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worst drug experience ever?

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caccun spring break 02.. im in the shower getting ready to go to a foam party when my friend knocks on the bathroom door.. i get out and i walk out ina towel and some guy there says he has e.. so i figured it be great to do e at a foam party so i ask to see the pill.. he pulls out a joint and shows me that but i didnt really care much for weed at that point.. i ask my friend if she knew the guy and she said she met him outside but asked if he was a cop and he said no.. so i asked to see the pill but the guy demanded the money first.. so i give him the 20 and then out of nowhere he pulls out his badge and he's like "i'm a mexican federal agent and you're under arrest.." my heart dropped.. he then said that this has a 3-5 year sentence in the country of mexico.. my heart dropped even lower.. he says i will see a judge on monday (that day being thursday) and then i say my plane leaves on sunday.. he says "you're not leaving for a few years pal" so after fifteen minutes of bullshitting him he says if i give him money he would let me go.. so it's the end of the week and noone has anything left.. i think we scrounged 120 out of the 4 of us.. so then he says im gonna have to try harder... so he walks me to the ATM and then demands my atm card from me.. he demands the password and then proceeds to take out the maximum that atm will allow.. around 1500... luckily i had a limit at my bank of 200 so he only got about 180... so all in all i wound up paying this guy a little over 300 bucks.. after he let me go i went back and smoked a nice cuban and swore off buying drugs.. to this day i still havent done it..

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Originally posted by oldtimer

s... then out of nowhere he pulls out his badge and he's like "i'm a mexican federal agent and you're under arrest.." my heart dropped...

I know how that feels like :(

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One time I was at Limelight and it was crowded real crowded. I was on three tabs of Acid. We left around 4 am took the Path home, met someother friends on the train. We get to Newark and get in the car for the ride home, there are 5 of us. We are at a light and ready to make a left. All of sudden we are getting pulled over. Seems the kid in the back put a joint in his ear for like 30 seconds not knowing there was a cop next to us one car back. Anyway pulls everyone out and I have 2 joints on me. So we get taken down to the station. Do you know the transit police station is the door in the mens room @ Penn Station. All the wanted posters looked like people I knew, I was like " I know that guy" . SO here I am trippen balls handcuffed in a police station, they are asking me all sorts of questions. I am trying to answer them honestly and I am pausin and shit tryin to think. They are holding the joint in front of me and saying see what this shit does to you.

Also have a bad K story, when I use to buy my own I usually had a little left over from the club. On Monday nites I would finish it off. One Monday I made 2 huge lines, one for each nostril. I do both and I am like OK it wasnt that bad. I am sitting at my computer and my music was talking to me, actually talking. I get up and go to the mirror and throw water on my face then wipe it off with a towel. After that I would go lay on my bed. I did the same routine about 10 times (I dont really know). But it got so bad at one point I wanted to wake up my parents and tell them to help me cause I was out of it. Needless to say I came to about 45 minutes later. Since that day I haven't done K. Just thinking of it makes me want to :vomit2:

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I think the cops HAD to know I was on something. The worst was when he took me out of the car and asked where I had been that night. I said a small club in Jersey (thinking that if I said NYC he'd think drugs....no clue why I did this lol) and then he went to the car and asked my BF in the passengers seat and he said "Soundfactory".....He was PISSED I had lied and that was when he called the 2nd cop to come.

I couldn't even look him in the eye, my eyes were bugging, and my jaw was fucked up. He had to know, that's his job isn't it?!?!

I really don't know WHY or HOW they let me go. When the second cop came, he saw my college sticker on my window and asked me about that and then said something about how old I thought he was....I took the chance and joked around with him, and thats when he said listen honey, get home safe, I'm going to let you go. HE DIDN"T EVEN WRITE ME A TICKET.

When I drove away, I was in COMPLETE shock and felt like I was going to throw up.

I seriously think they just let me go maybe bc I had a hot little dress on?!?! I don't know and I don't want to question it :(

u are one lucky girl

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One time we were all doing coke and we started to get low so we called our "friend" but he wouldn't answer. So around 2 am we ran out...............................

damn that night sucked

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I've had a few bad experiences....

I guess that's why I decided to stop...

First I had that when I hadnt rolled for a while, when I started rolling again I would get panic attacks that the pills were actually rat poison or something. as a result I heaved up everything I'd had to eat that day, and for hours on end, til there was nothing left... This happend to me at Sensation, 4 elements and a bunch of other big parties... Was pretty sucky cause it ruined those parties....

After I got that in control all was good... Until the last time I rolled....

I was at a party, and due to lack of sleep the night before and the combination of E and heat etc all of a sudden I started to get disoriented. Like when I'd blink, when I would open my eyes I wouldn't know where I was or what I was doing, I started to get super dizzy. I thought I was going to faint seriously... I don't remember half of that party... and then I figured my body was telling me it was time to stop, so I did ;)

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I always loved K, I think it's because I eased into it, and just pushed my boundaries without overstepping them enough to freak me out, but I didn't know how it amplified anything else you were on.

This wasn't really a bad trip, but I was wayyy k'ed out one night at home and a friend passes me a balloon, I suck it up, hold it in and layyyy back...

*wah wah wah wah wah wah*

I stand up for no reason and start walking toward the front door, and notice everyone I pass is staring at me like I'm about to die, and I feel like my head is about to pop, and then it does. Like a balloon popping.

And then I'm still sitting in the chair. I never moved.


My worst trip was this time I ate some really really potent lab-grown caps. I ate like 1.5g and it had me tripping harder than an 8th usually did. It started out really cool, but after like 2 hours I was getting pretty overwhelmed. Everyone in the house was being loud, and the noise from the TV was looping in my head.

I decided to do some K to go into that world and distract me for a while. Well, to my dumbass surprise, the K made the shroom trip wayyyy more intense. I was laying on the couch and decided to get up and walk outside for a cig. It was hard to walk, like I was heavy. My friend had his bike upside down inside, and it started melting into the floor. I look at him and he smiles and his jaw and body start melting into the floor.

I forget what this is called but I read about it somewhere, and it's when you start feeling colors, tasting sounds, etc... your senses get all crossed. That started happening and I thought "wow, so that really can happen" but then started thinking my brain was turning into soup and told my friend I thought I was dying.

After I went outside I was fine. I'd do it again in a heartbeat though :spin:

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caccun spring break 02.. im in the shower getting ready to go to a foam party when my friend knocks on the bathroom door.. i get out and i walk out ina towel and some guy there says he has e.. so i figured it be great to do e at a foam party so i ask to see the pill.. he pulls out a joint and shows me that but i didnt really care much for weed at that point.. i ask my friend if she knew the guy and she said she met him outside but asked if he was a cop and he said no.. so i asked to see the pill but the guy demanded the money first.. so i give him the 20 and then out of nowhere he pulls out his badge and he's like "i'm a mexican federal agent and you're under arrest.." my heart dropped.. he then said that this has a 3-5 year sentence in the country of mexico.. my heart dropped even lower.. he says i will see a judge on monday (that day being thursday) and then i say my plane leaves on sunday.. he says "you're not leaving for a few years pal" so after fifteen minutes of bullshitting him he says if i give him money he would let me go.. so it's the end of the week and noone has anything left.. i think we scrounged 120 out of the 4 of us.. so then he says im gonna have to try harder... so he walks me to the ATM and then demands my atm card from me.. he demands the password and then proceeds to take out the maximum that atm will allow.. around 1500... luckily i had a limit at my bank of 200 so he only got about 180... so all in all i wound up paying this guy a little over 300 bucks.. after he let me go i went back and smoked a nice cuban and swore off buying drugs.. to this day i still havent done it..

i thought this thread was about the worst experience on drugs....not the time you got conned by some mexican....

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the worst one?

please don't make me recall it.....I've been trying so hard to forget


That's what I was thinking... especially with tonight being thursday night and all, I don't want to think anything bad can happen!

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oh man..these stories are horrible...

do you guys still do drugs after these OD's and arrests?

I know i wouldn't

But maybe that's just cuz I've enver came close to ODing, passing out, getting arrested, etc etc..

the grass is alway's greener on the other side................... :rofl:

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I fell into a major K hole at a rave-I was laying on one of the couches and thought I was home in bed wit my cat laying on me and licking my face-when I started to come a little bit back to reality I realized it was some chick with cat ears on pretty much molesting me (she wasn't cute, either) :vomit2:

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Guest gabo
I fell into a major K hole at a rave-I was laying on one of the couches and thought I was home in bed wit my cat laying on me and licking my face-when I started to come a little bit back to reality I realized it was some chick with cat ears on pretty much molesting me (she wasn't cute, either) :vomit2:
K holes can be so much fun though
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