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Attn: People who slam weights

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Thats really not the point why people do it. If u lift A LOT of weight you can agree that its not for attention its to immediately alleviate the pain you get on your body. Not the actual muscles, more the joints etc. trust me im no monster but when i lift heavier weights i would love to let them down, but the pain tells you to just drop them.

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sure...and when people are on the cables doing crossovers or push downs, they are lifting soooooo much weight that they gotta slam the weights around????? when people are re-racking weights and slamming them into the rack they need to do so because its too much weight for them to rack it like a normal human being???


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I don't think most of those people do it for attention...I do it alot, especially when doing dumbell presses. I don't want attention, but after a set of heavy lifting I drop them down mostly because of the tention it puts on my shoulders...

People that do them on cables or when reracking weights, now thats a different story...

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Thats really not the point why people do it. If u lift A LOT of weight you can agree that its not for attention its to immediately alleviate the pain you get on your body. Not the actual muscles, more the joints etc. trust me im no monster but when i lift heavier weights i would love to let them down, but the pain tells you to just drop them.

I agree, when you're lifting a lot of weight the last thing on your mind is the attention you're getting. You just want to complete the set, and its taxing on the muscles and joints. I'm not saying this applies to all people dropping weights, but for the people who are really busting their asses in the gym, they drop the weights cus their muscles are exhausted from the set they just completed and drop them because they can't put them down lightly, cus they just busted their ass getting out those last few grueling reps. And for the pussies trying to press bullshit 45lb dumbells and throwing weights around, thinking they are hard asses, stop trying to show off. There is always someone stronger than you at the gym, and we're not impressed with the pansy ass weight you're putting up anyway. For the people busting their butts for self improvement, keep up the good work.

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sure...and when people are on the cables doing crossovers or push downs, they are lifting soooooo much weight that they gotta slam the weights around????? when people are re-racking weights and slamming them into the rack they need to do so because its too much weight for them to rack it like a normal human being???



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sure...and when people are on the cables doing crossovers or push downs, they are lifting soooooo much weight that they gotta slam the weights around????? when people are re-racking weights and slamming them into the rack they need to do so because its too much weight for them to rack it like a normal human being???


Wow, one thing that I agree with you on...

More times than none, it's for attention or to make it look like they are lifting very heavy weight. I can dumbbell press 75lbs and when I'm done, I can still lower them down slowly without making noise... if you can't take a little pain then maybe you should try ballet.

There should also be a thread for guys that stare at you (hard) while you are working out... is it jealousy or do you want my cock?

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Wow, one thing that I agree with you on...

More times than none, it's for attention or to make it look like they are lifting very heavy weight. I can dumbbell press 75lbs and when I'm done, I can still lower them down slowly without making noise... if you can't take a little pain then maybe you should try ballet.

There should also be a thread for guys that stare at you (hard) while you are working out... is it jealousy or do you want my cock?

I HATE the oglers

Sometimes I watch someone do a set if they are lifting extreme amounts of weight just to see how much they really can do (and how weak I am compared to them), but there are those guys that stare continually at you when you are just lifting. I always thought they are gay, but thats just my opinion.

Oh yeah, fuck the Yankees.


btw...I dont know where you guys work out, but my gym and most gyms have matted floors so when some drops a dumbell after incline bench or something, it doesnt make that much noise. I'm talking about the malakas that really just slam the weights around.

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now if you rip a tendon then you can drop the weight, other then that fuck off :bounce:

it hurts just to read that...

only time ive watched someone else lift was check out their form, and compare it to mine...u pick up pointers here and there just from watching people. but def not staring :eek:

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I had the cable "plate crackers" yesterday...

Not for anything, but if you are doing tricep pressdowns/pushdowns and you need wrist wraps... YOU ARE A BIG FUCKEN PUSSY WITH NO GRIP. Then to top things off, they let the 60lbs they were doing crash down. Jesus Christ, arms larger then mine, struggling with 60lbs and then crashing the plates... I joined the gym on Friday (have a nice gym setup at home, but don't want to stink it with sweat during the summer) and I think by next week I will have cracked someone over the head with a plate.

Now I know why I have avoided joining a gym for two years...

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