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public displays of clumsiness...


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lol............. when i was in like 8th or 9th grade i was back in brooklyn visiting my old friends for a week... i hadnt seen them for a while and i was pretty psyched yet nervous to be around them... so we're all at this kids house who i didnt even know hangin out by his pool... (i was fully dressed in jeans and a shirt with flip flops) so im walkin around by the pool and i totally slipped and fell on the water around the pool... went down on my ass... in front of everyyyyyone.. there was no hiding it. needless to say, it sucked. badly. BUT they were all good friends of mine so it was okay it just sucked that i was trying to be cool cuz i was a brooklyn girl gone jersey so i felt i still had so much to prove LOL... so much for that...

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not my story...but my cousins..

we were at some cafe on a boardwalk one summer....and we decide its time to go home. the boardwalk is fullll of people..i mean like u can hardly walk..halfway to the car this idiot remembers he left his cigarettes and lighter at the cafe. so we run back to the cafe...

now...this kid is like 6'7...and the clumsiest dude i know...so he runs off the boardwalk to the cafe...and he slips on this small ass step separating the cafe garden ,where there's mad people sitting, and the actual boardwalk.....as he's falling he grabs 2 fuckin plastic chairs to hold on..and all 6'7 of him fall backwards across the boardwalk..so he's laying on his back..with his hands in the air..holding 2 chairs..laughing his ass off...im on the floor..dyyyyyying..i look to the cafe...and everyone sittin in the garden is crying in tears.....fucking funniest moment ever

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This actually happened a few weeks ago.

I was walking into the staff computer room at work and I was carrying a big box and I tripped over someones bag. I hit the floor pretty hard and the box went flying. I was so embarrassed (and in a lot of pain) that I just layed on the floor for a good couple of minutes. I heard some giggling going on and I was just like whatever. Well, after I snapped out of it I felt a breeze-I totally forgot that I was wearing a skirt-and thong and my ass was hanging out the whole freakin time. Nice huh! I had a 15 person audience for that one! ;)

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This actually happened a few weeks ago.

I was walking into the staff computer room at work and I was carrying a big box and I tripped over someones bag. I hit the floor pretty hard and the box went flying. I was so embarrassed (and in a lot of pain) that I just layed on the floor for a good couple of minutes. I heard some giggling going on and I was just like whatever. Well, after I snapped out of it I felt a breeze-I totally forgot that I was wearing a skirt-and thong and my ass was hanging out the whole freakin time. Nice huh! I had a 15 person audience for that one! ;)


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most of my clumsiness happens in private.. like once both my legs fell asleep, and I was laying in the bed, the phone rang, so i went to get it, when I stood up, I fell over.. that sucked...

but i tend to walk into walls and doors quite often... at work a few months back, i tripped over my foot or something near the copy machine, and fell into the copier, ended up with this huge bruise on my arm...

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most of my clumsiness happens in private.. like once both my legs fell asleep, and I was laying in the bed, the phone rang, so i went to get it, when I stood up, I fell over.. that sucked...

so not funny...but :laugh2: anyway...

Anywho, I'm not a clumsy person at all...I'm 4'11, so somehow I don't get into crazy shit.

One thing I did do today though....super early this AM I woke up really early to get my nails done...and other girlie stuff....and when i walked in the salon (( hadn't had my coffee yet )) I asked for a "panicure and medicure".

I hate when I do that shit. I'm a big word jumbler. :mad:

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i was in the supermarket one day and i was walking with the cart, i turned my head to check out this chick and i nailed this old dude with my shopping cart...then he tumbled over and fell into his wife who fell down also....she took out the potato chip rack that was right next 2 her...

it was so fucking funny i swear, like watching giant dominoes..

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i was @ amsterdam airport with my mom n sis..and we were standing on those moving platforms..theyre flat and theyre just used to get u across the airport quicker cause its fuckin huge. anywhooo my sister was standin with her back towards the end of the platform..so ofcourse she busts her ass...and i start laughin..but im laughin so hard that i cant avoid fallin over her...finally my mom seein the both of us laid out on the floor tries to jump over us so she doesnt bust her ass...she does this unsuccesfully...and winds up tumblin over the both of us...

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...years and years ago this girl and i were sort of play battling on the dance floor.....at one point i told her to let me roundhouse kick over her head during a move.....she wasnt too tall and i showed her the kick before doing it so she would see that i could clear the top of her noggin.....welllllll.......when it came time to kick i was a little low....fortunately i just hit her hair clip and smashed it against her haid......no real damage other than the entire club witnessing what appeared to be me kicking this girl in the head........lol

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One time in little league I was on second base trying to steal third. I waited for the right pitch and took off. Around 2/3 of the way there, I tripped but it just looked like I was attempting a head first slide. The only problem was that I was about 20 feet short of third base... :funny:

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