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New York ~vs~ Boston

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HALSEY vs MARTINEZ ( Tell me this is a fare match up :hat: )

Should be fun...

I wont be able to do a meet up for this series unfortunately... But is anyone up for a Yankees Vs Mets meet up Friday night?

There is a good bar on 3rd Ave between 19th and 20th street. Screens all over the bar. And one big screen on the back wall of the bar.

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The Red Sox-Yankees game meetup is gonna be in July just because this series is gonna be in the middle of the week and its a little tougher for everyone to get there.

Dont worry though.....you'll be buying me some beer soon enough


go SOX!

Heh... We shall see.

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Sox need to take at least 2 of 3 to stay in this race. Don't want to fall too far behind before the all star break. Especially with a lot of teams contending for the wild card this year...

Yeah, you might end up losing it to the D-Rays :laugh: :laugh:

Poor, pathetic Boston fans...I really feel bad for every last one of you

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First game is ours!

I am not saying anything to bash Boston... Cause I know the Yanks looked like shit in the beginning of the season... But Boston looked like shit last night...

Hopefully the Yanks bats will stay away and finally spank Wakefield...

How pathetic was Pedro Martinez... Being all nice the the Yanks and the Yankee fans... Can we say Free Agency ass kissing for next season... Looks like someone wants to become a Yankee... :)

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How pathetic was Pedro Martinez... Being all nice the the Yanks and the Yankee fans... Can we say Free Agency ass kissing for next season... Looks like someone wants to become a Yankee... :)

I don't want him... he is washed up. There is no need for a starter on a winning team that can't go more than 6 innings a game.

Decent he is, reliable - no.

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I don't want him... he is washed up. There is no need for a starter on a winning team that can't go more than 6 innings a game.

Decent he is, reliable - no.

ok, now its time to stop this retarded talk about Pedro

He JUST went 8 innings against the Phillies (one of the best hitting teams in the league) and only gave up one run.

How's your boy Kevin Brown working out these days? Great pickup

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I don't want him... he is washed up. There is no need for a starter on a winning team that can't go more than 6 innings a game.

Decent he is, reliable - no.

If you ask me... I just think players are getting tired of playing in Boston...

I would not mind getting Pedro... It would just be another smack in Boston Fans faces... And I think he would be a better pitcher here in NY...

We shall see.

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ok, now its time to stop this retarded talk about Pedro

He JUST went 8 innings against the Phillies (one of the best hitting teams in the league) and only gave up one run.

How's your boy Kevin Brown working out these days? Great pickup

I dunno, Kevin Brown is 7-1... you tell me?

Before we get into a huge debate... just take a look at the teams Pedro has pitched against versus Brown's starts. Cleveland is the best team Pedro pitched against so far... doesn't say much when your wins are heavy on teams with batting lineups like LA, SD, Seattle and Toronto.

Brown's gone up against Boston 2x, Texas 2x, Colorado, Oak 2x I believe... and only amounted one loss... not too shabby.

And about his injury - we knew we were taking chances when we signed him, but he will be back soon enough. Hell, it's not like we need him right now. We are putting up a pretty good lead without him. :)

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If you ask me... I just think players are getting tired of playing in Boston...

I would not mind getting Pedro... It would just be another smack in Boston Fans faces... And I think he would be a better pitcher here in NY...

We shall see.

He is a piece of shit spic with a lousy attitude... just like Ramirez. I hate em both. Maybe my thoughts are clouded and I don't respect him b/c of that and also b/c I just don't consider him a big game pitcher. When his team needed, he let them down last year. Greed brings down the best of players.

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He is a piece of shit spic with a lousy attitude... just like Ramirez. I hate em both. Maybe my thoughts are clouded and I don't respect him b/c of that and also b/c I just don't consider him a big game pitcher. When his team needed, he let them down last year. Greed brings down the best of players.

His ego would deflate in NY... It is a different game in NY... Personally I do not like Pedro much either. But we need Pitchers...

The only player that I despise enough even though they are good is Manny he is an absolute piece of shit... And would never want him in NY...

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Rumor has it Jeter wants to be in Boston. I heard from some reliable media sources.

We could use an 8th hitter in our line-up to play second base alongside Nomar. That would give us a pretty decent infield with Mueller, Nomar, Millar, and Jeter.

I guess Jeter feels that since A-Rod wanted so bad to be in Boston, why not him. I guess the pressure of playing in the Bronx and moving the best shortstop in the game from his position is getting to him.

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Rumor has it Jeter wants to be in Boston. I heard from some reliable media sources.

We could use an 8th hitter in our line-up to play second base alongside Nomar. That would give us a pretty decent infield with Mueller, Nomar, Millar, and Jeter.

I guess Jeter feels that since A-Rod wanted so bad to be in Boston, why not him. I guess the pressure of playing in the Bronx and moving the best shortstop in the game from his position is getting to him.

I normally respect your posts... But this one makes no sense... A-ROD wanted to be in NY... A-ROD wanted a Ring. A-ROD accepted the change of position. And if you ask me it would just add more respect to his career. He will be known as an Allstar shortstop, Allstar 3rd baseman, Gold Glove Shortstop, Gold Glove 3rd base ( Future prediction ) and he will go into the hall of fame as a Yankee ( Another prediction ) By being able to go from one position to another and handling the pressure, transition etc... It just adds to his credibility.

And like I said before... If they would have moved Jeter to 3rd. That would have been the most rediculous move. We all know A-ROD is a more versitile player. A stronger arm. And a better all around player. So common sense would tell you to move the better player over to 3rd base. Besides you do not move a 9 year veteran who grew with the team through all the championships to another position.

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