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New York ~vs~ Boston

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P.S if this is the crowd gearing up for the meetup, count me out... i dont need fake ass people around me... i think i'll pass. Hope you all have fun. :)

I smell pussy...

Actually, I look forward to meeting decent guys that can argue rationale... even if I don't agree with them 99% of the time... like DjJohn. You on the otherhand can keep your sorry ass at home since shit comes out of your mouth everytime you open it.

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I smell pussy...

Come on people. How old are we... We would like to have a decent civil meet up... If this is what it is going to be like. Then I am going to get together with the original people and send out PM invites to select people we know will not start drama... We have never had problems at any other meet ups. Not about to start now...








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I'm down 4 a meetup...I am always up for a good baseball arguement and some heavy drinking :)

No doubt...

For every run the Yankees score. Boston fans have to buy Yank fans a round. And for every run Boston Score. The Yank fans have to buy the Boston fans a round...

Should be good times... I believe it will be sometime the end of July... I am not sure what the schedule looks like. Have not taken a look lately.

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What reason do you have for saying he has an inflated ego?

I do not recall him saying anything or doing anything that would put him in barry bonds neck of the woods.

Even if he did have an inflated ego that does not make him a spic. Most pro ball players have an ego if they did not they probably would not be in the big leagues.

He is bad for baseball how? besides for him dropping some fly balls that is. :)

Please do not say it is the money because A-rod is worse.

Just the quote a"t this point in my career i want to win" I guess that means he did not want to win all the other years.

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personally, I cant wait for the meetup when we'll all be chillin and I'll be right alongside the magellansuperman drinkin some beers on all you Yankees trashtalkin melvins

elementx, I've met you before and although you are a my wayward Sox fan son, your ok in my book. captainpeccermalaka, trashtalkin wit you is gonna be like suckin a candycane in candy land....all too good cody and bxbostonfanwannabe, you'll see the light one day...I got faith in y'all. chrismakk and pk..l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l

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What reason do you have for saying he has an inflated ego?

I do not recall him saying anything or doing anything that would put him in barry bonds neck of the woods.

Even if he did have an inflated ego that does not make him a spic. Most pro ball players have an ego if they did not they probably would not be in the big leagues.

He is bad for baseball how? besides for him dropping some fly balls that is. :)

Please do not say it is the money because A-rod is worse.

Just the quote a"t this point in my career i want to win" I guess that means he did not want to win all the other years.

Where in my post did I say anything about " Spic "

I mentioned his ego, the fact that he is an asshole, the fact that he has a piss poor attitude... And he is not an all out player... Yeah he puts up great numbers... But he does not give it his all... His attitude sucks, you cannot deny that. The world knows his attitude sucks, and it is made worse by his ego.

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personally, I cant wait for the meetup when we'll all be chillin and I'll be right alongside the magellansuperman drinkin some beers on all you Yankees trashtalkin melvins

elementx, I've met you before and although you are a my wayward Sox fan son, your ok in my book. captainpeccermalaka, trashtalkin wit you is gonna be like suckin a candycane in candy land....all too good cody and bxbostonfanwannabe, you'll see the light one day...I got faith in y'all. chrismakk and pk..l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l

Can't wait... This should be a fun evening... I think we should start a thread about it. Have someone make it a sticky. This way we can arrange everything and make sure who is able to make it... Etc... Etc...

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Come on people. How old are we... We would like to have a decent civil meet up... If this is what it is going to be like. Then I am going to get together with the original people and send out PM invites to select people we know will not start drama... We have never had problems at any other meet ups. Not about to start now...








I'll behave dad... he just has a knack for distorting the facts or words like in this thread. I keep my hands to myself... well, maybe when I need to tap DjJohn on the shoulder for another beer... :pint:

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I'll probally be down for a meet up as long as it's planned well in advance.

And Scott - as much as I don't like the Red Sox, I don't think Manny is a piece of shit. If his ego is a little full, maybe it's because he's an outstanding baseball player. ;)

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sorry i got captainpec and elementx mixed up.

I do not see how you can be THE top right handed hitter in the league and not give it your all. Two years ago i would agree a little bit, but not now. When he first got here he came off as an asshole, but now that he has been here he seems to be opening up to the fans more. You do not see this, and i can understand how you could think he is an asshole.

Two funny things this year, wen he dropped the fly ball that almost cost us the game (tizzle won it in the ninth) the interviewed manny and he said "well there goes my gold glove" now if we lost he probably would not of said that, but since we won that is some funny shit.

Three games later he has 9 put outs and one diving catch to save some runs for pedro, he said "my glove is in a coma" i have no idea what he is talking about but i still think it is funny. he also said pedro is going to buy him a gold glove.

I think looking from the outside he comes off kinda fucked up but he really is not a bad guy. Bonds he is a bad guy, griffey jr rags on teammates and from stories is an asshole, clemens could be a real asshole. I do not think manny is in that boat.

but that is my opinion and i think jeter takes it in the ass so hahah /just kidding.

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sorry i got captainpec and elementx mixed up.

I do not see how you can be THE top right handed hitter in the league and not give it your all. Two years ago i would agree a little bit, but not now. When he first got here he came off as an asshole, but now that he has been here he seems to be opening up to the fans more. You do not see this, and i can understand how you could think he is an asshole.

Two funny things this year, wen he dropped the fly ball that almost cost us the game (tizzle won it in the ninth) the interviewed manny and he said "well there goes my gold glove" now if we lost he probably would not of said that, but since we won that is some funny shit.

Three games later he has 9 put outs and one diving catch to save some runs for pedro, he said "my glove is in a coma" i have no idea what he is talking about but i still think it is funny. he also said pedro is going to buy him a gold glove.

I think looking from the outside he comes off kinda fucked up but he really is not a bad guy. Bonds he is a bad guy, griffey jr rags on teammates and from stories is an asshole, clemens could be a real asshole. I do not think manny is in that boat.

but that is my opinion and i think jeter takes it in the ass so hahah /just kidding.

manny can be a dick head at times as well , but i would classify him just more as Aloof and not so "aware" of everything around him.

True he has made big strides this yr. in embracing the fans and press etc.

This is especially strange since i thought he would be even more aloof this season , when redsox brass basicallly told him go away we dont want you any more. The guy is a fuckin offensive machine . HE wil probably wind up his career in pinstripes as well ,to be close to wash hts.

Pedro on the other hand is a CUNT in every aspect of the word

good job out of him again missing a team meeting before yesterdays game

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sorry i got captainpec and elementx mixed up.

I do not see how you can be THE top right handed hitter in the league and not give it your all. Two years ago i would agree a little bit, but not now. When he first got here he came off as an asshole, but now that he has been here he seems to be opening up to the fans more. You do not see this, and i can understand how you could think he is an asshole.

Two funny things this year, wen he dropped the fly ball that almost cost us the game (tizzle won it in the ninth) the interviewed manny and he said "well there goes my gold glove" now if we lost he probably would not of said that, but since we won that is some funny shit.

Three games later he has 9 put outs and one diving catch to save some runs for pedro, he said "my glove is in a coma" i have no idea what he is talking about but i still think it is funny. he also said pedro is going to buy him a gold glove.

I think looking from the outside he comes off kinda fucked up but he really is not a bad guy. Bonds he is a bad guy, griffey jr rags on teammates and from stories is an asshole, clemens could be a real asshole. I do not think manny is in that boat.

but that is my opinion and i think jeter takes it in the ass so hahah /just kidding.

I haven't been paying attention to him this year, so maybe you are right. Is he a great hitter? I will say most definitely yes... is he high on my meter of good character players? No... he ranks with the likes of Martinez, Belle, Bonds, Clemens (who I will be a hypocrit and say I approved of when he was on our team to a certain degree... similar to Boston fans defending Pedro... conflict of interest and we have to defend our players to some degree), Keyshawn, etc. It's the whole "chip on the shoulder" that irks me with these players...

For example - the reason why Albert Belle was tossed out of Baltimore back in the day was due to the following: He was swinging his bat around under the stadium in the facilities walk way area... someone within the acct department (nameless) was walking by and said excuse me, only to have Belle continue swinging the bat. The two exchanged words with Belle threatening physical harm and they just had enough of his shit. Some players harm team chemistry and morale with their actions (not even to mention how much of a complainer Belle was).

Not to mention injury as well...

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I'll probally be down for a meet up as long as it's planned well in advance.

And Scott - as much as I don't like the Red Sox, I don't think Manny is a piece of shit. If his ego is a little full, maybe it's because he's an outstanding baseball player. ;)

You better come!!! :kiss2:

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God !!! I hate being swept !! But despite all the friggin bullshit defense my sox have played in the 1st 2 games... i'm glad they are playing with heart tonite...win or lose, imma be proud of them....for once in awhile, they are clawing back....b :)

For the redsox fans, dont give up yet even if we lose, we've come a long way..no matter if its called a consolation win (if we win ;) ) but all the same, we got a shitload of games to play... it will work out eventually..the rule of #s demands it.. we will prevail !!

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