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my world review =) sat 11/25/00

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sum it up in one word...... phenominal!!!!

walked in right when denny went on and it was over from there.. one great track after another!...started out with a couple of tempts hits from this past summer then went old school then a little new then old then new...sorry people no new vocals...stricly old school! acapellas and more acapellas..."and it feels like im goin crazy!"...janas "more than life" performance was really good also....that place just gets better and better every week...the vibe in that place is nonstop rage...the people love it...what a great crowd..not like the weak sf shit...pure energy!! and knock him if you wish cuz you know as well as i know if any other dj heard him they would laugh and make fun of him for playing final chapter in nyc.. but if u would see the crowds reaction you would understand...until next week thats enuff typing for now....peace

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My cousin went she said it was so hot in there that she couldn't breath.

She did say that the music was really good!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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First of all learn how to spell. Second of all do you know you sound really corny. Third of all the final chapter, ahhahahahahahahahhahhahhahah. Your kidding right? What did you say about the weak sf shit. Are you fucking kidding. Listen you may like Denny and thats great for your style, but please do not compare world to the factory in any respect. NO NO you know what your right World will be around for a long time and Denny will be a main stay there. hahahahhahahhahahhahahahahahh, these guido post have to stop. So whoever you are put on your tight black pants with your tight black shirt and dont forget the black shiny shoes and go and suck Dennys cock.

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first of all you fuckin homo...you tell me what word i spelt wrong? you like to talk shit through the computer but thats probably it. cuz that all you could do trasitqueer..talk shit through your computer. why dont you come check me out in person so i could make you look like the liitle queer you are.. you fuckin pussy. why dont you go fuck your mother..actually as a matter of fact.. i will

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A-Tip.....don't sweat it. We all know that Transit, World, Temptsdork is constantly thriving for attention on this board. That's what happens after you get the penile implant.

He's just upset that the halloween pumpkin that's STILL on his porch has more teeth in it than his girl.

But I'm not one to gossip so you ain't heard it from ME!

Originally posted by a-tip:

first of all you fuckin homo...you tell me what word i spelt wrong? you like to talk shit through the computer but thats probably it. cuz that all you could do trasitqueer..talk shit through your computer. why dont you come check me out in person so i could make you look like the liitle queer you are.. you fuckin pussy. why dont you go fuck your mother..actually as a matter of fact.. i will

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I went to Worl this past Sat....crowed was good....much more gus than girlz though so that makes it total meat-market....but at least they (guyZ) are good looking wink.gif ....musik....NO comments....got really packed but we had our lil section in VIP area so that was good...stayed there till like 2:30 and went to Exit........I like World (venue)...but I just can't have a good time there....feels like I have to be always on guard there.....can't let loose....just MO....Lola


"I don't want you to love me........"

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You go Miss Jenkins - and transitfuck or whatever name you are using this week, just zip it. You want to talk about the attire people where at world - puhleeze!!! Maybe if you'd come out of the hole long enough to see that the crowd in SF, you'd realize they only know one store - BANG BANG! As for the music - you think SF is the shit - too bad all it is is a place for crackheads to go get whacked in and then talk about it on this board. There is no vibe in that place - NO VIBE. cwm24.gif

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all this bickering aside, i was at World on Saturday night too, and all i know is that i haven't seen so many pretty people partying in one place ever.

it seemed to me that there were an even number of girls and guys. either way - everyone was dressed to kill and the ladies were gorgeous. bitchy, but drop dead gorgeous.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Get a life!! You talk so much shit but yet you spend plenty of time in clubs that Denny spins at. If you think he sucks so bad then why do you have all these aka's? Tempts boy, World boy? If you don't like Denny then stop going to the clubs he spins at. You have to be one of the biggest LOSERS on this board!!! Hopefully you will do us all a favor and stop going out so we don't have to listen to you talk all kinds of shit!!

I thought that Denny was off the hook on Saturday!! There was a lot of energy in the room. Everyone I know that was there had a GREAT time.


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Hey everyone has a right to their own opinion! hahah And here is mine THIS IS CHEESY. GOD WHY NOT JUST THROW A DJ in the HARD ROCK at least that place was about music not WRESTLING. SOrry but Denny is not on my top 100 DJ talents in the World. This people are supposedly adults going to these parties??? Well I am sorry but when you see a 35 year old un-married woman or married for that matter trying to pick up in a ORIGINAL BY BANG BANG well now THAT's ENTERTAINMENT the place is a goof. No one that goes there cares about the music if they did they would run out with their hands over their ears. cwm12.gifcwm12.gif

my 2 cents cwm32.gif


Failure is not an Option!!

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream:

Hey everyone has a right to their own opinion! hahah And here is mine THIS IS CHEESY. GOD WHY NOT JUST THROW A DJ in the HARD ROCK at least that place was about music not WRESTLING. SOrry but Denny is not on my top 100 DJ talents in the World. This people are supposedly adults going to these parties??? Well I am sorry but when you see a 35 year old un-married woman or married for that matter trying to pick up in a ORIGINAL BY BANG BANG well now THAT's ENTERTAINMENT the place is a goof. No one that goes there cares about the music if they did they would run out with their hands over their ears. cwm12.gifcwm12.gif

my 2 cents cwm32.gif

so....why do you go there if its so bad???.............................


"I don't want you to love me........"

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gee . . . and people think that *i* shit on denny? lmfao.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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Now now Candy-Ass. I guess we are all entitled to our own opinions. The World has been getting better and better each week. Denny has the place moving and he is doing an amazing job. (IMO) The crowd is beautiful and let's hope it stays that way. This is why NYC is so great. We have such a big variety here.

I have been to the WORLD numerous times and I've yet to see a 35 year old.....married or as you put it unmarried man trying to pick someone up. Actually...how did you know how old these people are? Did you take a survey that night or did they just look over 18 and you got confused. I think you are better off at SoundFactory. Lots of young kids there and tons of class. Strict dress policy too. Last time I checked you just needed SHOES to get in. PERFECT for YOU Cotton-Mouth!

Stay at Factory.....just my .02. It's more your speed. And lucky for you no one cares about what they are wearing there because if they did they would put their shirts on.

But hey.....I'm not one to gossip so you ain't heard it from me!

Originally posted by cotoncandydream:

Hey everyone has a right to their own opinion! hahah And here is mine THIS IS CHEESY. GOD WHY NOT JUST THROW A DJ in the HARD ROCK at least that place was about music not WRESTLING. SOrry but Denny is not on my top 100 DJ talents in the World. This people are supposedly adults going to these parties??? Well I am sorry but when you see a 35 year old un-married woman or married for that matter trying to pick up in a ORIGINAL BY BANG BANG well now THAT's ENTERTAINMENT the place is a goof. No one that goes there cares about the music if they did they would run out with their hands over their ears. cwm6.gif

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I have one question....WERE YOU THERE THIS SATURDAY TO MAKE ANY KIND OF JUDGEMENT...or I AM SORRY..."OPINION"? Sorry, but you can't have an opinion on something you haven't experienced!!!

Originally posted by cotoncandydream:

Hey everyone has a right to their own opinion! hahah And here is mine THIS IS CHEESY. GOD WHY NOT JUST THROW A DJ in the HARD ROCK at least that place was about music not WRESTLING. SOrry but Denny is not on my top 100 DJ talents in the World. This people are supposedly adults going to these parties??? Well I am sorry but when you see a 35 year old un-married woman or married for that matter trying to pick up in a ORIGINAL BY BANG BANG well now THAT's ENTERTAINMENT the place is a goof. No one that goes there cares about the music if they did they would run out with their hands over their ears. cwm12.gifcwm12.gif

my 2 cents cwm32.gif


"Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT

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I have been going to The World since it has opened. The past 3 weeks, Denny has been off the hook!!

HE had me on the dance floor all night this week.

There's always a great looking crowd there thanks to the strict door policy.

And it is NOT a tourist trap like most people thought it was going to be.

If anyone's going this week, E-Mail me or call me and I'll hook you up if you bring a few heads.



Darrell G.




Thursdays - NV Lounge and Cheetah

Fridays -Roxy, Limelight, EXIT and Chaos

Saturdays - The World and EXIT

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Guest worldboy

ahahahhahahahahhahhaa!!!!!! first of all the names are a goooof get it????????????? second of all its people like you that have ruined the whole nyc scene. i cant believe for the life of me that you think denny is soooo goooood, why not just go to exit and pretend denny is still there,ahhahhahahahh!!!!!! i would respect that a little more. Oh yeah your alll soo right i am a big geek cuz i go to the SF and not world. Hey those of you that go to world do you ever get sick cuz if you do it may be your allergic to all the plastic and hair grease thats in the air. No but you know what your all so right denny def compares to the greats in nyc. I always here people say you know junior, danny, peters, calderone and denny, yeah denny ahahhaahha a you are all funny. about talking shit no i am not, all i am saying is that stay in world and dont go anywhere else. all i can say is please please please!!!! I have one idea thought why dont we put denny in a burger king on broadway and see if we can get a great party going, ahahahhahhahahahhah

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God! How many times do we have to flush before you go away??? You're not even worth a response but I am going to honor you with one. Why don't you and those BULGING eyes of yours(because you look like an blow fish on crack) stay in Harrison in the dirt where you belong. Anyone who goes the The World in a TUX for Halloween needs to be shot. I should have shoved your top hat up your ass. If you dislike Denny as you proclaim.....don't show up where he is. SIMPLE HUH?? Queerboy....get a life.

Originally posted by worldboy:

ahahahhahahahahhahhaa!!!!!! first of all the names are a goooof get it????????????? second of all its people like you that have ruined the whole nyc scene. i cant believe for the life of me that you think denny is soooo goooood, why not just go to exit and pretend denny is still there,ahhahhahahahh!!!!!! i would respect that a little more. Oh yeah your alll soo right i am a big geek cuz i go to the SF and not world. Hey those of you that go to world do you ever get sick cuz if you do it may be your allergic to all the plastic and hair grease thats in the air. No but you know what your all so right denny def compares to the greats in nyc. I always here people say you know junior, danny, peters, calderone and denny, yeah denny ahahhaahha a you are all funny. about talking shit no i am not, all i am saying is that stay in world and dont go anywhere else. all i can say is please please please!!!! I have one idea thought why dont we put denny in a burger king on broadway and see if we can get a great party going, ahahahhahhahahahhah

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Guest worldboy

Wait a second so i went to world for halloween in a tux. I wonder who was that guy that went to the sf on halloween. Wow this is weird!! Dont be mad that world is bad its ok!!!!!!! ahhahahahhhhahahhah

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I've listen to a lot of djs like Boris,JP,A-Z,JV,DT,Vazquez,Ojeda,and Tsettos plenty and they all do a great job of catering there crowd, but no dj can make me move from begging to end like Denny, I love his selection and his mixing skills are fucking awsome. I still remember the set he played 4th of july weekend on sunday when he was playing moving up and from the begging of that song he was breaking in Sweet Mercuy Me". And he always works in More than Life great, starts off with that awsome beat plays another song and keeps on teasing you with then plays it when you gave up on it. One thing I can say is out of all the clubs I go no vibe close to Tempts.

[This message has been edited by tempkid (edited 11-27-2000).]

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So whoever you are put on your tight black pants with your tight black shirt and dont forget the black shiny shoes.

hmmm actually that sounds like every guy i see at any mega-club i goto ...what makes u different ... u wear a silver shirt or do u just not wear one at all being a factory boy ..... i cant stand mega-clubs sometimes , where the fuck did all the club kids go ... everyone is a carbon copy b&t wanna be it seems ... borrowing their dads beamer and seein how many roll they can take .. oh wait dont forget the k .. and top it off with some g and polish off your cycle and u'll be perrrrrfect ... god i'm sick ... blahhh - - puke *



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It's in the WWF Cafe on 43rd & Broadway.

It is only open on Saturday nights.

E-Mail me for the list.



Darrell G.




Thursdays - NV Lounge and Cheetah

Fridays -Roxy, Limelight, EXIT and Chaos

Saturdays - The World and EXIT

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Guest worldboy

hey hey you are allll right i am really sorry denny is great he is prob the best dj on nyc oooops, i mean jersey city ahhahahahhahhahahahhahhahahahahhahhaahhhahhahahhhhhahahhahahhhhhh keep dancing to above the clouds. wait i thought about something if you really want to hear a good dj that mixes in soooooooooooooooooome old stuff why not just listen of go to twilo and hear jr ohhhh o forgot you people couldnt go with the guidos ahahhahahahhaha hhhhhahahahh

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