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New AM afterhours???


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I wasn't there but Scotty Boy spins there and I have never heard him spin a bad set. I'm curious myself because Gino is behind this and everything he is behind is awesome!! Ginos clubs are crazy I am glad to see him back in the scene.

I was a little dissappointed, but then again coming from morrillo to whoever was a little bit of a letdown, and $9 goose and cranberries also sucked. Very crowded, but a great alternative to Drai's. There was no line when i got there at about 5am. Overall it was ok.

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That's very true.... Not many places can compare to Drai's. However it is nice to have other options for afterhours that aren't total garbage dumps. OBA was an awesome alternative to drai's when it was open, better music too IMO. It's too bad it had to close down.

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Drai's is good because alot of people know to go there - but the music is a total letdown. The place is too light and there is very little room to dance. They need to open up some place that is willing to bring in top talent like ICE does - but for afterhours. That is the one thing this city is really lacking. Until that happens I would rather call it quits and go home unless I have a ton of friends in town or if its a holiday weeked. Like polarbear said - after hearing some of the best music you could possibly hear from the top DJ's in the world at ICE - it is very difficult to get into the music and enjoy yourself at afterhours around here - sometimes the music at 7 and Drais is awful. For now I'll save myself for the music conference in Miami.

BTW - This is in no way a knock on Darkvixen b/c you seem like a really cool girl - just my .02 cents

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No prob hun. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Some love Drais, some onlh visit now and again. The trance music is ok. Wish they would mix it up a bit too but oh well. Dance floor is decent sized it just gets waaay too packed too quick. Drais also can't be compared to Ice because Ice is a club and Drais is more of a lounge. Nonetheless it's still a great place to party. I've only been there a week and already made great friends with some of the customers. What can I say, I'm loveable.

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No prob hun. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Some love Drais, some onlh visit now and again. The trance music is ok. Wish they would mix it up a bit too but oh well. Dance floor is decent sized it just gets waaay too packed too quick. Drais also can't be compared to Ice because Ice is a club and Drais is more of a lounge. Nonetheless it's still a great place to party. I've only been there a week and already made great friends with some of the customers. What can I say, I'm loveable.

Very true - Drais is defintely good at what they do and know what to consistanly make $$ and draw people in - really makes no sense for them to change from a business standpoint. It seems that every afterhours in this town falls on its face except Drais - it would be nice to see a totally different concept for late night like what they do in Miami and NY. Oh well

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Very true - Drais is defintely good at what they do and know what to consistanly make $$ and draw people in - really makes no sense for them to change from a business standpoint. It seems that every afterhours in this town falls on its face except Drais - it would be nice to see a totally different concept for late night like what they do in Miami and NY. Oh well

Hopefully Seven will turn into a good alternative afterhours venue.

As long as they bring in better talent than Jokenfold, it should do well.

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I love Drais not going to lie. Hate to admit it but I am a regular. But it is way too bright but those red lights do something to my eyes! I am glad to see that we do have more options. It also nice to have an afterhours open that is a different choice and a totally different atmosphere and speed. Hopefully it catches on fast and they stay open later than 9 in the morning. Glo at the Hop and then Ibiza used to stay open at least till noon. Drais crowd used to leave there at 9 and head over to the after after hours and party till noon. I hope they can offer something like that.

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I have to admit the music at Drais is a bit of a letdown. Everytime I go there I here the same old stuff. Real afterhours needs to have music like OBA did. The only dj there I like is Dj Krish (not because hes my buddy either lol) He spins good house. I mean when they let him he throws some wicked deep house.

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AM @ OPM definately didn't fly, My friends and I went the weekend after new years to check it out and there was around three people hanging out and there wasn't even a dj....a hip hop cd was playing. Scotty Boy was supposed to be the resident there but I guess it's not very easy to turn a predominately hip-hop crowd to a house crowd with the snap of the fingers at 3AM. I'm interested in seeing what rubber has to offer with the new afterhours along with 375. Drai's is always fun but having options is always a plus

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I dunno man. She was a bit masculine for me. AM was originally at OPM but didn't fly there right? Glad they found a better home.

I wouldn't say a "better" home. I would say a home that is not known for hip-hop until 6am. We had to literally piss off (and in my opinion even disrespect) over 1000 people at 3ish to try to segway into this AM concept and we weren't thrilled when only 20 people showed up for the after party while all our paying customers left with their heads shaking left and right.

Gino and Tony are the nicest guys and I wish them only the best. However I hope they do so without upsetting the people who have supported a different scene in the same building. That concept was destined to fail at OPM, known as the #1 hip-hop spot in Vegas. Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

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I do agree with you that it is not really a "better" home but they need a "home" for them. OPM does really well in the hip hop scene and they should stay strickly that. I went to AM and it was the first time in OPM since I am a house head. The music was good but the vibe wasn't there because of the negative energy from the folks who have been there since midnight and now they are being pushed out! I would've been a little upset myself.

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amything other than OPM for an electronic afterhours is a better home. Give me four walls and and a dj and that would be my home. Man where are the warehouse parties of old??

It's all bout dinero son. Do you guys really have an underground music scene. The whole drais thing didn't take me underground when I went there. I'm just curious as I am not from your area.


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