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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Spirit pics Saturday November 20th

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Yeah, wize ass ...i keep reminding myself to stay away from the pics :rolleyes:

Ok loinboy. Thanks. Actually we all thank you here on cp. It's bad enough having to see all the roid boys with there pretty hair doos but now we gotta see you looking into blank space. I don't mind weirdo's and freaks in your pictures but taking a picture while being boinged from behind is unacceptable. Know your role.



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and u really do suck gay man's dick, i knew it!

why would u think about me sucking a gay man's dick...unless u are gay urself

disclaimer: i have not or will not suck any man's dick....nor would i ever use that as a comeback to somebody blatantly pointing out 100% gay and bad pictures...

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Reason # 9214717361914374


can the juice head morons PLEASE learna thing or 2 about the nightlife culture!!!instead of creating their own whacked out version. funyn part is...if u mixed the spitir crowd with a gay crowd(nothing wrong with being gay)...you probably wouldnt be able to tell the difference. They are both soo highmaintance.

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Reason # 9214717361914374


can the juice head morons PLEASE learna thing or 2 about the nightlife culture!!!instead of creating their own whacked out version. funyn part is...if u mixed the spitir crowd with a gay crowd(nothing wrong with being gay)...you probably wouldnt be able to tell the difference. They are both soo highmaintance.

Like it or not juiceballs are a big part of the "nightlife culture," and they have been for a long time. Whether you love them or hate them at least they're entertaining :)

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Wow those guys look hysterical. I'd kill myself if my goal in life was to work out and do steroids like that, only so I could look like that at Spirit. What retards.. WTF is up with the guy in the middle with that stupid bandana and arm band? Guy in black tank top looks like he knows it too.

Best part of getting older is realizing how ridiculous things can be.

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And this is part of the reason why I stopped going to JP parties (music and drugs aside). I'm a large guy myself, but you don't see me taking my shirt off sweating bullets next to other people I party with. It's disgusting and shows no class. The ironic thing is that guys like this who juice and work out so hard to look good with their shirts off at clubs are usually the same ones you see on the dance floor mangled beyond belief on [insert drug of choice]. Instead of trying to look hard and cool in front of the cameras at Spirit, these retards might as well go to Roxy on Saturday nights, they'd fit right in.

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oh god, that picture is terrible... i can only defend spirit so much... what is the point of buying a 60 dollar armani shirt only to take it off when they get in the club... what makes this pic even lamer is that these kids are flexing for the camera... the kid in the middle is definitely holding in his stomach and flexing his arm muscles.. and the kid on the right is definitely sticking out his chest... this is pathetic... even when bodybuilders go to clubs they dont take thier shirts off.. why do these people have to do it... noone likes rubbign up against back stubble... it's disgusting.. ahh i give up...

btw... someone should tell the kid in the middle he needs to work on his chest and lay off the traps... it looks stupid if you focus on one body part at the gym...

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