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my new philosophy on love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Hey guys whats up...how have u all been!?!?!?!?!?!?! ive been layin low lately, and pondering what is important to me in my life the last couple of weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! and i must say this.......i used to say Love is a theory not a fact...but life has shown me otherwise....i was hard headed and i needed to be taught a lesson!!!!!!!!!!! so i will say this....Love is a word to describe a series of emotions......take those series of emotions and multiply it times infinity and u will just begin to understand the meaning of what true love for another person really is......This is my new philosophy.....im gonna go back to pondering life now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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Hey guys whats up...how have u all been!?!?!?!?!?!?! ive been layin low lately, and pondering what is important to me in my life the last couple of weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! and i must say this.......i used to say Love is a theory not a fact...but life has shown me otherwise....i was hard headed and i needed to be taught a lesson!!!!!!!!!!! so i will say this....Love is a word to describe a series of emotions......take those series of emotions and multiply it times infinity and u will just begin to understand the meaning of what true love for another person really is......This is my new philosophy.....im gonna go back to pondering life now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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Hey guys whats up...how have u all been!?!?!?!?!?!?! ive been layin low lately, and pondering what is important to me in my life the last couple of weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! and i must say this.......i used to say Love is a theory not a fact...but life has shown me otherwise....i was hard headed and i needed to be taught a lesson!!!!!!!!!!! so i will say this....Love is a word to describe a series of emotions......take those series of emotions and multiply it times infinity and u will just begin to understand the meaning of what true love for another person really is......This is my new philosophy.....im gonna go back to pondering life now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
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Hey guys whats up...how have u all been!?!?!?!?!?!?! ive been layin low lately, and pondering what is important to me in my life the last couple of weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! and i must say this.......i used to say Love is a theory not a fact...but life has shown me otherwise....i was hard headed and i needed to be taught a lesson!!!!!!!!!!! so i will say this....Love is a word to describe a series of emotions......take those series of emotions and multiply it times infinity and u will just begin to understand the meaning of what true love for another person really is......This is my new philosophy.....im gonna go back to pondering life now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

two schools of thought on this, love is no more than a bullshit euphoric feeling created by the body, no better than eating a great deal of chocolate or smoking a doob or anything comparable... vs. indescribeable feeling that no word used could ever carry enough emotion, emphasis, thought or power to even come close to describing it... and if youre in love you know the words but you cant really speak them, and when youre out of love you choose not to believe them and forget them... i fall somewhere on the border of both thoughts, but at one point in time i wrote this:

to each person its different so cannot give you a universal definition... however to ME, love is compassion, affinity, respect, caring, sacrifice, acceptance, pain, and rapture all in one... to be in love, is to put someone before yourself, to love them for who they are and not what they are or what they can provide you with, to be in love is to have that person every moment on your mind, to be in love is when you have a certain connection that makes you just sense the other person, to share their pain, to share they happiness, to be in love is to come home after a 12hr day at work and the first thing you want to do is make that person dinner if theyre hungry, or give them a massage if they had a bad, or talk to them, or simply just kiss them hello, to be in love is to do things you would never do for any other person... not because they told you to or because youre going to get "ass" but because you want and youd love to, or youd do anything for that person just to make them happy or make their life a lil easier, being in love is when all you need to hear is that persons voice, or see their smile when youre having a bad day and turn it all around... being in love is when an individual makes you sing for no apparent reason or giddy... to be in love is to want to provide happiness, security, and protection to another... to be in love is to never want to hurt that person... to be in love is a difficult thing, and even harder thing to maintain... so i say if youre lucky enough to be in love right now, take a moment to show appreciation for your other... even right now, just call them up! say i love you, or just call to say it, because you were thinking about them... or buy them a gift for no apparent reason and give it to them later when you get home... or when you both get home dont even say one thing just make love to them..

its almost nauseating to read but...

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Guest gabo
two schools of thought on this, love is no more than a bullshit euphoric feeling created by the body, no better than eating a great deal of chocolate or smoking a doob or anything comparable... vs. indescribeable feeling that no word used could ever carry enough emotion, emphasis, thought or power to even come close to describing it... and if youre in love you know the words but you cant really speak them, and when youre out of love you choose not to believe them and forget them... i fall somewhere on the border of both thoughts, but at one point in time i wrote this:

its almost nauseating to read but...

Ill wait for the cliff notes :type:

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Guest gabo
cliffsnotes: From the outside looking in you cant understand it, and from the inside looking out you cant explain it... IMO...
hmmm , could you dumb it down a bit... ur talking to gabo for christ sakes.
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All I can say is... :grin3:


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy,

it does not boast, it is not proud.

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,

it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

Love always protects, always trusts,

always hopes, always perseveres.

Love bears all things, believes all things,

hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never ends.

Corinthians 13 : 4 - 8


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....this was the reading from the wedding i attended this past weekend.....i never heard it before but i hear it's quite popular.....

Apache Wedding Prayer

Now you will feel no rain,

For each of you will be shelter to the other.

Now you will feel no cold,

For each of you will be warmth to the other.

Now there is no more loneliness,

For each of you will be companion to the other.

Now you are two bodies,

But there is only one life before you.

Go now to your dwelling place

To enter into the days of your togetherness

And may your days be good and long upon the earth.

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....this was the reading from the wedding i attended this past weekend.....i never heard it before but i hear it's quite popular.....

Apache Wedding Prayer

Now you will feel no rain,

For each of you will be shelter to the other.

Now you will feel no cold,

For each of you will be warmth to the other.

Now there is no more loneliness,

For each of you will be companion to the other.

Now you are two bodies,

But there is only one life before you.

Go now to your dwelling place

To enter into the days of your togetherness

And may your days be good and long upon the earth.

im a navajo....next time i see you...im gunna bash your head in with my war axe

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