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drugs, please read

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we lost a very dear friend this morning. alot of u guys on this board may know me from djing. i partied with the best of them. for the last 2 yrs ive been sober and djing sober seeing u guys all fucked up, i guess u have to see a mangled crowd froma sober eye. WHAT THE FUCK ARE U GUYS DOING TO URSELVES. it is insane how people on this board glorify ghb, just this yr alone i lost 2 friends to g. cant u guys see what it does to urselves and what u put ur family through. i just got a residency at 2 great clubs and honestly im so sick of seeing 3000 people all fucked up, it makes me not want to dj anymore because i cant take seeing this week in week out. different city same fucked up mess. im not saying dont have a good time, just think how ur mother would feel when she hears u died at a club cause u took too much g, c, tina, k ect... its getting out of control. every1 blames why the scenes sucks now, its because of u the club goer and ur lack of responsibilty having to be carried out of the club ect... i dont know i guess i am a little sore because i lost a kid how was like an older brother to me. and what sucks more is every1 knew he was trying to stay clean. a handfull of kids didnt give a shit, every1 tried to help him but a certain few that gave into him. this shouldnt have happened. it sounds like a commercial on tv but if u have friends deep into this shit, do whatever u have to too help him. tell his parents, cops whatever. life is so fragile, i just hope by his death one person will change.

said my peace j.r. i love u and u always be in my thoughts

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ory to hear that hope ur ok i know what u mean i used to go and get all messed upoutat he clubs before i was djing but now i look back and iam like man whatwas i thinkingwell hope ur ok when u got music u dont need drugsssssssssssssssssssss

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sorry to hear about your friend anthony..

I really can't believe people even do G.. its probably the easiest drug to be irresponsible with..

they say 'everything in moderation' - but what good is that with a drug like g?

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...People always seem to blame the drugs , but in the END it's the person who consumes it who is responsible for their own doings .....educate yourself about the drugs you are taking and have moderation in taking them .

..irresponsible drug use leads to tragic consequences ..... it as simple as that .

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Anthony I al sorry to hear about your friend, my prayers go out to you and his family. You right (Mursa) you shouldnt blame the drugs blame the person. According to Anthony he says a few friends gave in to him. Meaning they gave him the drugs and didnt care that the person was tryin to stay clean. It is friends like those that "Don't Give a fuck" that sucks.

Shit I smoke everyday, but I dont try and smoke with other people even those tryin to stay clean. I dont want to be the one who got them fucked up.

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it jus sucks, i dont know weather to laugh or cry, today a close friend dies and then a few hours later i get residency at spirit. what a day. im beside myself

it's "whether", stay off the Geeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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saying drugs kill is not specific enough and misleading...my point is cocaine tina ghb alcohol most prescription drugs (oxys valiumm)and heroin are 1)DEADLY SUBSTANCES when overdosing on any of these drugs YOU CAN DIE! 2)all of these drugs are PHYISICALLY addictive not psychologically addictive meaning you go threw withdrawels symptons that are phyisical or vomiting before you get blow or not being able to control your bowels when your on a mission the cold sweats etc....Unfortunaltly its a repeat of the 60"s goin into the 70"s in the 60"s people smoked weed and partied with acid,mushrooms, and mescaline then the 70"s came and people started dying and became addicted to cocaine and died, people overdosed from herion, people drank themselves to death, people od"d on speed and mixing alcohol w/prescriptions like ludes.....just like in the 90"s people were partying with mostly w/xtc,water,energy drinks,ketamine,and weed yes a few ppl did G but not like today in 2004 people are doin cocaine,tina,ghb,and drinking you can not compare these drugs to marijuana,exctasy,ketamine,mushrooms,acid, or mescaline these drugs are NON FATAL you dont die in a k-hole,you dont die from mdma (unless you dehydrate and go into heat stroke i believe this killed maybe 5 ppl over the last 20 years and the xtc users had other drugs in there system) you can smoke a pound of weed and wont od same with acid shrooms and mescaline 2 of these drugs are naturally grown plants so is marijuana....mdma is a serotonin release think of xtc as prozac on steriods...mdma doesnt get you high even its the serotonin your brain is releasing thats fucks you up...ketamine is an disassociate an anesthetic and its proven to be the safest anesthectic on the market (why do you think they can adminster a whole liq to a kitten or dog before an operation??) to this day they can not figure out why ketamine has psychedlic properties that make you trip-out but it was created by parke-davis pharmaceuticals in the 60"s so vets could operate on canines and kittens...I will stress if you mix ketamine and alcohol you can die....What you need is education i myself no longer drink booze but it pisses me off when everyone slags on drug use and doesnt bring up the fact the alcohol related deaths in one day out number ghb deaths annually ( i hate and oppose g im making a point) people will never stop partying but if we could at least educate the younger kids about drugs maybe they will choose non-fatal and non-addicitve drugs...because young people are gonna get fucked up anyway lets be honest and say if you do decide to do drugs at least your chances of dying from pot and xtc are almost non existant and if you take one cap too many of g you can end up dead!....this way the younger generation will trust drug education instead of the unrealistic pot commericials i see with a ridiculous just say no message and some kid all fucked up and shady like he is shooting dope and homeless...thats when anti-drug groups and the education in our schools loose all credibility

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honestly u think my brain is working in full gear, sorry about the mizzpelling


"misspelling" and "geeze" sorry it's too easy. Don't worry it's never too late for your GED in the dirrrtyyyy Jerzzzzz. Fuck you'll have more of an education then half the state! Good luck with everything and God Bless your friend, but don't always blame the drug. He's in a better place now.......

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come on with you, i would like to see you deal with a person who was like a big bro... give the kid a break. some people are unreal i hope people on this board rip you apart for picking on him. i hope he comes back to haunt you. he was just trying to reach a few people and tell them how fragile life is. very uncool man , but you have to expect this from message boards i guess

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come on with you, i would like to see you deal with a person who was like a big bro... give the kid a break. some people are unreal i hope people on this board rip you apart for picking on him. i hope he comes back to haunt you. he was just trying to reach a few people and tell them how fragile life is. very uncool man , but you have to expect this from message boards i guess

Thanks but I already watched my Lifetime movie today, so no need to lecture me, plus I'm 25. Now go back to being a wannabe Dior Whore you stupid wench.

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"misspelling" and "geeze" sorry it's too easy. Don't worry it's never too late for your GED in the dirrrtyyyy Jerzzzzz. Fuck you'll have more of an education then half the state! Good luck with everything and God Bless your friend, but don't always blame the drug. He's in a better place now.......

Being a little harsh aren't you? Do you think he cares about his spelling right now when he's dealing with the death of a friend? C'mon now :rolleyes:

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Being a little harsh aren't you? Do you think he cares about his spelling right now when he's dealing with the death of a friend? C'mon now :rolleyes:

we all have our ups and downs. Did I cry when I lost my parents, YES, did I do it on a message board and make it public, NO, I dealt with it and moved on. Welcome life hun. Like I said God Bless him and he's in a better place now. Thanks anymore sheep out there?

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we all have our ups and downs. Did I cry when I lost my parents, YES, did I do it on a message board and make it public, NO, I dealt with it and moved on. Welcome life hun. Like I said God Bless him and he's in a better place now. Thanks anymore sheep out there?

Wow sexy... Always wanted to see you naked.



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FYI, if you want to do something to draw some attention set-up a fund, a walk, a drug free party, donate proceeds from a club(spirit). That is how you do it, don't come on a msgbrd crying......give some of the door at whatever event your playing at next to the family or a fund, scholarship. Thank me later.

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we all have our ups and downs. Did I cry when I lost my parents, YES, did I do it on a message board and make it public, NO, I dealt with it and moved on. Welcome life hun. Like I said God Bless him and he's in a better place now. Thanks anymore sheep out there?

Yo polly-o, his message DID have something to do with clubs. That's why he posted on here, you cheap immitaion of mozzarella cheese : :deadfish:

And sometimes it's comforting to get over something by sharing it with others. If you don't like it, then don't post on this thread.

And have some couth.

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Yo pollo, his message DID have something to do with clubs. That's why he posted on here, you cheap immitaion of mozzarella cheese : :deadfish:

And sometimes it's comforting to get over something by sharing it with others. If you don't like it, then don't post on this thread.

And have some couth.

It's called sharing it with family and friend the old fashion way.....you know circa 1995 you stupid fucking smurf? Who the fuck are you, very creative with the pollo-o string cheese.....what was that message board 101. Now beat it smurfhahhahah

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It's called sharing it with family and friend the old fashion way.....you know circa 1995 you stupid fucking smurf? Who the fuck are you, very creative with the pollo-o string cheese.....what was that message board 101. Now beat it smurfhahhahah

Damn you're stupid, Polly-o :deadfish:

If you got nothing good 2 say, don't say anything. Get it, got it, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD :aright:

And anthony, sorry 2 hear about your loss. People must certainly be more responsible with their stuff. It's sad to see someone go like this.

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