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would u kick the bitch to the curb?


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i had plans to meet up with this girl last nite at a bar. i went with a bunch of my friends, she was with a bunch of her friends. so we met up, chilled a bit, i got her and her 2 friends shots. we talked for like maybe 20 min. then she tells me her ex's friend is around and he's givin her shit for bein out at a bar and talkin to me. he doesnt want his boy's ex-gf talking to anyone else i guess. which is dumb. but anyway...she tells me that its probably a bad idea that me and her hang out cuz this kid will start trouble, so she tells me to stay away from her for the rest of the nite. so i did...a little pissed off, but i didnt see her for the rest of the nite.

do i have the right to be pissed at this girl? should i give her the cold shoulder? or being that we've only been talkin for like 3 days, should i let it go and see how she acts from here on out?

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That sucks , you didn't even see the guy? so where did she go?, Maybe her and her friend wanted to leave and she just wanted to give you a reason to leave!

i would punch a puppy like this guy said, and suck it up man

actually i would want to know why she's lying if she lying

crazy man crazy

i never noticed the guy. i was being 'considerate and attentive" and acting like a "gentleman" all my attn was on her...and our conversation. my boy said one of her friends was like starin me down, givin me that look. i never even knew. i saw her friends later on, not her though. they didnt even know where she was. i just said i was bouncin and i honestly didnt care wut the hell happened
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so fuck it man don't waist your time man ,

if she really cares she'll call back and tell you sorry man . I thought that was very disrespectful.

who cares if she has somebody else she not dating him , she can do what ever she want.. If she left with this guy, then she shouldn't of been with you at all , and what make it even worst is that she listened to him

crazy bitch

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ha... i knew ud talk about it eventually ;)

and seeing u last night in the mood u were in, id say it isnt worth it... idk who this girl is or how u know her etc... but after only 3 days of talkin to her... she isnt worth it. anyone who blatanly blows u off like that isnt worth the time nor energy worrying about it... yea ur feelings might be hurt but think about it... shes one in how many billion girls ull meet in ur lifetime? if she blows u off, there's gonna be plenty more where that came from... and plenty more will do the same... just weed thru em all... dont sweat it. u deserve better.


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dude u got abused....she ripped u off, u paid for her drink and afterwards ur not worthy to her anymore....u got abused.....used I meant...or more like u ben franklins got used...

My advice, never ever buy any bitch anything......u will save a lot of money this way...trust me....

i had plans to meet up with this girl last nite at a bar. i went with a bunch of my friends, she was with a bunch of her friends. so we met up, chilled a bit, i got her and her 2 friends shots. we talked for like maybe 20 min. then she tells me her ex's friend is around and he's givin her shit for bein out at a bar and talkin to me. he doesnt want his boy's ex-gf talking to anyone else i guess. which is dumb. but anyway...she tells me that its probably a bad idea that me and her hang out cuz this kid will start trouble, so she tells me to stay away from her for the rest of the nite. so i did...a little pissed off, but i didnt see her for the rest of the nite.

do i have the right to be pissed at this girl? should i give her the cold shoulder? or being that we've only been talkin for like 3 days, should i let it go and see how she acts from here on out?

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since when did a woman's ex's friend's opinion on who she's seeing NOW start to matter?? :confused:

when it begins to interfere with ur social life while ur out trying to talk to people... the pressure, the eyes on u... it all matters in the moment... at the heart of it, it doesnt mean shit. its all about intimidating and making people feel like theyre doing something they shouldnt be... which is fucked up- a real woman wouldnt have given into that but at the same time i dont know her or her situation so maybe drama with the ex is something she really wanted to avoid... and so be it... but when it comes down to it, who really cares?

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im not calling her till she calls me. im just not sure what to say if she does call. should i just go off and say what i feel, or keep it in. what if this girl is a really nice girl, like she seemed to be until last nite. maybe last nite she just fucked up and we got stuck in a bad situation. if i start callin her out on things and startin arguments so early in this...wutever u can call it, then i might screw up a good thing. idk...my impression of her right now is she is a biotch

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so wait and see if she calls u... if she doesnt, take the hint and delete her # out of ur phone. if she does call u, then go with however u feel... if u think ud feel better talkin to her about what happened, then talk to her, if u think u wanna just tell her to fuck off then do so :) but only if u plan on never talking to her again... cuz like u said.. u dont wanna ruin a good thing... ull know it if and when u speak to her again what her intentions may be... just wait it out... if she doesnt call, theres ur answer.

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