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So frustrated........


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What goes up, eventually comes down...soooooo, if you are getting "a bit too happy" on the weekends, expect to be down during the week...if this continues, reduce the dose of "happiness" you enjoy on the weekends, that could help you level...consistency is key in character, if you are not Glen Miller, you should not swing the mood.

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..Feeling self fullfilled is obtained by means other than Clubbing .

i understand that i just have to start to live by that adage. i have begun writing again..... which is a huge passion of mine...... always a good thing ........

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bling, take it from someone who has been (seriously) clubbing for over 10 years now..clublife is an ESCAPE from reality; you can't look there for all your happiness. like someone else said: maybe you should find a hobby that really interests you. and don't take this the wrong way but you probably spend a little TOO much time on this and other message boards. moderation is a good thing

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bling, take it from someone who has been (seriously) clubbing for over 10 years now..clublife is an ESCAPE from reality; you can't look there for all your happiness. like someone else said: maybe you should find a hobby that really interests you. and don't take this the wrong way but you probably spend a little TOO much time on this and other message boards. moderation is a good thing

ur completely right....... clubbing is an escape from reality..... my family has told me the same thing.. i have gone overboard and have realized that.now is the time to change.......... i will still club. i guess.. but starting tomorrow im gonna start to change my life yet again....... it will take time..... but all good things take time....... and hard work..........

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take walks (in the early morn and evening)


look up events (NONclubbing events ;) ) that spark yer interest


new academic persuits. pick something yer interested in and research it and learn!!!!!! no school necessary!!!!


explore. visit places you've never been (even in south florida)


connect spiritually


do something RANDOM, off the wall, out of the ordinary. shake things up blingster ;)


do something nice for others and volunteer somewhere, that always lifts my spirits and reminds me of how very lucky i am


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when i was in the ER the other night i was in such a bad mood by 4 AM i was the patient from hell, banging on the walls with my crutches yelling "let me the fuck out of hereeeeeeee"- and i was so pissed off about how i'd fukt up my feet and i would have to deal with having two busted feet for a few weeks, and then an elderly black lady rolled past my door in a wheelcahir, she was a double amputee. well i shut up real quick. i mean, my feet will be ok in a few weeks, at least i still have them.

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Bling dude you have to try some new shyt instead of just going out to clubs, theres alot more to life then that.Like Mdamon said go to the gym,going to the gym helps out alot.It helps take out fistrations and at the same time your workingout on your bod.I mean of course you can do whatever you want but its just a suggestion.Remember you only live once mofo make the best of it,you never know what can happen tomorrow or the next day or whenever.Theres no time for being down.Life isnt all fun and games but I try my best not to be bitter nor hate and even less feel down. :spin2:Cheer up kid.

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shockingly and some of u may not believe it i went to the gym 2-3 times a week about 8 months about a year and a half ago. i gave up because i was not motivated enuff. no one to work out with... that is a very important thing to have is a workout buddy... motivation is key.........

went to porky's gym in the hammocks. i def liked it i had more energy and even got colds less often surprisngly enuff....

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Bleh, don't worry Bling, it'll just get worse. The older you get, the more decisions you have to regret, believe me. However, that's not the point. If you fucked in the past, you can't dwell on that. It'll only depress you (as you noted) and there is not one fucking thing you can do about it. However, what you can do is keep trying and forging forward. Find something you love and do it.

And I'm going to strongly disagree with all those moderation folks. That's utter bullshit. Life is fun, enjoy it. If you miss out on stuff, you will regret it more than if you overdo. Don't do stupid shit like partying so hard you lose your job, or whatever, but beyond that, play as hard as you can while still maintaining.

But, if you are feeling empty, maybe it is time to take things to the next level. Maybe instead of just enjoying the nightlife, you should think about becoming involved. Hell, I've considered trying to recruit you many times. But if not us, there are many other companies out there that could use your skills. Or you could start your own. The music and nightlife is obviously something you are passionate about, and I'll tell you, nothing makes you feel better then working in your passion. Something to think about. If you want to talk about it more, you know how to get ahold of me.

As for you, Carisa, I have no words, but I am a good listener. If you need a shoulder, you have my number. Any time, day or night. That's all I can say.

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i think bling is doing some soul-searching. i don't think him overdoing the party scene is a problem (he's too much of a good buy by nature), but it's the alone moments between parties and work that remind him that he needs MORE in his life. it's time for something more, but he has to figure out what that is.

bling, you are such a worthwhile guy, you deserve to feel more happiness in your life. you have to cover all the bases- body, mind, and spirit- right now i have the feeling you are ignoring a few of those if not all of them (we all do at times). self-fulfillment is an active and intentional process, generally it won't just fall in your lap. you are capable of being succesful in all areas of your life, i believe that bling, i believe in ya honey.

remember by changing your present you change your future! :)

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Bling dude you have to try some new shyt instead of just going out to clubs, theres alot more to life then that.Like Mdamon said go to the gym,going to the gym helps out alot.It helps take out fistrations and at the same time your workingout on your bod.I mean of course you can do whatever you want but its just a suggestion.Remember you only live once mofo make the best of it,you never know what can happen tomorrow or the next day or whenever.Theres no time for being down.Life isnt all fun and games but I try my best not to be bitter nor hate and even less feel down. :spin2:Cheer up kid.

I agree w/ Happyface...do something else besides clubbing...go the gym, play sports, etc...there is a ton of activities besides clubbing to be enjoyed with friends.

I just can't imagine how down would you get if you did drugs. Thank God you don't take ecstasy otherwise you would have killed yourself already. LOL

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thanks so much coach and clem for your very insightful words...... yes coach i would def be interested in perhaps workin within the music industry and club industry. I will go the extra mile to make it happen, it has become a passion like you say and just to be a part of it will be extra special....

i love myself as a person. i have changed a tremendous amount over the past year. sometimes i look in the mirror and i can barely recognize myself. but one thing that never changes for better or worse is my emotions. I have always been one that has always laid it all out for better or worse and given everytyhing my all, whether that be school, work or my attempts at love.... Nevertheless, i still feel that emptiness within, not something thats very easy to explain its like I know what I am missing but i just cannot grasp it however hard i try.....

oh well ive ranted enough........ like flip says "its a celebration bitches" the last thing i want to do is get everyone down.........

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