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Out of Shape, Out of the loop, and depressed about it...

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Finally gonna post something about it...

About 6 or 7 months ago I injured my back... I was out of the gym for a month. I attempted to go back to the gym and re-injured my back. Turned out that I also have a herniated disk and compressed spine in my neck. The only good thing that has happened recently is I finally quit smoking again. And I have been smoke free for 4 Months once again. But with that came weight gain. Since my back injury I have gained about 45 - 50 lbs. Between being miserable that I could not go to the gym, lying around while my back was healing, and quiting smoking and started bad eating habbits. Shit has gotten out of hand...

I just cant seem to snap back into it... I start eating good for like a week... And then there is a BBQ, Or we go out drink and following that there is always the late night trips to the Diner or whatever and eat shitty food. Normally if I can get by eating good for a month I have no problem following a plan. And I have alot more will power... It is getting past the first month that is almost impossible... I was never a super thin person. I have always been bulky. For those of you who saw my pictures know that I have or had a nice build. But I was not ripped solid like some people on here. The truth is. For me to get to 230 - 240 and stay there I have to always diet and always be in the gym. For some reason my body puts on weight pretty fast if I do not keep on top of myself all the time. Which makes it hard. Cause we all want to cheat sometimes...

Anyway for anyone who has experienced an injury, weight gain, depression, lack of desire... Please tell me how you finally got yourself back into going to the gym... And eating the right things...

ELITE - You are the master nutritionist on here... what is a good eating plan to start that is not difficult at first and gradually get more and more strict as the will power and comfort of the eating plan grows...

It may be a hard question to answer... But all the help would be greatly appreciated... I feel like a totally different person between now and the last time that I normally posted on this board on a daily basis like 7 months ago...

Thanks people...


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Hey Scott..in all honesty..

just do it day by day and before u know it youll be back to where u were..

one thing that always gets me pumped is music..

make some new CDs for the gym..

also if the weight is bothering you..why not concentrate more on cardio than lifting..

good luck

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Def immediately go on a low carb diet. It really works. Cut out any starchy foods like bread, pasta, crackers- crap like that. Eat much lean red meat, chicken, turkey, fish, cheese, veg and friuts. Portion control is also key. When you do cheat, have a small amount of your taboo foods. Try not to eat starch passed 3pm. I swear it really works...GOOD LUCK and feel better.

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Finally gonna post something about it...

About 6 or 7 months ago I injured my back... I was out of the gym for a month. I attempted to go back to the gym and re-injured my back. Turned out that I also have a herniated disk and compressed spine in my neck. The only good thing that has happened recently is I finally quit smoking again. And I have been smoke free for 4 Months once again. But with that came weight gain. Since my back injury I have gained about 45 - 50 lbs. Between being miserable that I could not go to the gym, lying around while my back was healing, and quiting smoking and started bad eating habbits. Shit has gotten out of hand...

I just cant seem to snap back into it... I start eating good for like a week... And then there is a BBQ, Or we go out drink and following that there is always the late night trips to the Diner or whatever and eat shitty food. Normally if I can get by eating good for a month I have no problem following a plan. And I have alot more will power... It is getting past the first month that is almost impossible... I was never a super thin person. I have always been bulky. For those of you who saw my pictures know that I have or had a nice build. But I was not ripped solid like some people on here. The truth is. For me to get to 230 - 240 and stay there I have to always diet and always be in the gym. For some reason my body puts on weight pretty fast if I do not keep on top of myself all the time. Which makes it hard. Cause we all want to cheat sometimes...

Anyway for anyone who has experienced an injury, weight gain, depression, lack of desire... Please tell me how you finally got yourself back into going to the gym... And eating the right things...

ELITE - You are the master nutritionist on here... what is a good eating plan to start that is not difficult at first and gradually get more and more strict as the will power and comfort of the eating plan grows...

It may be a hard question to answer... But all the help would be greatly appreciated... I feel like a totally different person between now and the last time that I normally posted on this board on a daily basis like 7 months ago...

Thanks people...


damn dude i know how u feel ... i went thru it not too long ago but am wayyyy better off now ... and as you seen on here im having a hard time cause of my elbow and im depressed about that .. but trust me ... little by little you will get past it ... just gotta be strict !! peace and good luck dude :cool:

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Why not try a plan where you can be strict for 6 days (3 protein shakes/3 healthy meals a day) and on the 7th eat whatever you want (Big Macs, BBQs, Ice Cream, etc.)? Also, a daily inversion routine, which will relieve the pressure/pain on discs, ligaments and nerve roots in your back would be very beneficial for you.

Hope that helps.

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I'm here.

Elementx, You are in a shitty situatuation for sure. A lean, healthy body requires two essential elements. One is training and the other is diet. Obviously you are missing one, which will keep your motivation level to a minimum b/c even when you start eating right you will still not look the way you "want" to look.

I guess the question I should ask you is: What can you do???

Can you swim? Can you ride bikes?

If you can find some sort of cardio you can do it will help you loose the fat and then try to find a body part you can work on. Such as finding a position where you can do biceps or triceps without putting a strain on your back. A rock hard set of guns goes along ways towards motivating a person to eat right?

As far as the diet goes. That is something you are going to have to taylor to your own personal desires. What type of foods do you enjoy??? Once you have decided what foods you can not live without, then you can decide if you want a low fat diet, or a low carb diet, or like mentioned before set one day aside as a cheat day.

You also have to keep in mind that for you (especially you), this will have to be a life style change. A healthy person can afford to get fat, b/c they can spend 12 weeks bustin ass at the gym and get back in shape. It does not sound like you will have that luxury, so you need to find something you enjoy doing (training wise) without hurting your back and find a diet that you enjoy, so you can stick with it.


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i agree with eleite try swimming. I hurt my back a ways back, even thought i'm lucky and don't gain weight easy swimming helped a ton. You work muscles you don't even know you have

also i would cut down on the drinking, especially if that is causing you to late night eat. Which you gain so easily b/c after you eat you sleep so it just sits in your belly.

once you see some results you will feel better and continue with your diet

best of luck to you

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I totally know what your going through element, i've had shit like that happen repeatedly to me. Its always hardest to start back up and get in a routine, but once you do get the will power to start you fall back into a groove really quickly and you start feeling better about yourself because of it. Get those first few workouts behind you and a couple days of good eating and it'll just feel natural again.

Drinking absoutely hurts my progress in the gym, but i've come to accept that because whats the point of killing yourself to get in shape if you still cant go out and have fun. Stick to light beer (still does the job, but doesnt screw you over as badly in the carb department). Congrats on quitting smoking, dont worry about any little extra weight you put on because of it, because you'll end up with so much more energy and a healthier body in the long run. I got up to a nearly pack a day after i started college for a short time before it just started ruining any attempts i had of working out. Quitting was a bitch (alcohol is the worst part of quitting, drinking just made me want to smoke more), but after a few monthes i just started feeling so much healthier and having so much more energy. Because of that i really got into a groove in the weight room. Its been 10 months and cigarettes disgust me at this point, i really have no desire to smoke at all.

Finding cardio thats fun is also key... i hate the treadmill myself, but i can go out and push myself mountain biking until im on the verge of puking, and i still love doing it. You'll be more productive and enjoy your time alot more if you can find excercise you enjoy. Hell, sex isn't bad for cardio either ;)

good luck man

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i deffinetly know what your going through just under 3 months ago i was in a bad spot do to an injury also. I put on lots of weight and was real unhappy in all walks of life. I was at the same point where you seem to be mentally, You gotta just do it. I felt like shit and knew i had to change it, and did. You've worked out before so you know there is no EASY way just EASIER. I tried some new shit in the gym started educating myself on diets and alternatives on training and just got myself motivated. ANother thing that really helped, I surronded myself with active healthy people. They all acted as motivation for me seeing how happy they where with thier results made me want them also (which i am proud to say im at my best body fat percentage ever and have abs ~ finally fucking abs :) ). Whatever you do I wish you luck and hope all goes real well. Now get out there and find what works for you

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i deffinetly know what your going through just under 3 months ago i was in a bad spot do to an injury also. I put on lots of weight and was real unhappy in all walks of life. I was at the same point where you seem to be mentally, You gotta just do it. I felt like shit and knew i had to change it, and did. You've worked out before so you know there is no EASY way just EASIER. I tried some new shit in the gym started educating myself on diets and alternatives on training and just got myself motivated. ANother thing that really helped, I surronded myself with active healthy people. They all acted as motivation for me seeing how happy they where with thier results made me want them also (which i am proud to say im at my best body fat percentage ever and have abs ~ finally fucking abs :) ). Whatever you do I wish you luck and hope all goes real well. Now get out there and find what works for you

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I know exactly what u are going through also. I had a high ankle sprain in January that took almost three months to heal and currently my elbow is all messed up from lifting too much weight.

Everyone's advice is sound advice so I really dont have much to add. The only thing is to not kick yourself around about it. Find ways to work around your current situation and take off with it. You might not see the light at the end of the tunnel, but its there.

Good luck bro

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Thanks to all who chimed in... Advice is great... Sometimes it just takes the encouragement to get one started. I think that is what I was looking for more than anything. I am going to start going back to the gym at the end of July. I will see how things go... I think my heavy lifting days are over. I think it is time to go back to low weight, concentration, and higher reps. Get more strict with my sets, less break in between sets, and just burn myself out. I will post progress on here... Possibly before and after shots. But that will be a long time in the making... But thanks again for all the advice and kind words...

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Thanks to all who chimed in... Advice is great... Sometimes it just takes the encouragement to get one started. I think that is what I was looking for more than anything. I am going to start going back to the gym at the end of July. I will see how things go... I think my heavy lifting days are over. I think it is time to go back to low weight, concentration, and higher reps. Get more strict with my sets, less break in between sets, and just burn myself out. I will post progress on here... Possibly before and after shots. But that will be a long time in the making... But thanks again for all the advice and kind words...

I def agree with you on the heavy weight thing...My body is a fuckin mess right now. My shoulders crack every everytime I move my arms and the pain just sucks...

..I'm completely switching routines now. I'm gonna do alot more cardio mixed in with push ups, pull ups and stuff using my own body weight. Probably gonna lift weights 3-4 times a week and just stick to lower weight and concentrate alot more on my form, which probably is what got me into this mess in the first place..

..Good Luck bro :aright:

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