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Child porn- your feelings

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I'm sorry but anyone who is into child porn needs to be locked up or worse . I have always heard that the worst thing to be in prison for is rape and child molestation ... We always here about people needing to be rehabilitated 85 percent of it never works I looked up here in Indiana some static's on repeat offenders ... They showed that percent of people released back into society repeat there crimes ... The reason is according to this is that they have been locked up so long they do not know how to change there ways to having freedom find this to be a load of bull I do believe some people can change for certain crimes.. But a person has to have some wrong with them to rape a woman or a child or be into looking at a naked child . Im a father of two children a boy and a girl i know if anyone was to lay a hand on them or touch them in a way that was not right ...The court would probably be trying me cause I would end up probably killing person ... Most people who comment there crimes know if they go to jail there getting three hot meals a bed and the people are paying for them to live .... So I feel strongly on this issue that when a crime is committed the punishment should fit the crime .... The Usa has the highest crime rates highest murders, Rape and so on .... Maybe our government needs to up the punishment for crimes instead of lettingthem sit on death row and wait carry out the sentence instead of letting them sit in a cell and do there time and get out and attempt to do it allover again ,

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I did a paper on institutionalization (that is the big willie word to score on scrabble!) and what i learned was this. Jail doesnt rehabilitate, it teaches you how to be a better criminal. Half the guys who are in there for 10 - 15 years loose all social skills and only know how to be a criminal. Crime is 10 times worse on the inside, so when you come out, your 10 times worse than when you came in.

As for this topic child porn on the clubbing board ... i come here to bitch about DJ's not about psycho's and their desire for pre-pubecent children .. :vomit2:

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This is a horrible subject! i read about it in the papers and deal with this at work! honestly it is horrible but i agree. i come on this board to enjoy music and bullshit with all of you! "get away from real life issues" not the best thread for this forum! just my 2 cents!

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I just don't understand how people who have been convicted of raping and molesting children are allowed to be released from jail. The fact that they are "rehabilitated" and therefore released is bullshit. When a child sex offender commits that act he is disturbingly attracted to some specific aspect of that crime. I firmly believe you can' rehabilitate what you are attracted to. That's like trying to turn a homosexual into a heterosexual. It just won't happen; it's innate and will always be there. Releasing these people in hopes that they are "cured" is like playing with fire-- at the expense of innocent children.

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I did a paper on institutionalization (that is the big willie word to score on scrabble!) and what i learned was this. Jail doesnt rehabilitate, it teaches you how to be a better criminal. Half the guys who are in there for 10 - 15 years loose all social skills and only know how to be a criminal. Crime is 10 times worse on the inside, so when you come out, your 10 times worse than when you came in.

As for this topic child porn on the clubbing board ... i come here to bitch about DJ's not about psycho's and their desire for pre-pubecent children .. :vomit2:

EXACTLY! thank you, I try to explain this to ppl who are against the death penalty for some of these guys. I've seen specials on this as well.

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life in prison w/o parol .. um, why are we keeping these scum bags around?! NO REALLY WHY!? over 30k a year at the least to house A (ONE) prisioner ...

Im sorry i got a 249.99$ 12 guage shotgun, a 12.49$ pack of shells( i get dolla off w/ my coupon ) and an itchy trigger finger.

:gang: I see a small solution to our increasing debt ... DONT YOU? :gang:

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i agree with clubbingirl... maybe this should go on the sex board... i don't have children if i did.... i would honestly kill anyone that raped my child or tried anything to them... if i go to jail, i go to jail... and hope the father raises them well...

You actually trust Gabo to raise your kid?

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Child porn is sooo sick....people have to have something seriously mentally wrong with them...I come from this small-ass town in Bumblefuck, NJ, and I was reading the newspaper a few weeks ago and I found out that the mayor of that town just got arrested for having a child pornography ring...it seems like all of these people who have trusted positions in society seem to have a fetish for it...its definitely scary

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Why has this topic been brought up in here? I usually come here to talk about edm and to find out what's going on with scene NOT talk about such sick perversions!! I come here to chill, but if you want my opinion on this I'll give it to you: If you even fantasize about such things you should consider seeing a shrink because you got serious problems!! You have to be sick to like this!! Child pornography destroys lives and it's just repulsive!! Anyone who gets convicted on such charges or permanently ruins somone's life because of this should be locked up for a long time!! Repeat offenders obviously will repeat so why give them the option of parole? What type of judicial system is this? You had Martha Stewart go to jail for several months while OJ viciously killed two people and is off playing celebrity golf somewhere as we speak. If a sex offender gets a another chance at enjoying life than our judicial system is really flawed and needs to be revamped!!

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Child porn is sooo sick....people have to have something seriously mentally wrong with them...I come from this small-ass town in Bumblefuck, NJ, and I was reading the newspaper a few weeks ago and I found out that the mayor of that town just got arrested for having a child pornography ring...it seems like all of these people who have trusted positions in society seem to have a fetish for it...its definitely scary

Jersey .. corruption, pedophiles, and at times shitty club people.


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...it seems like all of these people who have trusted positions in society seem to have a fetish for it...its definitely scary
yeah, actually they feel the need to compensate for their illegal activities - so they pick up being a leader w/in the church, police, & govt. people who are too nice scare me....they're gonna snap one day. haha!
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life in prison w/o parol .. um, why are we keeping these scum bags around?! NO REALLY WHY!? over 30k a year at the least to house A (ONE) prisioner ...

Im sorry i got a 249.99$ 12 guage shotgun, a 12.49$ pack of shells( i get dolla off w/ my coupon ) and an itchy trigger finger.

:gang: I see a small solution to our increasing debt ... DONT YOU? :gang:

Think "organ harvesting" man. Let em die in surgery.

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life in prison w/o parol .. um, why are we keeping these scum bags around?! NO REALLY WHY!? over 30k a year at the least to house A (ONE) prisioner ...

Im sorry i got a 249.99$ 12 guage shotgun, a 12.49$ pack of shells( i get dolla off w/ my coupon ) and an itchy trigger finger.

:gang: I see a small solution to our increasing debt ... DONT YOU? :gang:

first off... it's MUCH cheaper to keep someone locked up until they die then to give them the death penalty.. it doesn't make sense, but if you don't believe me look into it...

second... our judicial system is flawed so the death penalty is just retarded.. the wrong man has been to put to death many a time and for what??? does the family of the victim really feel any better?? im not in the situation but i would like to see comments from a family years after the execution.. it would be pretty interesting..

as much as i think these scumbags should rot in prison for a long time you also have to realize that sometimes the wrong man is locked up.. it's the girls word vs. the guys, which can be kinda scary.. so it's better not to have the death penalty... bc if the truth ever comes out then the innocent guy can be let free.. if a guy pleads guilty then it's a different story all together...

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