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if the yankees.........


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get johnson and have a payroll over 200 mill. i will never watch another baseball game ever. No sour grapes no bullshit like that, just complete disgust for baseball.

NOw do not give me the well if the red sox got him bla bla shit. If we get him chances are nomar will be gone and our payroll will still be in the 125-130 mill range. Still 55 to 60 less then yours.

carry on

oh and was kevin brown bangin giambis wife? i am thinking that is how these parasites spreaded.

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yeha i dont think the Cards have the loot to get him

geroge has no problem spending money , Im shocked Moreno is not going after him since the angels were on his short list and he does have a home few miles from anaheim

and yes JTk and sux fans i prefer to go to war with what we have but cant complain if the owner wants to spend the money to make his team better

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According to Gammons he is going to the Yankees for cash. If this happens all the other teams in baseball should just leave the league and set up there own

With what money do you figured doing this? Since the inception of revenue sharing, that Yankees are responsible for contributing over close to or over $200 million dollars to the various teams across MLB... for the financial uninclined, the strikes back in the mid 90's ruined many baseball markets across the US and even abroad (Canada). These teams were so/still are so financially burdened by lack of fan support that they rely on teams such as the Yankees, Mets, Boston, Baltimore, etc. to keep baseball around by sharing the profits. The next closest team in comparison to dollars contributed to revenue sharing would be closer to $125 million... kind of a pale comparison if you ask me.

For the fans of the teams that continue to bitch and whine all the time (not referencing Boston fans since they do a good job of selling their seats in their small stadium), where are you attending your teams home games? Maybe if you financially supported your team - your team would have money to reinvest in the club...

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well not all owners are as smart as georgie. With the yes network he can generate alot more money. The problem with the smaller teams is if they go out and get a high price player and then he does not proform they are fucked. The yanks on the other hand can pay someone a shat load of money even if they suck.

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PS - I have been requesting Randy Johnson since the beginning of this year, when everyone was saying that he was "washed up." Funny how a washed up cat is still putting up some of the best numbers in the game still.

Actually, come to think of it - I wanted him back in 96 when he was getting ready to leave Seattle... Yankees looked elsewhere... :mad:

My thoughts - we need to take Johnson or allow a deal to go through where Boston doesn't pick him up. Without him, I don't believe Boston poses a serious threat... with that and the positioning around their current player contracts, if they don't win it this year... the team will never be as competitive in two years.

Play the alternate card and Boston picks up Randy... they could win it all. And then be able to afford (from post-season revenues, etc.) resigning players with ease and ultimately stick around in the "seriously" competitive league...

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well not all owners are as smart as georgie. With the yes network he can generate alot more money. The problem with the smaller teams is if they go out and get a high price player and then he does not proform they are fucked. The yanks on the other hand can pay someone a shat load of money even if they suck.

Biggest problem isn't georgie... since he's owned the team, he's reinvested the profits back in the team. That is why they are where they are today. Other teams like the Expos, Padres, Marlins (pre 2003), Brewers, etc. take their $15-$20million plus checks and put the money back into their pocket to offset their loses... you will never be competitive that way.

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For the fans of the teams that continue to bitch and whine all the time (not referencing Boston fans since they do a good job of selling their seats in their small stadium), where are you attending your teams home games? Maybe if you financially supported your team - your team would have money to reinvest in the club...

Very well said :aright:

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When the yanks blew chunks in the late 80's and early 90"s (i think they blew somewhere around then) i am sure attendence was down. Georgie was smart did reinvest, got the yes network and all that, but if they did not win, the amount of money he would spend would be less. They won the series their avertising money went through the roof and the rest is history.

georgie is smart and lucky. He bought the team for 11 million. He does not have the overhead these others teams do. The sox owners are in for atleast another 600 million. That is a shit load of money and you really can not just go out and spend 185 million in payroll.

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When the yanks blew chunks in the late 80's and early 90"s (i think they blew somewhere around then) i am sure attendence was down. Georgie was smart did reinvest, got the yes network and all that, but if they did not win, the amount of money he would spend would be less. They won the series their avertising money went through the roof and the rest is history.

georgie is smart and lucky. He bought the team for 11 million. He does not have the overhead these others teams do. The sox owners are in for atleast another 600 million. That is a shit load of money and you really can not just go out and spend 185 million in payroll.

When did the Yankees blow money?

Oh wait, now I remember... Jesse Barfield, Danny Tartabull, Cecil Fielder, Steve "Bye, Bye" Balboni, Kevin Maas... See our team sucked at one point! :mad:

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When did the Yankees blow money?

Oh wait, now I remember... Jesse Barfield, Danny Tartabull, Cecil Fielder, Steve "Bye, Bye" Balboni, Kevin Maas... See our team sucked at one point! :mad:

Don't forget Jay Buhner for Ken Phelps...

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get johnson and have a payroll over 200 mill. i will never watch another baseball game ever. No sour grapes no bullshit like that, just complete disgust for baseball.

:laugh: you know by this time, its a matter of "when" not "if". You know what irks me the most, in all these so called "trades" the yamkees pull....and we all know they've pulled more than their fair share, they unload a shitload of garbage..right, their farm system became a clearing house when georgieboy figured that using mercernaries was a cheaper and more environmental friendly way to buy a WS ring. You can almost smell the garbage from your seat...just wait..the press release is gonna go a lil sum'thin like this. " The yamkees have swindled the D'Backs by sending a shitload of sewer and Jose Contreras in a 'blockbluster' deal that also includes undisclosed $$ and future garbage prospects "

i mean, just look back at all their trades, how many actually panned out? they swindled teams that were desperate for cash...something the yamkees have a handle on. Gimme a fucking break. And all we can do is sit and watch the league getting jacked. Fuckin A !!!!

P.S Georgieboy is a snivelling, conniving, underhanded slimy carpetbagger to ever walk this planet. :)

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I think Geroge is a good owner. He cares for his team and will do anything to win. Yes the payroll is high but he wants to be competetive. He is willing to spend money to make him better. The cash he pays in luxurey tax the teams should invest that in their teams not put it in their pockets.

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