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The highest youve ever been


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one time i took k and sunk deep all the way into china! i sware! i was in a hot air ballon... i was laying on a couch and ask the guy i was with to grab my hand and pull, because i kept sinking....when he touched my hand....wow... i came right out of it and he was there next to me.... i was like i just got back from a years vactaion to china and i was in his place telling him about my trip....the same day we were trying to pour a glass of orange juice and bring it to another room....oh my goodness the glass weighed a ton. it felt like an hour trying to bring the glass to the other room without spilling it.

My friends and boyfriend couldn't get me out of Palladium. I would move, sit and just veg in my own world fighting the thought if I was real. I knew I had a family and a sister and but.???? couldn't pull out of it. I found myself on top of the stairs still sitting there. My sis says I was there for awhile. I was walking but only when they were pushing me from behind. I was walking sideways....don't ask. Fucked up shit back in the day. Never wish to visit that again. After that night never did acid again.

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k and whip its are the shit!!!!!!!

your head feels like this--->


Alright - and the fucked up thing..


I'm alllllll K'ed up, sitting on this deep ass arm chair. I'd been railing in and around the K hole all night and day. The $35/liq days. Way too fucked up, and everyone's passing around fresh balloons. I get one handed to me, kinda like "whatever," I just start breathing in and out of the balloon.

My head starts to feel like a balloon and I get up and walk. It's the kind of walking you do when you're so fucked up you think you might die and you don't know where you're going but it's probably somewhere where you won't die in front of people. I felt like all the veins in my face were bulging and everyone in front of me was staring at me the whole time I was walking past them. I was paranoidly looking back and forth at them without moving my head, as if they couldn't see my eyes moving. Then my head popped.

I was back in the chair. I'd never gotten up. If that's not some whacked ass transdimensional double dissociation, I don't know what is...


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The highest I've ever been was actually when I popped these number one pills a few months ago...we'd been getting shit pills for the last few weeks, so we decided to just pop two right away....I was absolutely blasted, and don't ask me what I was thinking, but like another hour later, I popped two more....this guy left his jacket that had black and white stripes on the sleeve on the chair in front of me, and I kept thinking that it was my boyfriend's pants, and I kept getting up and inspecting it for like five minutes and then sitting back down...I also kept hugging this guy in front of me who I thought was my bf, even though he was kinda passed out next to me lol...It was this really chill lounge and people were passing around blunts, too, and I think that I had maybe half a blunt...the whole night, I kept hallucinating that people were talking to me when they weren't, and I have NO recollection how either of us managed to get a cab back home...they were the strongest pills I've ever taken and I've never, ever been that mangled before...I don't think I'd want to, either...its too scary reaching the point where you have absolutely NO control of yourself or the situation youre in...

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i have several...

1 time i was at a rave at the palladium...i did pills, 2 caps of g and 1/2 bag of glass all within 3 hours...lets just say i sat on the floor for 2 hours cause i couldnt move...i never felt better in my life but i was going so god damn fast that i couldnt move...ppl were talking to me and i couldnt even nod to them...i just kept looking ahead...

another time i had done so much k and x that i was sitting on a subwoofer in SF and i literally thought i was jessy ventura in predator and i was mowing ppl down with the mini gun that he used in the forest...

another time i was in SF on so much k and x that i went into a hole...after 3 hours i came out and i was holding onto the railing at the bottom of the dancefloor but my body was in the position that i looked like i was in a wind tunnel and i was being blown backwards at like 500mph so i was holding on for dear life....the whole time i kept hearing ppl say "yo, that dude is fucked up"...i heard myself saying outloud "yea he is"...little did i know it was me...

another time i smoked a blunt and did a ton of k...not a good idea...WOW did i flip the fuck out...

and one of my personal favs was i was sitting in exit and me and my boy did these awesome pills...after 2 hours of rolling hard i popped out of it and turned to my boy and was like "yo...here is the money" he was like "what" i said "here is the money for the pizza deliver guy"...he is like "what"... i'm like "dude...we ordered pizza...here is my half" ...he is like "yo...were at a rave in exit"...i am like "no way" then he is like "ur totally fucked...shut up"...

now there are many others but this is the most i have typed in months so that will do for now...

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This past Saturday night at "Electric Paradise" in Providence. I haven't been out in awhile (months). I got 6 pills to t-off with. Took two right away, cause I figured they were the usual crap pills, boy was I wrong. An hour went by, nothing, so I took another one and then within about 5 minutes the first two hit me like a sledgehammer. Several people told me I looked like a piranha I was grinding my teeth so hard. Anyhow by 3 am I had taken all 6 so I bought 4 more. I was having the best time, hallucinating and just enjoying the night in my own little world. Needless to say I went home with zero pills left. GIDDIYUP! Now it's time to go back into work and have reality punch me in the face for a few days.

The "worst" I've ever been was drunk on alcohol. I used to be a BIG drinker back in my younger days. What's worse is I don't throw up. Back in 1988 I was in the army serving with a deep insertion recon team with the 7th SFG operating out of Soto Cano Airbase in Honduras for US Forces SOUTHCOM. It was a very "high stress" environment to say the least, as we were operating all over Central and South America. Anyhow, I had been deployed on an op for three weeks out of an eight to nine week operation when I received a message on SATCOM that I was going to be extracted because of an emergency and a replacement was going to be dropped in. I'm thinking "no big deal, must have a hot mission and I fit the profile for the team being put together." They gave me no clue as to what the emergency was. I wind up getting helo'd out of the jungle and dropped off back at the airbase where I then am put on a C-141 cargo plane bound for the states. I still have no idea what the "emergency" is. We land in Texas, I forget where, and I'm picked up by a Captain and a Master Sergeant, given some commercial plane tickets to Newark and told that my father is in the hospital in a coma and not expected to last. This is where things start to get very surreal for me. First of all, I'm still in "combat mode" and the shock of the bad news is VERY disconcerting. It was very weird going from "stealth in the jungle" to USA civilian world, very weird, and all in less than 24 hours. I made it to Chilton Hospital just in time to hold my fathers hand while he died. No one else was there. Just me and him. I think he was waiting for me. I said what I felt needed to say to him, and then sat there for awhile and then he was gone. I kept it together, really well for the arrangements and funeral, like a robot, no emotion. It was still very weird, most of the time I felt very much like an outsider or like I was floating outside of myself watching. I saw a lot of people I grew up with and that was really bizarre. I realised that I had nothing in common with those people anymore. It had only been a year and a half since I had left home, maybe a little longer. In that time I'd grown so far apart from those people, there was no going back. I'd done some things that were both great and terrible at the same time and still didn't quite know how to deal with what I'd done. I felt very much alone and numb. Anyhow, I think I was home for less than a week, and I had to go back. So, I caught a civilian flight back to FT. Riley KS, where I would stay for a few days before catching a cargo flight from Forbes Field in Topeka back to S.C. Airbase. This is where things go wrong. They put me up in a transitionary barracks and I have nothing to do but wait. I decide to catch a base cab to the "Class 6" base liquor store to get some booze and head back to barracks to get fucked up. I get two litres of Jack Daniels and a case of Bud cans. From here on in, I'm just going on what people told me I did. Apparently, I "Bogarted" pretty much the whole first litre in less than an hour, one guy said it looked like I was chugging iced tea. I guess I was getting a little loud toasting my old man and some of my buddies who had gotten killed. Then, some Sergeant grabbed my shoulder to tell me to shut the fuck up and go pass out. Bad move, very bad move. I was on autopilot, I know it. I fucked him up pretty bad. Then someone called the MP's and an ambulance. I broke off a chair leg and grabbed the other bottle of JD and climbed up onto the roof of the barracks. Of course the MP's came up after me and of course, I fought them. They wound up tasering me a couple of times before I finally dropped. They said I just kept ripping out the darts and then going after them. As they were putting me into the ambulance in full restraints, my heart stopped. They revived me and took me to the base hospital. My heart stopped again while I was there in the emergency room. They had already begun pumping my stomach when that happened. They revived me, again. At this point they decided to give me an emergency transfusion. They were afraid that I had so much alcohol "stacked" in my system in such a short time that they'd lose me. Man, when I woke up, I had no idea where I was or what I had done. It was scary. And boy did I feel like shit. They kept me in the hospital for a few days for observation and mental health counseling. I was reduced in rank two grades and that was about it. I was sent back to my unit after a hearing and within about a week after that I was back with my team. Needless to say, since then I've cut down on the drinking, a lot.

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i have several...

and one of my personal favs was i was sitting in exit and me and my boy did these awesome pills...after 2 hours of rolling hard i popped out of it and turned to my boy and was like "yo...here is the money" he was like "what" i said "here is the money for the pizza deliver guy"...he is like "what"... i'm like "dude...we ordered pizza...here is my half" ...he is like "yo...were at a rave in exit"...i am like "no way" then he is like "ur totally fucked...shut up"...

now there are many others but this is the most i have typed in months so that will do for now...

:lol3: That is a classic story

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took a hit of acid (black fly??) dumped K, candy flipped and lost my shit at One Summer Night's Dream at Palladium ...oooh those were the days. i struggled with reality that night. Haven't had a night like that and hope I never will .

I had the same experince one night ate cid and did some shrooms absolutely lost control and i hated it. had no control of what i was doing saying and how i felt never again will i do that again. rather do some c or k and drink.

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after a long night of god knows what...i wake up the next morning.......go get some food..my ex is still in bed at my apartment...the next thing i hear is screaming......i go in there and she is awake and crying and she goes to me "Roz Abrams from Channel 7 news is dead..she drowned in a pool of pink lemonade"...and she kept on with some more jibberish-for about two more hours--all with the stupidest gaze on her face

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after a long night of god knows what...i wake up the next morning.......go get some food..my ex is still in bed at my apartment...the next thing i hear is screaming......i go in there and she is awake and crying and she goes to me "Roz Abrams from Channel 7 news is dead..she drowned in a pool of pink lemonade"...and she kept on with some more jibberish-for about two more hours--all with the stupidest gaze on her face

i want whatever it is she was using...

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