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why isn't Penicillin legal


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Fuck balls i got strep bad, 103 temp I got a drawer full of vikes but can not buy the drug that would save my life.

That 100 emergency room visit sucks too.

On a side note a just found out I can buy it over the counter at dominican stores.

I feel like shit

shit i tell ya

carry on

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they have to control who takes it... many virus have become more and more resilient against the medications we have so if people coud just take them for anything the virus' become immune and we cant fight them anymore. that and the fact that if you take it too much you can damage your body/blood by killing off the good bacteria we need to fight off different types of sickness.

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they have to control who takes it... many virus have become more and more resilient against the medications we have so if people coud just take them for anything the virus' become immune and we cant fight them anymore. that and the fact that if you take it too much you can damage your body/blood by killing off the good bacteria we need to fight off different types of sickness.

This is a very good point. I can't tell you how many people I know up here in the burbs that will run themselves and their kids to the doctor for meds at the slightest sign of a head cold. I was perscribed Levaquin for a lung infection a couple months back and not only did it shred my stomach to pieces, but I also got sick in December, and now in January (getting better as we speak). This is after refusing to take anti-biotics for at least 6 years. I'll never take them again unless my life is hanging in the balance. I normally only get sick once a year, if that.

We overmedicate way to much in this society, I'm waiting for the next great plague to hit man because of some superbug..then maybe doctors will stop giving out these meds like candy for a simple cold.

The plague is coming, and its gonna start in Long Island and Westchester.

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haha antibiotics dont do anything to fight viruses. they fight off bacterial infections.

You'd be surprised how many medical professionals will prescribe them anyways to appease the patient. Sounds alot better than 'sleep it off and get lots of fluids' which used to be the standard answer.

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