehydration u know? either we were drinking... or things just werent as lubed as they should have been ;) but either way... its only happened before the fact, its never happened after... but if it had happened after, i would probably get the morning after pill because im not taking bc pills. i was on them a long time ago for my period and i hated the side effects that my body went through, so im hesitant because i dont want the same thing to happen again (for those of u who are gonna yell at me for not being on pills lol :finger: ) but i will soon... and hopefully then condoms wont even be an issue.

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Originally posted by somebitch

i dont understand why people take sex so lightly. sex can be a really beautiful thing and a really ugly thing. sounds like you make it an ugly one. i think it is unfortunate that you cant take the good out of my advice, instead you focus on the things you disagree with and say "everybody else, thanks for your advice"

lol. youre pathetic.

worry about that itch on your cock...


Dear somebitch,

I find it quite ironic that the beautiful thing about sex, is that it can be either "beautiful" or "ugly".

For terms of this post:

beautiful ='s meaninful

Ugly =s empty meaningless sex



Isnt it quite ironic? the firehouse burned down??

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

not when ur in a serious relationship with one person though. thats what she meant


i thought linabina meant that, but most people in our generation overlook the importance of condoms as more than just birth control :) .
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