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A Note to JP:

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i prefer like 70ish and not sub zero, and as for the glowsticks i'd actually rather break them over the persons head who's using them but i think the bouncers mite have a problems with that lol

I'd rather be freezing cold than sweating my ass off at somewhere like Avalon where you can only dance for like 20 mins at a time b/c you feel like you're gonna pass out if you go any longer. And as for glow sticks; who fuckin cares!!! If you wanna wave them around, fine. Knock yourself out. I go to have a good time w/ my friends, not to spend half the night criticizing what everyone else is doing.

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I am sorry, but this post is long overdue. "WHAT THE FUK IS WRONG WITH YOU???" Last night topped it off for me and i know the crowd around me at closing felt the same way. YOU DESERVED TO GET BOOOED FROM THE BOOTH. From the last nights at SF, through Black, and now Spirit - YOU REALLY ARE WASHED UP!!! And it is "stupid me's" fault for paying and coming to see you when I think you would get back half the class AND TALENT you had in your prime.

How dare you leave your fans/crowd standing aimlessly before 7 wanting to just hear a decent beat and not just ELEVATOR MUSIC TO GET OUT THE CLUB. That is just rude and obnoxious. If you and everybody knows you dont have an afterhrs license so at least plan your set with a nice intro, peak, and encore - what you did was a disgrace in my book - we go there to see you, whether its at SPIRIT OR SOMEBODY'S GARAGE. You seem to get stuck in your HOLE and dont come out till half the night is over. REAL DJays have their fans chanting for something they ARE playing, not for something WE HOPE you will play - YOUR MINDGAMES AND YOUR MUSIC IS PLAYED OUT!!!

Don't get me wrong, I had fun last night but no thanks to you. The crowd was there, the vibe was there at points and where were you? Oh - playing the same played out tracks you do each and every week. What happened to your originality and FILLERS??? - I would have rather done my shit at home and listen to my stereo.

In conclusion, I will not be attending another JPE function until i have heard and I am convinced you have picked up your game somewhat. I m tired of getting disappointed almost everytime I come see you. I am not hung up over SF or what is used to be like - i know times have changed but all in all - your FREE LOVE for your fans and the music should never - this is what you need to soulsearch for. TAKE A LOOK DEEPER WITHIN THAT LABEL OF YOUR YOU CALL “DEEPER†AND FIND YOUR TRUE PASSION OTHERWISE HANG UP YOUR BOOTS AND CALL IT QUITS>


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wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide open .. didnt even read ya post still shut the fuck up though

lol - i feel sorry for you - you aint gonna get a rise out me bro - to each his own

im not your bro chill out shut the fuck up and i dont give a fuck if you rise or not. mute

never post agian

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I am sorry, but this post is long overdue. "WHAT THE FUK IS WRONG WITH YOU???" Last night topped it off for me and i know the crowd around me at closing felt the same way. YOU DESERVED TO GET BOOOED FROM THE BOOTH. From the last nights at SF, through Black, and now Spirit - YOU REALLY ARE WASHED UP!!! And it is "stupid me's" fault for paying and coming to see you when I think you would get back half the class AND TALENT you had in your prime.

How dare you leave your fans/crowd standing aimlessly before 7 wanting to just hear a decent beat and not just ELEVATOR MUSIC TO GET OUT THE CLUB. That is just rude and obnoxious. If you and everybody knows you dont have an afterhrs license so at least plan your set with a nice intro, peak, and encore - what you did was a disgrace in my book - we go there to see you, whether its at SPIRIT OR SOMEBODY'S GARAGE. You seem to get stuck in your HOLE and dont come out till half the night is over. REAL DJays have their fans chanting for something they ARE playing, not for something WE HOPE you will play - YOUR MINDGAMES AND YOUR MUSIC IS PLAYED OUT!!!

Don't get me wrong, I had fun last night but no thanks to you. The crowd was there, the vibe was there at points and where were you? Oh - playing the same played out tracks you do each and every week. What happened to your originality and FILLERS??? - I would have rather done my shit at home and listen to my stereo.

In conclusion, I will not be attending another JPE function until i have heard and I am convinced you have picked up your game somewhat. I m tired of getting disappointed almost everytime I come see you. I am not hung up over SF or what is used to be like - i know times have changed but all in all - your FREE LOVE for your fans and the music should never - this is what you need to soulsearch for. TAKE A LOOK DEEPER WITHIN THAT LABEL OF YOUR YOU CALL “DEEPER†AND FIND YOUR TRUE PASSION OTHERWISE HANG UP YOUR BOOTS AND CALL IT QUITS>[/Q

A few words. What do u consider washed up.. Playign music u dont like. Nope that not it. The last time a heard jp was in march and he sounded nothign like washed up, his first few hrs was good music nothign great but then again he was not even mixing he was talkin to people and doing sit ups and other shit, when he started mixing i was like woo like at the change in sound. For all u people who dont liek jp if u dont like his style that is one thign but dont say he is a bad dj, the guy is in the top 3 djs in new york (dont wanna say number 1 others mite be offended lol) Alot of people bash dj's and they know nothing about music(nothing meanig u know just alittle and not alot like me hehe) The way jp plays is his own style and there are those that love it and those that dont they way lets say nigel richards plays is his style some like and some dont i dont think i like it but that wont stop me from sayign he is a great dj.

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there always has to be one idiot that is never happy with anything.. if you dont fuckin like jp then dont go to his parties.. we dont need bashers like you there anyway... :direct:

agreed i be it u go to one million parties per year and i mean a million not exagerating u will never find 100 percent of people satisfied that life

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A few words. What do u consider washed up.. Playign music u dont like. Nope that not it. The last time a heard jp was in march and he sounded nothign like washed up, his first few hrs was good music nothign great but then again he was not even mixing he was talkin to people and doing sit ups and other shit, when he started mixing i was like woo like at the change in sound. For all u people who dont liek jp if u dont like his style that is one thign but dont say he is a bad dj, the guy is in the top 3 djs in new york (dont wanna say number 1 others mite be offended lol) Alot of people bash dj's and they know nothing about music(nothing meanig u know just alittle and not alot like me hehe) The way jp plays is his own style and there are those that love it and those that dont they way lets say nigel richards plays is his style some like and some dont i dont think i like it but that wont stop me from sayign he is a great dj.

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I'd rather be freezing cold than sweating my ass off at somewhere like Avalon where you can only dance for like 20 mins at a time b/c you feel like you're gonna pass out if you go any longer. And as for glow sticks; who fuckin cares!!! If you wanna wave them around, fine. Knock yourself out. I go to have a good time w/ my friends, not to spend half the night criticizing what everyone else is doing.

ahhh i hate that... thats how it feels in the reggae and hip hop rooms at webster... after 2 songs your all sweaty and about to pass out,. :mad:

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This shit never ends . Don't go to his parties if you don't like his music, plain and simple but leave the guy alone. To say he is washed up is absurd , and don't compare him to world reknown dj's - please. I bought pvd's last cd- it was total garbage and a bunch of friends i know went to central park and were quite unimpressed does that mean pvd sucks- no , they just didn't like his style or type of music he plays. Same with JP. His crowd wants to hear the same shit from last year , thats why he plays it. Is there something wrong with that?

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why do you guys always make excuses for jp... oh it was his 1st night give it time blah blah.. hes done with......... guys face it! you all said that about Black and he was still garbage after the 1st weekend.

thankyou - i give Spirit 2 months b4 it boots him - he belongs at clubs like Merge

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why do you guys always make excuses for jp... oh it was his 1st night give it time blah blah.. hes done with......... guys face it! you all said that about Black and he was still garbage after the 1st weekend.

thankyou - i give Spirit 2 months b4 it boots him - he belongs at clubs like Merge

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Hold on...I have an idea...

Im a JP Fan and I say


Everybody is different...move on. Hes washed then stop going to the damn parties and complaining about them afterwards.

I had a great time...im sure some people didnt...it happens...deal with it.

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The crowd was really young. There were a couple fights that the bouncers had a hard time breaking up. The music was decent in the beginning of the night (12-about 3), but died out in the end.

I think once the hype of the party dies down, it will be a great Saturday night. 11-7 am is perfect. If you want to be a crackhead, you can head over to Disco, then Jade, then even Show if you want to do a marathon. That's why NY is the best. You can go out virtually 24 hours a day and always find people into the same things you are (whatever they may be). ;)

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taste as far as dj goes, is OPINION...he mite not be your taste, or compared to how he spun at sf in the "OLD" days he mite be completely different but to say hes done with and make excuses for him?? just b/c i mite ENJOY the parties of his that i go to and i acknowledge that YEAH...it does take a while to tweak sound in a new place, get adjusted, everyone has off nites, doesnt mean im makin EXCUSES. just a lil while ago, many ppl on here said tiesto had an AWFUL nite at avalon- DJS are human PPL just b/c they fuk up sometimes, and u can ADMIT that doesnt mean ur makin EXCUSES for them. and actually, black opening nite sucked, but CLASSICS sure as hell did not, i can PERSONALLY testify to that. even if you still didnt have the BEST time, the DIFFERENCE from opening nite to classics was RIDICULOUS. regardless, spirit is MUCh better...his first nite there was better than classics at black most definitely. and being that spirit is a fairly well run club, i expect it'll get better this week :)

why do you guys always make excuses for jp... oh it was his 1st night give it time blah blah.. hes done with......... guys face it! you all said that about Black and he was still garbage after the 1st weekend.
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Why do people always compair JP's sets to SF? We can probably all agree nothing will be like SF but, give him a chance some place else. SF wasn't built over night.

neother was his talent - i just wish he would spin like he used to - we dont need to hear esperanca for 2 hrs and All this time everytime we go, do we?

He has so many awesome remixes but does not care to play any of it anymore.

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taste as far as dj goes, is OPINION...he mite not be your taste, or compared to how he spun at sf in the "OLD" days he mite be completely different but to say hes done with and make excuses for him?? just b/c i mite ENJOY the parties of his that i go to and i acknowledge that YEAH...it does take a while to tweak sound in a new place, get adjusted, everyone has off nites, doesnt mean im makin EXCUSES. just a lil while ago, many ppl on here said tiesto had an AWFUL nite at avalon- DJS are human PPL just b/c they fuk up sometimes, and u can ADMIT that doesnt mean ur makin EXCUSES for them. and actually, black opening nite sucked, but CLASSICS sure as hell did not, i can PERSONALLY testify to that. even if you still didnt have the BEST time, the DIFFERENCE from opening nite to classics was RIDICULOUS. regardless, spirit is MUCh better...his first nite there was better than classics at black most definitely. and being that spirit is a fairly well run club, i expect it'll get better this week :)

tiesto wanted to get out of Avalon (china) as fast as he could - He was late and in a pissy mood - the following week i saw him at Space in Miami and proved to be the world's #1 dj - JP has been consistently bad since SF closed - Stella needs to get his groove back

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is a fairly well run club, i expect it'll get better this week :)

btw - i agree with you about Classics, but again this supports what I am saying about his choice of trax - he needs to have a "Classic Night" to spin well? This is not just my opinion.

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NYC afterhours has changed so you better get used to it. If the dance music industry wants to thrive in NY this is exactly the thing that needs to be done. After what happened at Sound Factory and the opening night at Black, marathon sets every weekend are gone. Save the long sets for when you have a special event or theme night and it will be all that more special because you don't have them every weekend. What do think people do in other cities like boston which shuts down at 2am sharp.

As far as JP last week was concerned I though Jp was good if a little reserved, except for the last hour, he rocked it.

And I don't think all these people hated it:


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