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Sorry Yankee's fans :(

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Big Gary is out 3 months :(

TAMPA, Fla. -- Yankees right fielder Gary Sheffield is out indefinitely because of a jammed right thumb.


Sheffield got hurt in a spring training game Saturday against Toronto. At first, the Yankees thought it was only a bruise. But after an MRI exam Sunday, the team decided Monday to send him to a hand expert in New York.

"Now, I'm officially worried about it," general manager Brian Cashman said.

Cashman said the worst-case scenario would be that Sheffield needs surgery, meaning he would be out two to three months. There are no signs of a break, Cashman said, but he would not say whether there was ligament damage.

The best-case scenario, Cashman said, would be that the right fielder could return for spring training games.

The Yankees open the season with two games against Tampa Bay in Tokyo on March 30-31.

"These things are tricky, so we want to make sure that we have a specialist give us an opinion of what exactly is going on with that thumb," Cashman said. "It could be an old injury, or it could be a new one. We'll find out."

Sheffield left the Atlanta Braves in the offseason to sign a $39 million, three-year contract with the Yankees. He was among players who testified before a federal grand jury that indicted Barry Bonds' personal trainer for illegal distribution of steroids. Sheffield has denied using steroids.

He was hurt trying to get to a fly ball by Orlando Hudson that landed for a triple. Sheffield downplayed the injury, describing it as "nothing major."

"I could play right now if I had to," he said. "It's just a little sore. I've got all my range and motion and (I'm) doing everything with it. They don't want me to take a chance."

Asked whether he were worried, Yankees owner George Steinbrenner responded: "Sure I am." But he also added: "I'm sure he's going to be OK."

New York already is without center fielder Bernie Williams, who had an appendectomy and will probably miss the season-opening series in Tokyo.

Sheffield said he aggravated an injury from last season, when he was hurt July 10 during a headfirst slide in Chicago.

"I stole a base, third base, and I kind of jarred it a little bit," he said. "From that day on my thumb was sore. I've been treating it since that time, and it's just starting to get better, and I banged it up again. It just feels like somebody jammed you with a pitch. The next time you go out in the outfield and come back, it hurts like that. Nothing more. The swelling has gone down a lot."

Cashman said the Yankees were not aware of the hand injury when they agreed to the deal with Sheffield, who passed a physical.

"There is not an issue here for me on a pre-existing injury," Cashman said.


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Originally posted by djjonstephen

you tell me.....all I heard for the past few weeks was how the Yankees are gonna woop ass cause

"We just got A-Rod....neener neener neener"

100% never heard anything like that from me or any of the real Yank fans.

ALthough I do remember hearing a lot of shit from the sox fans here when you guys thought you had the deal done and Arod was yours.

Thats why i dont understand all the shit talkin going on , Boston supposedly had the beter team on paper before Arod , now its pretty even , and All we here is about the Yanks choking, and how we guaranteed ourselves a championship etc etc..

Its unreal all the shittalking and not 1 game has been played

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Originally posted by bxbomb

100% never heard anything like that from me or any of the real Yank fans.

ALthough I do remember hearing a lot of shit from the sox fans here when you guys thought you had the deal done and Arod was yours.

Thats why i dont understand all the shit talkin going on , Boston supposedly had the beter team on paper before Arod , now its pretty even , and All we here is about the Yanks choking, and how we guaranteed ourselves a championship etc etc..

Its unreal all the shittalking and not 1 game has been played

two points.....

1) We shit talk all year long........whats to stop us now? Its part of the rivalry and its almost expected at any time of the year.

2) True, you never rubbed it in like a child, but look at all those posts and all those threads about the A-Rod aquisition and try to tell me half the freakin so called "die hard Yankees fans" werent talking tons of shit

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

you tell me.....all I heard for the past few weeks was how the Yankees are gonna woop ass cause

"We just got A-Rod....neener neener neener"

I'm a Reds fan (much as it hurts to say it)... but, the 'Yanks have been whoopin' yer asses for decades... WITHOUT A-Rod.

I think yer mistaking what NY fans have been saying. The "neener neener neeners" were because for weeks Boston did supposedly everything they could possibly think of to get him. And then, overnight... BAM!!!... he's a Yankee.

Yankees fans ALWAYS know their team will be better than the Bosox. And one player doesn't decide that yearly domination. But, preventing Boston from getting the game's current "#1", and thereby possibly bridging the gap a bit more, is EXACTLY the perfect time to go, "Neener neener neeeeeee-ner!!"

As an outsider to the rivalry... I just bust out laughing when that happened. I distinctly remember saying out loud, "O M F G, that is hilarious!!" 'Cause it is. Much as it pains you Sox fans.

And just so you know... I, too, simply can NOT stand how NY's AND Boston's $$ is allowed to buy up all the best talent available. Being a fan of a "small market" team guarantees that opinion. But, even while feeling that way... the fact that NY seemed to sneak in like a thief in the night and pull off that trade was fucking hilarious. Bottom line... yer GM is a tool. Sorry.

... funk... out.

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Originally posted by dgtlfnk

I'm a Reds fan (much as it hurts to say it)... but, the 'Yanks have been whoopin' yer asses for decades... WITHOUT A-Rod.

I think yer mistaking what NY fans have been saying. The "neener neener neeners" were because for weeks Boston did supposedly everything they could possibly think of to get him. And then, overnight... BAM!!!... he's a Yankee.

Yankees fans ALWAYS know their team will be better than the Bosox. And one player doesn't decide that yearly domination. But, preventing Boston from getting the game's current "#1", and thereby possibly bridging the gap a bit more, is EXACTLY the perfect time to go, "Neener neener neeeeeee-ner!!"

As an outsider to the rivalry... I just bust out laughing when that happened. I distinctly remember saying out loud, "O M F G, that is hilarious!!" 'Cause it is. Much as it pains you Sox fans.

And just so you know... I, too, simply can NOT stand how NY's AND Boston's $$ is allowed to buy up all the best talent available. Being a fan of a "small market" team guarantees that opinion. But, even while feeling that way... the fact that NY seemed to sneak in like a thief in the night and pull off that trade was fucking hilarious. Bottom line... yer GM is a tool. Sorry.

... funk... out.

nice opinion.....btw, how's Griffey doing for you these days?

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A man from Boston moved to New York.

As he wandered the streets he stopped at an antique shop and decided to go in. On looking around he noticed a very strange looking bronze cat which had a tag on it saying, "Bronze Cat $30.00, Story $150.00". The man was very curious and asked the salesman to explain. "Well" said the man, "its just like it says, $30 for the cat and $150 for its story". "I'll just take the cat," said the man. "Very well, but you will be back," said the salesman. The man left the shop with the cat in his pocket.

As he walked down the street he heard a strange mewing sound. On turning around he noticed there were a couple of cats following him. The further he walked the more cats seemed to follow him. As he got to the Brooklyn Bridge he turned to see thousands of cats behind him. "Screw this!" he said to himself and threw the bronze cat into the river. All the cats jumped into the river too and were drowned. The man returned to the shop where he bought the cat. "I knew you would be back. $150.00 for the story," said the salesman.

"Forget the story," said the man. "Have you got a bronze Yankee fan?"

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Originally posted by trigger55

A man from Boston moved to New York.

As he wandered the streets he stopped at an antique shop and decided to go in. On looking around he noticed a very strange looking bronze cat which had a tag on it saying, "Bronze Cat $30.00, Story $150.00". The man was very curious and asked the salesman to explain. "Well" said the man, "its just like it says, $30 for the cat and $150 for its story". "I'll just take the cat," said the man. "Very well, but you will be back," said the salesman. The man left the shop with the cat in his pocket.

As he walked down the street he heard a strange mewing sound. On turning around he noticed there were a couple of cats following him. The further he walked the more cats seemed to follow him. As he got to the Brooklyn Bridge he turned to see thousands of cats behind him. "Screw this!" he said to himself and threw the bronze cat into the river. All the cats jumped into the river too and were drowned. The man returned to the shop where he bought the cat. "I knew you would be back. $150.00 for the story," said the salesman.

"Forget the story," said the man. "Have you got a bronze Yankee fan?"


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what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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Originally posted by jtk4

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

A simple wrong would do

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