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Does quitting smoking make you fat?

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alot of ppl gain weight when the stop smoking...

some ppl get used to the motion of having something in their hand and moving it towards their mouth (as in smoking) and if they stop they substitute food for smoking...

also nicotine is an appetite suppresent and it actually can alter the way food tastes so when one stops smoking their appetitie comes back and food that used to taste bad, tastes better...so they eat more...

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Originally posted by fkornre

alot of ppl gain weight when the stop smoking...

some ppl get used to the motion of having something in their hand and moving it towards their mouth (as in smoking) and if they stop they substitute food for smoking...

also nicotine is an appetite suppresent and it actually can alter the way food tastes so when one stops smoking their appetitie comes back and food that used to taste bad, tastes better...so they eat more...

but aside from that..???:confused:

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Originally posted by ou812

Don't forget, nicotine is a stimulant so it's conceivable that it might speed up your metabolism to a degree. Therefore, without it, your metabolism might go down slightly, adding to the weight gain.

yup, i read while back that nicotine does speed up metabolism

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Yes, nicotine is a stimulant and it has shown to boost metabolism, that along with the other factors can possible make you gain weight.

But, look at the alterative.

If you could see what smoking does to your lungs, by killing the ciliated lining you might change your mind (but probably not). Your mucous just sits in the lower parts of your lungs, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. Even if your immune system can fight off the bacteria (which is also effected by smoking) it is still nasty. You not only are more prone to illness but your are spreading tons of bacteria into the environment when you cough, making the people around you sick, also. Then you go to a doc and he rights you a script for antibiotics, which are becoming resistant b/c of over presciption. Its a viscious cycle.

But, I have my bad habits to. So what ever floats your boat.


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Originally posted by nocfgs

Has anyone in here smoked, if so how did you quit. I have been smokeing for like 5 years. Every time I throw them down and drop my habit I run back to it within a week. Its just so hard to quit.

Dude, I don't know how the hell I ever stopped smoking. I tried cold turkey so many times. Finally, one time I just never went back. That was 3 years ago. I still puff other herbs rather than nicotine. I can't seem to lose all my vices yet......Good Luck!!!

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