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It's political....


If the Presidential Election was today, who would you vote for?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. If the Presidential Election was today, who would you vote for?

    • George W. Bush
    • John Kerry
    • I don't vote
    • Who cares, my vote won't count anyway

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you guys on this bord discussing politics is funny

bush wants to outlaw clubs cause he is religious...look at his daughters they are party nuts, bush himself was known to throw down with the best of them, if you know what i mean. c'mon get the real facts and put up a valid argument instead of bush wants to take down the clubs

the lack of morality is what is ruining this country people are taking advantage of it and we are self-destructing

the quote i was refering to below:

"I can't believe there are this many Bush voters here - you guys say you like clubbing, well, if it was up to Bush and his religious fanatic cronies, there wouldn't BE any clubs.

I can't believe there are so many people on a message board like this, who have no problem with an administration that continually attempts to legislate "morality".... "

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the bush administration sucks ass ---->

John Ashcroft (enough said) , the Patriot Act is an unconstitutional 4th Amendant Privacy violation, Detention of American Citizens under the guise of "enemy combatants," his attempts to widdle back abortion rights, Dick Cheney's Halliburton government contracts, huge tax cuts for the wealthiest 1%, his attempt to eliminate 'overtime', Iraq, and Constitutional Amendment to protect marriage - (whateva) ever hear of Equal Protection - you cannot create different classes of people under the guise of Christian based morality - not to mention "any government that would deny a gay man the right to a Bridal Registry is a Fascist state!" :D;):tongue:

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Originally posted by joeygk

the bush administration sucks ass ---->

John Ashcroft (enough said) , the Patriot Act is an unconstitutional 4th Amendant Privacy violation, Detention of American Citizens under the guise of "enemy combatants," his attempts to widdle back abortion rights, Dick Cheney's Halliburton government contracts, huge tax cuts for the wealthiest 1%, his attempt to eliminate 'overtime', Iraq, and Constitutional Amendment to protect marriage - (whateva) ever hear of Equal Protection - you cannot create different classes of people under the guise of Christian based morality - not to mention "any government that would deny a gay man the right to a Bridal Registry is a Fascist state!"

CHAT AP...and get down here for WMC already...why dont u come into the current events forum:tongue:

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I am aware that Democrats are more domestically concerned compared to the Republicans who are Internationally concerned. I'm aware that that our economy has not been in it's usual highs recently BUT I AM ALSO AWARE THAT THERE ARE EVIL PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD THAT WANT TO SEE THE BIG KIDS ON THE BLOCK (United States of America) suffering and dying.

Here is the way I see it. Take this with as many grains of salt as you like.

We are spoiled here in the USA. We are so spoiled that we do not even see how good we have things here in the States even in today's current state. Just cause our economy is down does not mean that we "live horribly". Compare your lifestyle to others not so fortunate around the World and then ask yourself...."Am I really living a bad lifestyle?"

Right now I think one of our main priorities is to protect ourselves from the Evils in this World and take the fight to the terrorist which only a Republican will approve of. The more the terrorist (who wish us harm) are on the run, the less time they will have to sit and plan events such as 911 against us. This is a concept used by many in both our armed forces and police departments which makes allot of sense. Take the fight to them, keep them on the run, less time for them to plan against us while their running.

I am aware that unemployment rates are at it's highest but I am also aware that so is our threat against terrorist organizations. Every President has his critics and will never be able to please everyone so negative comments will always be expected from both sides. I will be voting Republican this year (again) in hope that we continue to strengthen our military and continue to hunt down the evils in this World. I know not to expect the best in such short time just like I know that tough times are ahead of us.

I am now going to make a prediction which I hope NEVER comes true.

If the democrats win the Presidency this year, yes our economy will stat to shape up just as quick as our defenses will go down along side our international concerns. While our economy is up and while we are stuffing our faces with BK and McDonalds and living a honkey dorry life guess who will be back to remind us how much they hate us???????????


911 to the 10th power will happen again if we do not continue to take the fight to the people who want to see us buried. Then and only then will we learn that UNFORTUNATELY we must put our feet down. 911 opened some eyes but not enough eyes.

So for those of you who feel that we are living soooooooo bad these days due to our Presidents actions. Take a look at the third World Counties around us and repeat the same comment if you can.

Again, these are just my thought and are not to be used to start an argument.


It is nice to see that many people are getting off their asses and voting this year. Voting is a grand gift that we have here in the states and should not be taken for granted. Iraqi's are now entitled to vote thanks to us.


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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

there sheep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive been saying it forever....that y i dont bother with politics with any1 on this board.....most of them totally dont get the picture!!!!!!!!!!!


I'll vote for the Democratic nominee. Sorry, Bush has done NOTHING but help improve his own lifestyle for after his presidency. 4 more years and it may be the end of the voting process....:tongue:

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okay here a couple of facts you Demo might not know or choose to ignore:

1. John kerry voted against trying to develop EVERY TYPE of defensive system that the USA wanted to build from the Reagan years until now he voted along with his boy Clinton to make billions in cuts to our military and cia and has over the years voted more Leftist than Ted Kennedy(for those of you who dont read we were founded on captialism not socailism that's one of the reasons we have the greatest economy in the world). and back to obby's point these extremist hate us if we cant defend ourselves then they will crush us.

2. Unemployment: Allen Greenspan who happens to know a bit about the economy was asked by a leading demo(in their usual negative tones) that if the ecomony was supposedly recovering why we had the unemployment numbers we were seeing. his reply was that we had more unemployment because our efficiency in producing goods had actually gotten so good that we dont need as many workers as before.

3. Three big words please research this concept and then see if you still want to vote for left leaning demo. Redistribution of


4. Clinton had two different opportunities to bring in Bin laden one when officials had most of his family and him in a airplane in qatar and another time when sudanies officials had him. He refused both times. this after the first bombing of the towers and the american embassies and the bombing of the USS Cole. Kerry is considered even weaker with defense matters than Clinton. if you ask me Clinton and his weak party are the cause of this war.

5. IRS Fact my friends 50 of the top wage earners pay 96.03 % of the taxes in this country.

6. demo support socialized medicine: reasearch the health care systems in canada and europe and then see if you still want to vote for demo.

i'm not the greatest writer in the world but these are all clear facts just look them up.

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while we're all waiting for this thread to be moved to current events, i should point out that, regardless of our respective political persuasions, it's very cool that club people are paying attention to politics. it's obvious that most of us want the president to use the power of that office for good. we may have different priorities, or opposing views about the role this nation should be playing internationally, but it's clear that at least some dance music enthusiasts are both well-informed and well-intentioned (either quality, alone, is useless). this sort of discussion is healthy and encouraging; it's a shame that too many politicians and reporters seem to believe that movies like party monster accurately portray the majority of people who frequent nightclubs.

and now, back to the partisan bickering . . .

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Its really getting so I hate both parties.

I hate the democrates with their belief that the government needs to be everyones financial daddy. And we need to take money from the successful and give it to the unsuccessfull. If you are married and you and your wife each make 50K. You are going to pay almost 60% of your income in taxes!!! That is just not fucking right!! And now they want to raise taxes again by repealing the tax cut. (by the way, people really have no idea of all the taxes we pay besides income taxes!)

I hate the republicans because they want to be everyones moral daddy. This country isnt a church group. If my pursuit of happiness doesnt harm anyone else, leave me the fuck alone!

btrw sorry no way im moving this to current events.... i dont give a shit what people I dont know say ... i'll go to a different site for that.

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Originally posted by shroomy


Its really getting so I hate both parties.

I hate the democrates with their belief that the government needs to be everyones financial daddy. And we need to take money from the successful and give it to the unsuccessfull. If you are married and you and your wife each make 50K. You are going to pay almost 60% of your income in taxes!!! That is just not fucking right!! And now they want to raise taxes again by repealing the tax cut. (by the way, people really have no idea of all the taxes we pay besides income taxes!)

I hate the republicans because they want to be everyones moral daddy. This country isnt a church group. If my pursuit of happiness doesnt harm anyone else, leave me the fuck alone!

btrw sorry no way im moving this to current events.... i dont give a shit what people I dont know say ... i'll go to a different site for that.


Damn it, I hate both parties too.....I vote for no one!

Wait....can't have Bush......what to do???

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Originally posted by sobe2003

John Edwards put up a strong fight in Wisconsin . . .

If Dean bows out as expected the Democratic race will certainly heat up . . .

This is one of the main proponents for the redistribution of you/my wealth. please reseach and find out what that means please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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