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wow finally some one replys w brains n a smart comment...mad props bro....most people jus start talkin mad shit after a reply like mine.............but i respect wat u sayin.....people also r different n people hav 2 understand that every club is gots their crowds n yes i look like those kids but i dont dance like them w their lil runnin man dance....ive been dancin since i was 5 so i no how to dance next 2 them...lolll...........i jus dont hav respect for people who need to make fun based on looks i think thus stupid.......if they dancin n actin like they the shit b my guest but jus based on looks no need.....everyone is diff n unique on how they look ...... :)

totally agree with u, and it's all about someone's style of living. i spike my hair too, but i dont think it makes me an arrogant person. i dont want to say that i'm tough, but if someone would come up to me and make fun i'll break him in half. so grow up and stop fuck around.

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n there r alot diff people in the jp crowd jus the majority of the crowd is nj guidos n people need 2 understand not the whole crowd is like that.....jus u see more of them n think thus wat the whole party is....but yea every crowd is diff some r older crowds some younger some r people who hav no idea wat is goin on n jus goin 2 try the club out shit like that.....

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hey everyone .. i agree with those who said that generalizing is wrong .. just coz some people spike their hair does not make them bad people .. and just cos they dance same .. still dont make them bad people ..

this site should be about dance .. clubs .. music .. and love/peace that those bring .. that is what should and what is the real message ...

hating somene cos they look in a certain way .. is wrong wrong wrong ..

hating someone coz they are arrogant .. is still wrong .. i simply feel bad for them .. but hate .. nope ...

someone once said .. if u hate . u can never love .. think about it people ..

now .. when it comes to dancing .. it is true that there are certain (i guess they call it SF style) people dance the SF style .. and u know what, i used to make fun of them too .. which is wrong by the way, but .. i now know that i was wrong and that people are people .. at least they are trying .. and if that gets them to better dancing one day .. great . and if it does not . and that is their style . it is still ok ...

i know this is against what i used to preach .. (i.e. be creative in dancing .. feel the music .. act the song .. be your own self) ... but .. i am writing this in defense of humans ... and we humans in general like to copy and like to immitate ... so .. it is not a big fault if we do .. and if we change that move or that twist .. even better ...

so .. lets all have respect for each other .. and again like someone said before .. if u dont like someone . simply ignore them .. and move on ..

dance people . dance .. and love one another


the MASK

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yes tanning n eyebrows yadayada does not make them look beautiful it does make them look better then wat they were probably...n there are alot of good lookin people at spirit u cant denie it if u ever been there.........beautiful can b diferent dependin on ur type n shit.....n yes those kids r young but wat club doesnt hav young kids...wat age did u start clubbin i was 13 ... i never heard of people startin clubin at age 21 cuz it was the legal age...lollllllllll...............everyone starts young n u bitch bout them bein young but yet u go 2 avalon n everyone bitches that the crowd is too old which happens...but hey u gots a good fake id n its all good u gots 2 start sometime u cant blame them for that...............people need to stop bitchin do u even go 2 spirit do u like spirit r jp r the crowd if not then go talk about a club u do go to n do liek wats the point of bitchin bout a club u dont like that other people like....for the LAST TIME PEOPLE EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT TASTES EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT EVERY CLUB IS DIFFERENT EVERY DJ IS GOTS THEIR OWN STYLE N FOLLOWIN....AND SOME PEOPLE HAV WAY 2 MUCH TIME ON THEIR HANDSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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hey everyone .. i agree with those who said that generalizing is wrong .. just coz some people spike their hair does not make them bad people .. and just cos they dance same .. still dont make them bad people ..

this site should be about dance .. clubs .. music .. and love/peace that those bring .. that is what should and what is the real message ...

hating somene cos they look in a certain way .. is wrong wrong wrong ..

hating someone coz they are arrogant .. is still wrong .. i simply feel bad for them .. but hate .. nope ...

someone once said .. if u hate . u can never love .. think about it people ..

now .. when it comes to dancing .. it is true that there are certain (i guess they call it SF style) people dance the SF style .. and u know what, i used to make fun of them too .. which is wrong by the way, but .. i now know that i was wrong and that people are people .. at least they are trying .. and if that gets them to better dancing one day .. great . and if it does not . and that is their style . it is still ok ...

i know this is against what i used to preach .. (i.e. be creative in dancing .. feel the music .. act the song .. be your own self) ... but .. i am writing this in defense of humans ... and we humans in general like to copy and like to immitate ... so .. it is not a big fault if we do .. and if we change that move or that twist .. even better ...

so .. lets all have respect for each other .. and again like someone said before .. if u dont like someone . simply ignore them .. and move on ..

dance people . dance .. and love one another


the MASK

hmm..wish more people like you existed. Then going out would be even more fun because there wouldn't be an assclown factor to worry about.

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this site should be about dance .. clubs .. music .. and love/peace that those bring .. that is what should and what is the real message

First off, hope you and your family abroad are doing fine.

Second, Agree.

But, shorty, that Fat Luz and some other ppl are hypocratic because they preach on dancing and having fun... Well not on this Thread.

He, Shorty calls himself Diversity, LOL OMFG.. He wears the "same black Outfit, Bandana and 8k Cheap Gold Chain" every single Night Out.

That's pure bullshit Diversity to me.

Hope you & Family are Feeling better Mask.

BTW, in that last pic the girls are 100x Hotter then shelter and Webster Hall. The Oldest ones are Twins and Shorty I'd Def Bang THEM.

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As long as people are respectful and friendly, I don't really care how much gel they put in their hair, or how much time they spend in the gym or tanning salon. I like to dress nicely when I go out too, but I wouldn't be caught dead in a tanning bed or getting my eyebrows waxed. But hey, if that's your style, than it's all good. It just bothers me when I see juiceheads who feel the need to push others out of their way rather than say, "Excuse me," and start fights and shit like that. BTW, Spirit definately draws its share of nice looking girls, but I think the ones at Crobar blow them outta the water. Just my opinion. Whatever your taste, it's all good. Just be respectful and have fun.

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holy crap i made oldtime laugh, finally,hehe. Now on to thiago whats your fasicnation with websterhall and shelter obsession? I go to shelter at least once a month and thats on sat, so with all the partying i do during the week i dont see your logic in saying i only go to shelter. I although i am a proud SHELTERHEAD theres no shame in that. As for webster havent stepped foot in there in almost a 1 1/2 yrs. Wow how much are you sniffing dude. And im called silverbull not golden bull lol. And yeah "THE SAME BLACK CLOTHES" each time, yeah sure. Same color different shirts and pants man sheesh. dude and haivng only one bandanna would be disgusting,i have about 11 and the reason why i wear it is because i have short hair that looks spiky naturally at times, so i dont wanna get confused for GOU-KU. Man you need to move on. I just realized that i stooped to your childish levels in this post, neva again.

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hmm..wish more people like you existed. Then going out would be even more fun because there wouldn't be an assclown factor to worry about.

chinelas dude .. i am sure there are people like me and even better .. prob is .. with all negativity around .. those people shy away, unfortunately :(

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Theres a group of guys like 6 doing thier dance ina cirlce with arrogant faces and i do the same back to them. Then once im done amauzing myself with thier stlye and i they start laughin i guess cause it does look stupid, i whip outmy moves, and well most of them tiems circle is ova, (sorry for soundign arrogant). .

WOW! Wasn't there just like a 20 page thread about you and how you DON'T brag or anything....Kind of ironic but maybe that chic who started that thread deserves some apologies from all the people who called her a CUNT!

You're the coolest :aright:


the NMN

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