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I am incredibly devastated right now :(


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I dont want to post this as Bling but rather as Daniel. I got home today and got a call from the speical person in my life, who had swept me off my feet. I wont give any names because its not appropriate.

I have gone out a number of times with this girl. and I have started to fall for her. I never have been in love , nor have i ever had a serious relationship before. I am not ashamed to admit I went on Jdate.com to meet someone. In fact, this girl messaged me that she was interested in me. a total shock to me since i never really had that happen to me before.:(

i was elated, we went out a few times and from the first date she swept me off my feet. On valentines day.. my first real valentine, we had a romantic evening, i was a perfct gentlemen, i bought her roses, we had dinner, it was what dreams are made of. :)

we planned to go out a week from now together so i called her. Ok previously, she had told me to not call as often as i was callin her once a day to see how she was and just say Hi so i slowed that down a lot to make her feel comfortable. So today i call her to ask her how shes doin in school and she sounds tired, i asked her whats wrong?

she said she doesnt know how to tell me but that she says im an incredible guy and that there is someone for me and that they will be so lucky to have me. but that its not workin btw us:(

then she started to cry on teh phone because she never dumped anyone before. i asked her i still want to be friends and she says it might be tough. and she started to cry. and then i cried.

i am so devastated right now. all i ever try to do is be myself and make others happy. I know i may come off as a dumb ass at times on this board, but I can be serious, when I want to be :)

I can truly say i have never had my heart broken till now. i realy was fallin for her and it hurts, but i guess what doesnt kill us makes us stronger they say.

I am just so proud to have this forum to be able to express myself to my friends who I all love very much

I def need someone to talk to right now :(

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Don't be sad about it Bling-blong!!! Stuff like this happens or has happened to everyone!!! Live and learn, amigo!

Maybe she just wasn't "your cup of tea." Sometimes it's better to find that out early in a relationship... But at least she was sincere and honest enough to tell you, right???

Now get your butt over here for some _____ and west coast house!!! :tongue:

CP Miami will always :heart:our Bling!


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Bro let me tell you from experience as some of my close friend's on here will vouch for me you can't be too aggressive with women, If you come off desperate, or easy they will easily turn the other cheek on you no matter howgood looking you are.

You gotta keep the phone conversation to a minimum in the beginning no matter how much you like her, let her come to you, women like a challenge, express your gratitude towards them minimumly, but again alway's act like you are busy or have alot of other thing's going on in your life.

I had this happen to me a few month's back with a girl I really cared for we spoke on the phone a few time's went out on a date, everything was perfect she was definately into me.

My mistake was letting my feeling's get to the best of me by bringing her rose's into work she called me at the end of her shift to thank me and told me how sweet and sincere it was and then I never heard from her again:(

women are hard creature's to fiqure out they say they are looking for a really nice,sweet,sincere guy but when they find then they fucking shit on them, as much as I hate to admit it everything in life is a game some are just better player's then other's after dealing with that shit I'd rather just meet alot of hot women,make friend's and the rest is history

just be yourself, make money, get jacked(diesel) and let them come to you that's my motto..................

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was it a cp'er?

I'll put a hit on them......

giveme picture I photochop her to death....!!

lol j/k///

dude seriously. water under the brigde.

1 down and a good and full to go before you find miss. right

cheer up... put on the cartoon network at 11:30 chill out.


relationship in this day and time ARE A BITCH....

I think people have lost that Tradition of dating!!

some people are toooo busy trying to be someone they are not, and not matching up to the right type of person.

Sux but facts.

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thanks for ur kind words philipio and str8uphardcore. i am gonan hit the gym again hard. i have to do something. i did go through one major change in my life prior to coming to clubplanet and that was gain a social life i never really had previously. i have a blast with all of u every week and think u all as my friends. :)

its tough right now and im not afraid to admit im crying. and yes i have a lot to learn about women i have to change my attitude . i have change i guess. im just scared i might change into someone that i may not even know. I dont want to look in the mirror and not recognize the person i am staring at. its our own unique indivualities that make us all special :)

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Yo Danny'O, cry it off bro...it's ok to cry, it'll definitively wash that sadness away...once you're done with the grieving, look back and you'll realize that even though it must have been nice, it may not have been comfortable and natural...as it should be. You are a good person and crazy fun to be around so you have to focus on just being yourself and that special one will find you right where you are and she's going to love you for all the rights reasons...sometimes dating is not a very realistic setting to meet someone, people tend to build up an act for it, look their best, be on their best behaviour and basicly...be a perfect date...there's also the professional dater...someone who's not looking for a relationship, but for a hundred million dates with a hundered million different people...that way they can say "I'm not seeing anyone, I'm just dating"...oh well, people come and go...and when you finally found that special one, you'll know it...because it'll be nice and comfortable, you will just get to be your good'ol self...capice bambino?


FUNK :cool:

Relationship Counselor and Picnic Planner

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yeah... relationship are like a bluff game.. like when u meet a girl, don't call them much.. make it seem that u got things to do or always busy...

less u talk to them the more the wonder...


did i give out the secret.. j/k


its cool... about cry sure we all do at sometime or another.. I don't give a shit who u are... and how tuff u might try to make urself seem... everyone had that weakspot.

As just be happy that she didn't say " It's not going to work out between us, because I been cheating on my crazy ex- killer bofirend with you and he just bust me. You a dead man."

then I would be worried. :D

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Originally posted by funketeer

Yo Danny'O, cry it off bro...it's ok to cry, it'll definitively wash that sadness away...once you're done with the grieving, look back and you'll realize that even though it must have been nice, it may not have been comfortable and natural...as it should be. You are a good person and crazy fun to be around so you have to focus on just being yourself and that special one will find you right where you are and she's going to love you for all the rights reasons...sometimes dating is not a very realistic setting to meet someone, people tend to build up an act for it, look their best, be on their best behaviour and basicly...be a perfect date...there's also the professional dater...someone who's not looking for a relationship, but for a hundred million dates with a hundered million different people...that way they can say "I'm not seeing anyone, I'm just dating"...oh well, people come and go...and when you finally found that special one, you'll know it...because it'll be nice and comfortable, you will just get to be your good'ol self...capice bambino?


FUNK :cool:

Relationship Counselor and Picnic Planner

:aright: so true! keep your head up Danny! :)
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anyone up for tootises anytime soon my bday is too far. that will put a smile on my face :( .. seriously though i need some time to reflect this hit me so hard. my mom even got choked up :( i dont remember the last time i hugged my mom so long

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Originally posted by nexusgroove

Originally posted by funketeer

Relationship Counselor and Picnic Planner /QUOTE]


let me guess.. tuna is on the menu?:D

but of course! we have tuna tataki for appetizer and zake, if you choose our japanese themed picnic...call us for rates and menus, I'm sure we have a picnic that fits your needs...hum...bitch! :finger:

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yo bro....every relationship encounter is an opportunity to learn...the key is to LEARN so that next time you wont make the same mistakes...you'll make new ones..

It hurts like hell but the pain subsides...trust me..sometimes you got to feel the shitty sides of love, like rejection to really appriciate to the good.

Falling in love or even like is a risk, you put yourself outthere open your heart but it might not be returned in kind...but u gotta take that chance. It really is a numbers game...the more times you date, it might not work, but the learning gets you closer to getting one that will.

Ive expirenced that greatest and the worst of love all in the same releastionship....its still worth the risk..

Do what you like...hit the gym, party at Space..whatever..sooner or later the right pigeon will come..


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Originally posted by Bling

anyone up for tootises anytime soon my bday is too far. that will put a smile on my face :( .. seriously though i need some time to reflect this hit me so hard. my mom even got choked up :( i dont remember the last time i hugged my mom so long


It happens to everyone bro so cry it all out and you'll feel better. :)

After she told you that you should have told her: " I am Rick James biatch!!" LOL

If you get to go to Tootsie's let me know.. I know one of the star dancers from there very well and I'll hook u up with a lap dance. :D

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You know, everyone here is wright. Consider her a stepping stone. Perhaps since you've never been in aserious relationship before, you neede something like this to happen to you to make you better at it. Don't let it get you down. Like Phillioe said, at least she was honest with you. Trust me it could have been worse. Just try not to be so open at the beginnig. Girls like a little mitery..:eek: Good luck in the future...P.S. I asked about tootsies but Ardis didn't think it was a good idea !!:nono::whip2:

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Originally posted by rudeboywarrior

shake it off danny boy! you are a down ass mo'fuckie and its only a matter of time before someone is lucky enough to find that out for themselves..

until them fuck 'em and flee!!!!

oh and remember never trust anything that bleeds for a week straight every month and doesn't DIE!:eek:

Lmao thanks a lot .. dude u crack me up matt. :) thanks a lot everyone. ur all cool as hell in my book

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so much pussy so little time.......................................... treat em like the whore's they are and they will come back begging for more :laugh:

Here's to honor, get on her, stay on her, and if she move's cum on her...... lmao that's my next toast for shotz in miami who's down patron with a little salt and lime

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