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SAW = kick ass film

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I saw SAW last weekend, DAMN that movie is fucking sick and twisted. I LOVE IT! Ok- the acting was bad, some parts were stupid and left with plot holes- BUT YOU CANT LOOK TOO DEEP INTO FILMS, just enjoy them. It so fucked with my head..anyone else see it?

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I saw it too and thought it was REALLY good!!! The whole movie is just psychologically fucked up on many levels. Agreed, the acting sucked, but one of the scariest movies i've ever seen.

For anyone that saw it, do you think there will be a sequal? they left so many unanswered questions in the plot...

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it is a fact that whenever a movie makes more than X ammount of $$$$ on its opening weekend, it usually gaurantee's that a sequel will be made. They really didnt leave many things un-answered, but they definitly have enough to work with for a sequel. This movie made me shit bricks.

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For anyone that saw it, do you think there will be a sequal? they left so many unanswered questions in the plot...

E! News daily reported that a SAW II sequel will be released Halloween 2005.

...and im sure we will be seeing that one together too haha.

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SAW II <~~should be interesting, they could either take it to a whole new sick level, or make it a mediocre descent film; which in that case, everyone will automatically say it sucks just because its a sequel. Sometimes descent sequels come out that rent as good as the first but arent really bad either, so everyone just says IT SUCKS.I dont think thats fair.

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i dunno....i still stand by what i said, if you think about what you know from the movie, it makes a sequal kinda impossible....

Unless its one of those sequals where its the same concept but takes a different direction

Ugghhh--i dont want to say why i think this b/c i dont want to ruin it so if anyone is THAT intrested in why i think this, PM me..lol....otherwise see it and try and figure it out

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Cracking film, though not sure if the acting was cheesy on purpose in places or just plain bad - whichever it was, it made me laugh. Wasn't as scary or disturbing as I thought it might be, but definitely made the mind wander as I left the cinema!

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movie was sick an insane, acting was horrible, alothough that prob was intended to be like that.......i went wit a girl and she kept freaking out.......i deff wana talk more about the movie but don't wana spoil it, and i have a few ?? about the ending....ill give it till next monday and we'll start a theard about it

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