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Who are you voting for?? and why??

Who is you votin for bitch...  

110 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is you votin for bitch...

    • Bush
    • Kerry
    • Nader (basically throwing your vote away)
    • undecided/not going to vote

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Kerry all the way...I really hope that those of you who say you are not voting or voting for Nader are joking. In an ideal world, Nader's policies would be great, but they would NEVER work in this country. If Bush wasn't completely screwing up EVERYTHING, I could see why maybe you would vote for Nader to make a statement, but there is way too much at stake to throw your vote down the drain. As for Bush, unless you make more than $200,000 there is no reason you should vote for him.

We would never joke about voting for nader cause oldtimer says he is a waste of a vote. :)

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More ppl should vote for Kerry instead of Nader or Bush.

Kerry is just going to get more positive things done. I think he'll handle this war better than Bush, it was a mistake getting involved in this war to begin with and I see Kerry taking control over this war but the war shouldnt even be the biggest issue in this election cuz thats already there.

Kerry has a lot going on, healthcare, economy, international relations, energy.

I'm finally gonna vote and it's gonna be Kerry. Its sick to know how many ppl are still backing bush, it's kinda scary.

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2the econy has grown a healthy 5 % every quarter since 3/03...the economy is performing so well that the fed is goin to raise rates again the second time this year

Here are the quarterly GDP growth rates from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, which calcuclates GDp growth

QI 03 1.9

QII 03 4.1

QIII 03 7.4

QIV 03 4.2

QI 04 4.5

QII 04 revised 3.3


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Im NOT goin to vote but will tell ya that KERRY will win. Reason being that him and bush are really pushing for the same GOALS, NEW WORLD ORDER. Bush fucked up big time in the eyes of the people so to make everyone feel good KERRY is the one who is looking like the SAVIOR. But it all doesnt matter caus this world is FULL OF LIES and is TERRIBLE anyway. And with THE MARK OF THE BEAST (VERI-CHIP) on its way to being mandated it wont matter.

Why arent you voting?

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Here are the quarterly GDP growth rates from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, which calcuclates GDp growth

QI 03 1.9

QII 03 4.1

QIII 03 7.4

QIV 03 4.2

QI 04 4.5

QII 04 revised 3.3


Thankyou for posting this now like i said since 3/03 the economy has grown 5 % each quarter...i was wrong it averaged out to 4.7% which is excellent growth these numbers dont lie...i was off by .003%

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my reasons for george bush

1) unemployment rate is down to 5.5 % which is extremly low

2)since aug of 2003 there have been 1.8 million jobs created and the econy has grown a healthy 5 % every quarter since 3/03...the economy is performing so well that the fed is goin to raise rates again the second time this year

3)homeownership at all time highs....we have the and interest rates have been extremly low

4) Tax cuts work! and they did remember the recession happened 3/01 bush was sworn in 1/01 so we know it had nothing to do w/bush since his economic policys were not in effect...

5)rich people are 1% of the us population and pay 80% of all taxes ...i feel success should be rewarded not punished ..especially since lower income and poor people pay no tax at all and receive all the benefits of our govt

6)nobody talks about afghanistan because it was such a success we liberated millions of women and gave people a real reason to live

7)i believe iraq will succeed in the elections & they will be held in january, now bush never said SADAAM was involved in the planning of 9/11 but we know that he was directly paying palestinian homicide bombers familes ...also we know al zarqawi was in iraq and there were al qaeda training camp in northern iraq...Besides the fact that britain, russian, saudi, and chinese intelligence also said he had WMD at the time

8)i dont trust kerry to deal effectivly with are next biggest threat and thats iran building nukes

Mask i respect the fact your voting nader ...at least you where nader stands on issues.. he has heart..and truly believes what he says the same goes for bush you know where he stands but kerry is such a populist you never know what this guy stands for

i couldnt agree more!

VIVA LA BUSH....this country will be goin to shit if kerry wins VOTE BUSH :o)

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