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Assistant Account Executive (recently promoted :D ) for a small, healthcare marketing/communication firm

I enjoy what I do and the people I work with. Just don't like working in the summertime, it's our slowest time and at a desk is the last place I wanna be when it's hot and sunny out!

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I dont love it....but I dont hate it either. I run the Payroll for my department, as well at clerical services for my department.....I work at Long Island Jewish hospital in New Hyde Park.....You cant beat hospital benefits and the saftey of the union.

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I am an invextment advisor/ stockbroker. Extremely love it and I extremely hate it. I couldn't do anything else. At one time I thought I was going to change my career just for the safety net. This is the greatest business in the world. I love the fact that I convince people to take risks they were never willing to take. They end up loving me for it. I love when my clients are happy. That is the greatest benefit. Not the money. The money is secondary. When you do this job to make people happy it becomes so much easier. I hate dealing with the people I work with. They waste my fucking time. There are all these older people who think they know everything and don't do a damn thing. Then they get pissed when their clients dropped them and started working with me. They just cause so much drama after that. Bunch of fucking babies. :gang:

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Love It Or Hate It? Also, what do you do?

was a trader for six years recently left (may) and became an IT guy... i dont love it i dont hate it, just something i do that pays the bills... however im looking to persue a career in cooking or comedy in the near future...

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barstar, do you think you'll ever go back to trading? and why did you leave? too much stress? didn't like it?

I don’t know... I love it, I miss it A LOT, and its only been a lil over a month... however Money is the only reward in trading, and I think I want more out of life than just that... If you're coming into trading expecting any other benefits, then you're in the wrong business... I've had some time to reflect on trading and on the whole I believe it is a net negative experience... Yes, you make decent money when done well, However to do it well I believe it leaves you damaged emotionally, physically, and spiritually... My voice is stringy and deep from yelling and being on the phone all day... I don't have the energy I once had, working sixty hours a week left me damaged so much that towards the end I had trouble coming into work, and more importantly staying there and working... overall it left me jaded in terms of real life as well, relationships, friendships, etc. but all in all going forward it may be best to just move on, as I get older and start thinking about what’s important and what I want out of life the more I realize it has less to do with material objects and more to do with happiness, and complacency... I used to believe that ppl that settle or are complacent are pussies or wimps because they never strive for the next best thing, but then I thought one day that maybe what they have now is the best thing and there isn’t anything better... maybe their own happiness and happiness of their family is reward enough... I don’t know I'm starting babble but long story short (if that’s possible at this point) I needed a lil more security in my life, and stability, it feels great to make X amount in a few minutes but it feels worse to lose XX a few moments later and if and when I start a family I don’t want to live life waiting for the next tick...

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well this certainly isnt my career but i bartend... all year round at a lounge in a college town and this summer is my first summer on the jersey shore... i absolutely love it. Great place to be, to work, to hang out... its also great money and im surrounded by great music, even better people... and i just have such a good time going to work... :)

fun times~!

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i dont know... just needed a change... also for the past year i havent really been rockin' any d&g... kind of went a different route... i dont know... a lot of ppl are giving me hell for it... saying this one was worst than the first but whatever... why you hate it too~!?

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