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do ur tastes change as u get older ?


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I had this friend - he's been in the nightlife industry for a long time . The type of women he used to date were strippers, models + actresses and others.. and these girls would go in and out of his doors

Now that he's older he has a girlfriend - and she looks nothing like the girls he dated in the past. No implants, no plastic surgery, not slutty , not even sexy. She's just a very slim and very normal looking girl.

She doesn't have some sexy job. She is very quiet and hardly goes out to clubs .

He used be REALLY WILD ..and I always thought he would end up with the Playmate type ...never in a million years did I ever think a guy like him would be with a nice quiet girl like that ...

Do men's tastes really change ? Maybe he just got sick of dating club sluts ...but he went beyond 360 degrees !

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yep...tastes definitely change as you grow older. just ask some of the women of the boards on here abt me, they'll tell how back when i was 19, i tasted really sweet, when i was 20, a lil sweet 'n sour, and now whenever they taste me during those wild orgies we have every weekend (it's all very hush hush ;)) im like sky vodka :D

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Women's too.

The older one gets the more u look for a reliable and trustworthy person rather than a sick body... to settle down with.

no doubt; The smart ones change when you are 50 how attractive do you think those fake girls will look?

I just got out of a 3 yr relationship with a girl who basically had her shit together. It made me think about what i really want in a woman, i guess my standards were raised. Where i use to date anyone with a pulse now she has to have a lot more.

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I don't know if a guy's tastes so much change as they do emerge. I mean, when you're a young guy, you're tastes tend to be, "any girl who will let me in her pants." You have little patience for yakking or anything like that, so you date easy chicks. Once you grow up some, you realize more what you do and do not want in a partner. And, as you mature, you realize that looking for the right person is more important than finding the right now person. Plus, physically, your libido does actually drop.

Of course, this isn't true of all guys, but for many, it is the norm. Some guys understand what they really want at a much earlier age. And some guys don't figure it out until way later. Some never do. But that's basically what is happening.

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I think my taste is starting to change. I now look at another's person's whole package, not just the surface stuff like looks and attraction....a person's family, work ethic, drive, their friends -- these are all important factors to me now

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Yes, my taste for women have changed. Especially from 22-24. I use to love being with wild girls. Now they are such a turnoff. I find that I like a girl that has a wild bunch of friends but is the quiet one in the group.

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I used to want a really hot chic and didnt really care bout other factors. ive noticed that about a year ago i start liking "normal" types. The biggest factors to me right now are her sense of humor, how she was brought up, work ethic, morals and how she carries herself. of course, you still have to be attracted to the person, but its less of a factor. Natural beauty is so much more attractive to me these days :)

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Well... I never dated a stipper/ model or whatever ... but

I think that guys just get less and less willing to put up with the psychotic bullshit baggage that invariable comes with the stripper/ bimbo type. It just takes them a while to realize that it isn't worth it.

Im sure the same thing happens to most girls.

its kind of like if the empire state building only had stairs, it would be worth it to climb them to see the view, but only a limited number of times before the work getting there wasnt worth it.

It takes about 1 stripper to realize that putting up with her shit isnt worth it.

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Speaking as one of the older guys on this board (35) I would agree we do change, not so much our taste in women but what we want from them.

When younger, say in 20's you want to party and have as much fun as you can and your not really looking for a relationship so you will be meeting girls in the same situation as you. You will be going to clubs and wild parties and stuff so you will be meeting girls who are young & wild too ie; strippers and club girls. So thats who you find yourself attracted to and thats who you date.

When we get a little older, say late 20's early 30's we are getting more into our careers mabye thinking about finding a women you can have a relationship with and going out less and partying seems to be less important. So in turn we are meeting girls who are now a little older and feeling the same way and that starts to look better to us than the stripper or some wild club girl type.

So I think our tastes change because we change and grow as people. Its inevidable, people change and so do our lives so our tastes change along with them.

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