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Head .vs. Heart


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im sure everyone has had this dilemma, when your head tells you to do one thing, and your heart another. can drive you crazy sometimes. more than likely your head will tell you to take the most logical course of action, while your heart tells you what feels best, and maybe theres no reason why it feels a certain way but it does. which do you ignore, which takes presidence? im torn, and there's no easy solution sometimes,

so what to do?

is it better to follow your head or your heart?

I have always followed my heart. I am a romantic and emotional guy since i can remember . I have been hurt though that is def the downfall but i believe that if one puts their entire heart towards someone they love that experience is all the more fruitful and lasting.....

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Personally, I say go with what your head tells you to do. The heart usually thinks short-term, looking for happiness now, and hoping that things are still good later down the road. The head usually thinks long-term, you may have to suffer now but down the road, it'll be ok. As someone posted before, pain is temporary.

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nah you're dead on. i wasnt going to say anything at all, i was going by that theory thusfar... i was waiting to see if he came back to me. but its been a while and im starting to wonder if i should just see myself and try and move on or leave it be... and it really sucks letting him go completely, but its like if i dont ever try i'll kick myself the rest of my life. but you're right in the fact that if its possible to feel that way about one person, it could happen again.

we'll see, it all comes down to whether i really have the guts to do it in the first place i think..

While that saying may hold true, what if you're waiting for them to make the move, and theyre waiting on you to make the move?

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While that saying may hold true, what if you're waiting for them to make the move, and theyre waiting on you to make the move?

you're right.. i thought about that a few times, but i think ive just made up my mind that im not going to say anything and just let it go. i got a pretty distinct gut feeling that im alone out here, so im just gonna go with it i think. and if things seem on the contrairy, then i will maybe say something. but this case is officially closed for now.

thanks for all the imput everybody.. i do appreciate it,

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there's a certain someone that i used to date, and there's still ridiculous amounts of feeling felt, and im wondering if i should make it known or keep it to myself. im thinking if i dont make the effort to say something or hint soon then i may never get a chance to later. so its either say something and chance getting hurt, or not do anything and always have this in the back of my head...

neither one seems very appealing to be honest, ugh

i just went thru the same situation. i listened to my heart instead of my head and i spilled my guts out. now im not so sure i made the right decision. i can deal w/ being hurt, but i dont think i can deal with screwin up the friendship, ya know wut i mean? i havent gotten any response yet, kinda left it as "take time to think about it and let me know" but i dont have a good feeling about it. part of me is glad i got it out, but part of me wants to take my words back just to avoid any uncomfortableness from here on out.

idk, it could either turn out to be the greatest victory of my life, or the biggest letdown.

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i just went thru the same situation. i listened to my heart instead of my head and i spilled my guts out. now im not so sure i made the right decision. i can deal w/ being hurt, but i dont think i can deal with screwin up the friendship, ya know wut i mean? i havent gotten any response yet, kinda left it as "take time to think about it and let me know" but i dont have a good feeling about it. part of me is glad i got it out, but part of me wants to take my words back just to avoid any uncomfortableness from here on out.

idk, it could either turn out to be the greatest victory of my life, or the biggest letdown.

yep, so wherein lies my dilemma. you understand how i feel then. its crazy, either you put yourself on the line and it could be the greatest thing ever or you could be torn to pieces. thing is im wondering if taking the risk is better than wondering what if for the rest of my life. ive made the decision as of now not to say anything though. we talked yesterday and it didnt feel right. so im keeping it to myself, maybe forever... if it comes out one day then it does. i think ive been thinking too much about it and i need to get off it for a while, focus on myself.. maybe take stab at it later on. i kinda believe in if something is really meant to be then it will happen type thing, so im putting it on hold a bit.... we'll see.

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yep, so wherein lies my dilemma. you understand how i feel then. its crazy, either you put yourself on the line and it could be the greatest thing ever or you could be torn to pieces. thing is im wondering if taking the risk is better than wondering what if for the rest of my life. ive made the decision as of now not to say anything though. we talked yesterday and it didnt feel right. so im keeping it to myself, maybe forever... if it comes out one day then it does. i think ive been thinking too much about it and i need to get off it for a while, focus on myself.. maybe take stab at it later on. i kinda believe in if something is really meant to be then it will happen type thing, so im putting it on hold a bit.... we'll see.
eh...now its just wait and see :( u wanna just say screw it all and we'll get together and watch the repeat of last nite's nip/tuck. i didnt see it, went to Bar A. did u see it?
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eh...now its just wait and see :( u wanna just say screw it all and we'll get together and watch the repeat of last nite's nip/tuck. i didnt see it, went to Bar A. did u see it?

sounds like a plan to me, i was actually contempating bar gay last night... and no, sadly i did not see it either :(

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sounds like a plan to me, i was actually contempating bar gay last night... and no, sadly i did not see it either :(
well bar gay is only good cuz its cheap. and its outside which is nice. if it wasnt for that i would never go there. and i NEVER go inside. i hate cover bands and the ugly crowds they bring
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