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Prostitutes serving at Avalon 2/6


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Ok this message is for Everyone who went to the Bad boy bill and

velvet party at avalon friday. Did anyone see whores in there

giving people jerks and blows at the club for a fee. There were

about 15 of them constantly going into the bathroom with

differenty guys... Anyone who saw this please reply.

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Originally posted by stoneguy20

Ok this message is for Everyone who went to the Bad boy bill and

velvet party at avalon friday. Did anyone see whores in there

giving people jerks and blows at the club for a fee. There were

about 15 of them constantly going into the bathroom with

differenty guys... Anyone who saw this please reply.

how do you know it was for free? did you participate?

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Originally posted by stoneguy20

Ok this message is for Everyone who went to the Bad boy bill and

velvet party at avalon friday. Did anyone see whores in there

giving people jerks and blows at the club for a fee. There were

about 15 of them constantly going into the bathroom with

differenty guys... Anyone who saw this please reply.

awesome .. lol sounds like limelight roots of avalon are still there..

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now if they were giving it away for free wouldn't that make them slam pigs and not prostitutes.

Also I think getting a handjob in a bathroom would ruin your night unless you had like a lobster bib around your dick. Not like you can go walking around with stains on your paints.

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

everybody "CLAIMS" to have been there....and palladium and tunnel...and alot of other places...

Cali here, back in the day underaged, went to Limelight so many times, palladium, mars .... they never carded you in those days.

:( :( :( missssss new york soooo bad :( :( :(

Spring Break in New York?! :D .... Maybe meet some nyc cp faces? :D

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

everybody "CLAIMS" to have been there....and palladium and tunnel...and alot of other places...

Nah man I really was there. I was fuckin BORN there!!! I started goin to Limelight in '94 right before I graduated High School. When it was at the peak of it's existance. It was like nothing anyone will or can ever experience again. I know Jaysea knows what I'm talkin about.

Disco 2000 with Richie Rich and Larry Tee

Hot Body Contest Memories!!!

A guy spraying a champagne enema on the crowd

A guy lifting cynder blocks with his dick

A chick stickin a lolipop up her P@SSY and then her ass and handing it to the kid in front of me and he ATE IT!!

Wow, too many to remember

Mary / Tyler Moore, lol




Frankie Bones


Rob Gee

NASA HOME parties(aka vinyl aka Arc)

Save the Robots

Cameras Ready, prepare to flash

Don't laugh

Lumpy Oatmeal

The Wichdoctor

Divas to the dancefloor please!!!


I actually started promoting only a few months after I stared goin there. I promoted for Limelight, Palladium(the most beautiful club EVER!), Tunnel(when the half pipe was still in it), Club USA (till it got closed, remember the slide?) and Club Expo. Then I began working with other promoters on other parties until recently.

Ahh... the memories.:(

RIP Angel Melendez :(

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heh.. all them places happened towards the end of my dj/clubbing days... I got my start about 20 years ago..before everyone and their stepbrother became a promoter.... I've seen alot of great places come and go... Palladium was always one of my favorites... Paradise Garage... Hotel Amazon... The World... Limelight was OK but not one of my favorites... by then I was already out of college and my clubbing days were traded in for reality..

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