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Twilo article - NY Mag

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haaaaaaa i cant stop laughing!

You know what, as stupid and moronic as it probably seems to the non-club population, its refreshing that people can just go be HAPPY and yeah, even stupid and just RELAX and be themselves. What other environemnt (drugs or no drugs) allows you to be that free and open?? If that girl was feeling sweeping up the floor so be it smile.gif Good for her!! We all stress so much in our everyday lives isnt it all ABOUT nights like that where you can just go get lost in the music and the vibe...I remember sitting on the steps at palladium mangled staring at my SHOE for 4 hours and having the best time of my life. People judge a night by external factors, whether they meet people, hook up, how the crowd was, but not many people judge it by INTERNAL factors -- how you feel inside, your emotions, what you go through in your own head.. I for one think we all grow as people a little bit each time we have one of those nights. "Regular" people might view that as a negative, idiotic portrayal of the scene but It just makes me smile smile.gif Isnt nights like that what its all about?

I dont know about anyone else but seeing weird, funny, fucked up stuff like that is amazing/hysterical/memorable....And the things you talk about for years to come smile.gif

LOL and I'm not sure but its a VERY BIG possiblity that I was half of the "straight couple making out" & ALL of the "large breast pops into view" part!! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL




..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


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oh yeah and ... its been a long since i've bben to twilo and i could count on one hand the amount of times i've been there .. but the author of that article kept refering to dry ice .. to smoke out the room?? twlio cant use dry ice do they ... it had to be a fogger , especially since he said it "hissed" ... i think its funny when people say liek retarded shit and publish it =) hehe



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i want to know what the deal is with the "fogger/dry ice" thing, because i've never felt a fog like that which is that cold or thick

plus i like the article, it really says something about our generation.....what it says i'm not quite sure yet, but it definitly says something


and on the 6th night god said "let there be trance, and dancing!" and on the 7th day he rested and it was damn good

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God, New York Magazine has the worst writers ever!!!!

Has this guy actually ever been to Twilo, the whole thing is written like someone went to Twilo once and other people fill him in on details....Come on...

and a young New Jersey couple who are already fighting -- "Fuck you, asshole!" "Baby, why you gotta be mean? Why you gotta be mean to me?"

They look into each other's eyes and begin to kiss. Ten minutes later, one stares transfixed at all the flashing lights; the other lights the wrong end of his cigarette. Then: "Are you sure we're talking about the same song?" "Yeah, that dun-dun-dun-dun song." "No -- not that song. I hate that song." After an awkward pause, they start making out again. "I love you so much . . ."

This is quality writing?!?!?!?!?!?!?...

after an awkward pause, they start making out again....The whole things sounds like are Harlequin Romance writing of a night at Twilo.

His friend cups a hand over his mouth. He's heard the distinct wail of a police siren. "Junior!" whispers one of them, like an awed child.

like an awed child..come on *puke*

and I'm sure he was right there to hear the whispering at 6am (I think we know how hard it is to hear a whisper at that hour)

This is just a made up account of a club night there....I don't even want to go on how bad this article is...there is no nail in the coffin, there is no voice of a generation in here...I think most of us on this board could write a better article detailing a night at Twilo than these clowns at New York Mag.


- Pete





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what a poor evaluation of a night at twilo.

they have no idea...

as for the fog - they don't use dry ice. i'm pretty sure it's a pressurized liquid nitrogen fog machine. that's why it's cold and that's why they're mistaking it for dry ice - liquid nitrogen is also a low lying fog because of it's extremely low temperature. i heard they have like 20 five foot tall tanks of it in a back room at twilo.

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Yes, I think the Krygonefix (Sp?) system does use liquid nitrogen to create the freezing fog. And that article is sooo freakin retarded its not even funny! Shit, are they talking about Twilo, NYC or Twilo, Twilight Zone?!?!

I've never seen people that mangled (or at most one or two) at Twilo...so, unless Sat nights are a lot different than Fridays, this is all BS.


Music saved my soul!

Thank GAWD for Twilo!

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I agree Joeydollaz, reading this article would make me want to avoid Twilo, but since I've been there I know that whatever club this reporter wrote about is not the Twilo I know.

Leave it to New York magazine to embelish or write something that is sooo far from the truth just to sell their magazine. That article made the crowd sound like a bunch of sleeze balls and desperate E freaks, I think this guy got his clubs mixed up. Jersey couples fighting??? A girl spending her night staring at a toilet?? Maybe this did happen, but it was in bad taste on the reporters part to make this the focus of his article to represent the club. I've never been to Twilo on a Sat, but this really doesnt sound like a good representation of the actual crowd or the crowd I have seen on Fridays.

I remember reading an article once in New York magazine called 'Prep School Gangsters' which tried to make the claim that a preppy white upperclass teenage 'Gangsters' ruled the streets of NY (The writer went through a lot of trouble telling how they did the horrible crime of....stealing a candy bar, Oh NO!!) In truth they were a bunch of rich kids with no lives whose parents probably had power at the magazine.

Where I'm going with this is, like that lame article, this is another one of New York magazines attempts to "get the inside scoop" on "underground youth culture" in a way that will sell to the middleage yuppies on wall street or preppy teens from the upper east side who live hum drum lives.

Isn't it a coincedence that this article was written as a cover story in the midst of twilo getting a lot of heat from the city. Just another case of media trying to portray untrue hype as reality.

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, a patron stares intently at a towel dispenser, turning the handle over and over, unable to comprehend that the thing is empty

happened to me on acid, I definitly can relate



A crowd of 15,000 had gathered to protest the war at the Oakland Army Terminal. The Angels, in show of patriotism, attack the protesters and end up breaking a cop's leg. The Angels later send a telegram to President Johnson saying they are willing to be "a crack group of trained gorillas behind enemy lines in Viet Nam."

HST 67

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yeah, idiotic and self important writers try and fail to be club "reporters/critics" and the result is this garbage. BUT -- us who know better, can see the humor in this and laugh at it in a knowing way, im sure ALL of those incidents happened but proably over years of this guys half a dozen club outings. Funny stuff like that does happen all the time but one fucked up girl lookin at a toilet or 2 mangled guys babbling and kissing WTF is that beyond some people having a fun & silly time -- those stupid moments as i said before are sometimes the funniest and most memorable! How that can mean anything MORE than that is beyond me, if "society" is going to take that ridiculous account as representing the entire entertainment/club industry then let them, its not our fault they have nothing better to report on than our world( and do it so poorly )

Anyway i laughed and laughed and realized that even in the light of commercialization and "overground" intrusion there is always going to be an "us vs them" (aka night people vs day people you could say) and how great is it to feel like you've experienced something most people dont have a clue about .

If only these reporters took a pill once in a while smile.gif~~~~~~~


..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


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The editor of Maxim said it: New York magazine is People magazine for the Upper East Side. I actually wasted some money and bought the issue (out of curiosity). Pretty much all it had were cheesy reviews of clubs which read something like "So here's a club, to the left there's a model wearing Gucci, to the right there's a stud wearing Hugo Boss, and people not wearing Prada are being left outside". Clearly, NY mag caters to the audience that goes to Madame Fifi snobby dress-up "clubs" and "lounges", where the music sucks, the vibe is lame, and everyone is more interested in schmoozing and discussing their new handbag rather than dancing and enjoying themselves.

You didn't expect writers like that give any respects to Twilo, which is all about music, vibe, dancing, and enjoying yourself, did you?

Actually, if that article prevents the corny fashion crew from overcrowding Twilo, I will be quite content and won't regret wasting money on buying the stupid issue. The night of Sven Vath there were head-to-toe Banana Republicked corporate-tool people fucking standing on the dancefloor at Twilo, trying to talk, and getting in the way (before 3-4 am). Is there no God?

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Miss Diva, once again.....you're right, because what we (night people) expierence is the INTERNAL benefits of going out. Whether it be the music that travels through you, the conversations with people that intrigue you, moving in sync with the beats either by yourself or with someone else (or a mop).......or staring at your shoe for hours, its INSIDE that matters. Isn't that what most of us learned...in kindergaten, "its not what's on the outside that matters but rather the INSIDE that counts."

I'm glad I had the courage and curiosity instilled in me that allowed me to make these wonderous and memorable adventures into the "scene".......if not, I would have ended up as an undercover journalist (can you even call him that?)for NYMAG with NO CLUE!!!!



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I don't know about Twilo on Saturdays but this does not at all describe Twilo on a Friday night!

Pete, I agree with you. The writing was just pathetic. It really did sound like someone just gathered a whole bunch of stories from different people and put it all in one article.

I give it two fingers up!! thefinger_red.gif



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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LOL! That article was a crack up!

I've seen articles like that before and yes they are pretty much made up. Maybe the write was there until 1 am saw a couple of peeps talking and speculum... errr speculated what they were talking about..... heard some stories from a friend about a friend of a friend who talked to some chick that knew the brother of this guy who saw sumpin' sumpin' HA ha ha !


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Originally posted by resident:

The editor of Maxim said it: New York magazine is People magazine for the Upper East Side. I actually wasted some money and bought the issue (out of curiosity). Pretty much all it had were cheesy reviews of clubs which read something like "So here's a club, to the left there's a model wearing Gucci, to the right there's a stud wearing Hugo Boss, and people not wearing Prada are being left outside". Clearly, NY mag caters to the audience that goes to Madame Fifi snobby dress-up "clubs" and "lounges", where the music sucks, the vibe is lame, and everyone is more interested in schmoozing and discussing their new handbag rather than dancing and enjoying themselves.

You didn't expect writers like that give any respects to Twilo, which is all about music, vibe, dancing, and enjoying yourself, did you?

Actually, if that article prevents the corny fashion crew from overcrowding Twilo, I will be quite content and won't regret wasting money on buying the stupid issue. The night of Sven Vath there were head-to-toe Banana Republicked corporate-tool people fucking standing on the dancefloor at Twilo, trying to talk, and getting in the way (before 3-4 am). Is there no God?

Wow, I had no idea people would take all of this so seriously. So what if some people enjoy lounges and Prada. Let them have it and enjoy it! It doens't make us any better that we go to Twilo instead of Float. It's all a matter of taste. And as for this article, I've seen enough of the behavior described here in real life that it was amusing.




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Originally posted by nicole212:

Wow, I had no idea people would take all of this so seriously. So what if some people enjoy lounges and Prada. Let them have it and enjoy it! It doens't make us any better that we go to Twilo instead of Float. It's all a matter of taste. And as for this article, I've seen enough of the behavior described here in real life that it was amusing.


I didn't mean to launch an attack at people who go to lounges wearing <whatever>. I did mean to launch an attack at people who review Twilo from the angle and applying the standards of going to lounges wearing <whatever>, because that is not a fair review.

The Twilo article read something like "Oh dear, look at these shirtless gay men!", "Christ save us, there are two girls in a toilet stall!", and "My goodness... a fucked up young man spinning in place out-of-sync with music". Sounds like someone took their grandma to Twilo and then wrote down her oohing and aahing. Like, "Oh my, such unacceptable behaviour!"

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Oh yeah, another thing: in the vein of journaling various party scenes and publishing the for the disapproval of the public, I would be very amused to see a chronicle of a fraternity party - free of drugs but full of beer.

But anyway... stabs at NY mag aside, I think that it's cool that they hadn't made one single mention of drugs in the entire article. And altogher, the issue had an attitude of "Hey, we should be proud of our New York nightlife".

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Originally posted by resident:

The Twilo article read something like "Oh dear, look at these shirtless gay men!", "Christ save us, there are two girls in a toilet stall!", and "My goodness... a fucked up young man spinning in place out-of-sync with music". Sounds like someone took their grandma to Twilo and then wrote down her oohing and aahing. Like, "Oh my, such unacceptable behaviour!"

I guess this just goes to show how two people can get completely different impressions from the same article. I thought the writing was a bit more tounge in cheek. I mean, I see silly stuff and cracked out people all the time in clubs. I don't judge these folks (or at least I try not to). It's just all a matter of perception.




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imaqtxoxo thankx smile.gif that was exactly my point! Its so funny everyone is like why dont you become a journalist or entertainment pr or something and I'm like, whyyyyyy so I can bring the general population information about a world they know NOTHING about, nor care about?! NYMag, come on.....Even the new crop of club/nightlife magazines cater more to the general population and clearly exist more to make money than to better the scene for the TRUE club people.

I do however LOVE magz like HX and NEXT. The gay community has more successfully embraced the professional side of nightlife and has created some fabulous things, a perfect example would be the presence of JohnBlair -- a huge company, his parties, his restaurant, his gym.......

Anyway thanx for the support, email me at MissDiva19@aol.com if u want smile.gif~



..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


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