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let's see those motherfuckin wmc reviews!!!!

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best set hands down was steve angello on the terrace... i had a fucking blast, he killed it... that was only the first night too..

i was also looking forward to seeing david guetta but the staff at mansion were fucking assholes and werent letting single guys in, just dudes with chicks.. like weird 40 year old rich miami dudes with fake plastic tittied chicks... but whatever im definitely going to dispute that charge on my credit card and get a refund.. i was so looking forward to guetta too his esential shit was the fucking shit... mad people werent getting turned away... kids were paying the bouncers to get them to the front of the line and then the doorguy wasnt letting them in.... just shady shady shit... i really thought that was gonna be the highlight of wmc for me... but ill catch him when he comes to nyc...

morillo on the terrace was absolute shenanigans... i was up on the terrace for a bit and then went downstairs and then they closed the door and i was stuck chilling downstairs.. missed the first hour or two of morillo's set on the terrace and by the time i got up there it was such an ugly scene and it was 8 in the morning i just took a cab home solo while my friends were in there... seeing people (morillo fans) at 8 in the morning in broadday light isnt the prettiest of scenes...

tried to check out nikki beach party during the afternoon but the line extended all the way down to key west so we watched from behind the fence for a bit and then headed over to the e ve nt vIIBEE party which was nuts!! dj dan was killing it as was steve smooth.. it was a nice scene except seeing people some people strung out in broad day light is quite scary...

went to tiesto night and pvd night... tiesto was pretty good but it was packed as shit... roger sanchez on the terrace was fucking INSANE!! only stayed for 45 minutes bc i was running on empty.. but WOW!!! such a great scene..

pvd the next night was pretty good but staff was lame!!! got there 12:45 didnt get in til after 2... pvd was typical pvd fashion... ferry corsten was fucking killing it though... went upstairs to see sander on the terrace but i had nothing left in me... besides, seeing people partying on the terrace at 8am is quite disturbing... lol.. well it was a fucking crazy weekend/week, im a good 1500 in the hole but it's all good... im def takin it easy on the nyc clubs for a bit.. i gotta be up for class in 5 and a half hours and i probably have had about 10 hours of sleep the past few days... thank god i took off work tomorrow to recover... lets see some reviews!!!

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This was by far the WORST WMC in recent memory. Too much drama, too many cops/undercovers/arrests all over the place, clubs packed way beyond capacity, clubs not honoring presale tickets because they were at overcapacity, clubs being shut down, parties being cancelled, the price of admission being jacked up at the door to absurd prices etc. A lot of the promoters and industry people there were not happy with the way the WMC worked out this year. It's been getting worse every year. Don't be surprised if the WMC is moved to another city next year. I heard a lot of talk about doing just that. I don't really think that will happen because Miami has a lot of advantages to other spots, but they should seriously consider it.

With that said, there were still some good parties, with my hands down favorite parties being DT's Be Yourself party, Vibe, Calderone, Chus & Ceballos, That Kid Chris & Peter Tha Zouk at the Warehouse. I wont be returning to the conference next year if it's in Miami though, it's just not worth the hassle.

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It's getting worst each year. This will be my last one. Evertyhing is expensive, too much bs in clubs, too many people.

$7 bottle of water at club spin.

$60 tiesto at space, $20 parking, 1 1/2 hour in line, 20 min to get a drink, 20 min to reach the bathroom to find out you cannot fill up the water bottle. my got stepped a million times.

03/22 mauro picotto at space $40, sucked!!

03/23 armin at club spin, $50, awesome music.

03/25 pvd, ferry, seb fontaine at space I got so frustrated with the long line I went back to the hotel.

03/26 Ultra 7, $65, 40 min to get in, just stayed in spot from 6-12am to see ferry, oakenfold, junkie XL, tiesto and PVD.

I'd go back to WMC if I had VIP reservation in whatever club I go to.

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well.,. i honestly can't say how i feel about the conference.,. as soon as i got there it was drama from the first minute.,. but thats a personal issue.,. the lines were insane, cover too much.,. too many guidos everywhere i looked.,. its convenient being a girl, but i know that a lot of my male friends were having problems at the doors by themselves.,. wmc is seriously going downhill.,. last year when they changed the dates, there was practically no one there, and now this year i guess it was over-promoted, so it was too crowded.,. you know its bad when they start charging to get into "free" parties.,. nikki beach was a bit rediculous for the radio one party.,. damn.,. i can barely remember what parties i did go to.,. i guess thats what sleep deprivation does to you.,.

drew.,. im so sorry you are having a horrible time, but i'm glad we hung out.,. and if all else fails......... GO TO WET WILLIES!

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I'm glad you had a good time man..

because i didn't. Has to be the worst trip ive taken in a long time

ill post a nice review on it when i get back home

i know what you are saying man... while i hd a blast it didnt feel like a vacation... i spent about a total of 3 minutes on the beach, spent about 10 in the pool... i went there tan and am coming back grotesquely pale.. i think im taking another vacation when the semester ends bc i feel cheated in a sense.. im not relaxed, i actually need a vacation from the vacation..

i wouldn't mind seeing the conference in somwhere like hawaii next year... this way half the clubs wont be locals, just people who REALLY REALLY want to be there... not people looking to pop bottles and all that other gayness..

all in all it was a good trip... i was expecting a lot more out of it, but it was still a good time.. i would like to see it next year in a not-so pretentious city, miami was just too fake...

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well.,. i honestly can't say how i feel about the conference.,. as soon as i got there it was drama from the first minute.,. but thats a personal issue.,. the lines were insane, cover too much.,. too many guidos everywhere i looked.,. its convenient being a girl, but i know that a lot of my male friends were having problems at the doors by themselves.,. wmc is seriously going downhill.,. last year when they changed the dates, there was practically no one there, and now this year i guess it was over-promoted, so it was too crowded.,. you know its bad when they start charging to get into "free" parties.,. nikki beach was a bit rediculous for the radio one party.,. damn.,. i can barely remember what parties i did go to.,. i guess thats what sleep deprivation does to you.,.

drew.,. im so sorry you are having a horrible time, but i'm glad we hung out.,. and if all else fails......... GO TO WET WILLIES!

Yea sorry bout your drama also.. Should of caught you earlier in the week.. we'll party in new york don't worry

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Hmmm.... I guess to each his own. I did only go for the weekend... and had a blast... but maybe had I gone to 4 or 5+ parties, I'd have seen more negative stuff.

Anyway... Lee Burridge @ BED fuckin' ripped it up for a 7-hour set. Friends had bought pre-sale tix, but I didn't... and with BED bein so small, I was skeptical I'd even get in. But after only 10 mins in line, doorWOMAN picked me out and said, "How many?"... I said "One."... she said, "C'mon." $12 for Gen Adm! Met my friends inside and proceeded to enjoy one of the greatest non-stop sets I've ever encountered! Great crowd vibe... met tons of old skool CP ppl, ironically, since I didn't run into hardly any present-day peeps (that I know of)... didn't stop dancing for about 6 1/2 hours... left COMPLETELY content with my night.

No drama... no price gouging... pants-wetting music and a heart-pounding good time. Guess I'll consider myself one of the lucky ones. :rock:

On top of it all... I love Miami. The food, the people, the neighborhoods, everything. I try to take it all in every time I visit. Spent a couple of hours before leaving town on Sunday to photoshoot the town. All of this only completed my awesome visit. Maybe I'm one to enjoy all a city has to offer... and not just head for the nearest long line. idontno8rv.gif

Either way... quality weekend from Friday dinner with friends to the Sunday afternoon I-95 on-ramp. ;)

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i know what you are saying man... while i hd a blast it didnt feel like a vacation... i spent about a total of 3 minutes on the beach, spent about 10 in the pool... i went there tan and am coming back grotesquely pale.. i think im taking another vacation when the semester ends bc i feel cheated in a sense.. im not relaxed, i actually need a vacation from the vacation..

i wouldn't mind seeing the conference in somwhere like hawaii next year... this way half the clubs wont be locals, just people who REALLY REALLY want to be there... not people looking to pop bottles and all that other gayness..

all in all it was a good trip... i was expecting a lot more out of it, but it was still a good time.. i would like to see it next year in a not-so pretentious city, miami was just too fake...

I'm glad you had a good time.. at least somebody did. I would have to totally think about if im coming back again. And right now im not.. Can't wait to go home

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First time in SOBE and it was fun, nothing crazy shit is definitely over hyped alot of good looking people and ugly..dont believe the shit you see on tv lol.

didn't go out to many big parties like I REALLY wanted cuz of some fucked up ex friends. Tuesday nite Crobar was GREAT thanks to the pink ones lol Wednesday Mangos then SkyBar-hip hop shit-SUCKED I'm still mad I wasted wed nite on that crap...love the raspberry long islands @ Mangos and their stuff..

After Wednesday nite I had to leave the drama behind me and stayed with the one and only Marky Mark at the Riande Continental right by shellborne. Thursday 3 PM drink fest at WetWillies... :pint: had about 8 total drinks (supermans, attitude improvement and call a cab) I was just feeling nice but Mark went down hard :rofl: ...Nice meeting DJ Frosty and Keith..you guys are definitely alot of fun just wished we hang out more. Back to the hotel for more drinks bartender had crazy skills making long island's for me the whole nite.. met some cool people and ofcourse :bong: ...

Friday back to wetwillies for more of their frozen drinks, they are awesome..lost count how many I had lol. After all that drinking ended up at the Cleavlender for the pool party, it was cool but didn't last too long..someone got ftup and we got kicked out lol. and it wasn't me.

Friday JP@warehouse god damn it was FUCKEN HOT. I almost passed out..but THANK YOU Mark for the VIP. Nice meeting Brandy76 and your man, I need to send you the pics...since mark tried to take a picture of us for about 10 min we don't have one together :(

I wasn't feeling at all the shit JP played early on but later music got much better.. he or it kinda got me turned off that my cracked out ass didn't even go to the JP pool party but heard some great reviews. Kinda regret it now, will have to wait for next year. But WTF $75 at the door??

Funniest quote I heard was in the lobby of the hotel "YOUR ONLY JOB IS TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" some girl YELLED at her friend so I guess I wasn't the only one with drama. lol.....Oh thanks Jackie for making my stay soooooo much more enjoyable..bitch! hehe..love yah...can't wait for Memorial day in Jersey :pint::bong:

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I had a SLAMMIN time, but I will be glad to be back in NY. Went to see Morillo Wednesday night, which was insane...best music of the trip for me. Not too crowded either (at least as much as I can remember) which was great. Thursday I went to this beach party at the Shebourne that looked like "The Grind." It was cool at first, throwing beach balls at guidos, etc., and my guy friends loved seeing a couple of Playboy playmates and about a million other porno type chicks, but it was definitely not my scene at all. I tried to go see Bad Boy Bill at Mynt but couldn't get in b/c of my guy friends, which was irritating. Friday night at Nikki Beach was a lot of fun; I chilled with Judge Jules for a little bit so that was cool. Overall I had a great time hanging out with my friends and being warm, but I was disappointed by the vibe of it all...the drama was ridiculous... I had no idea it was going to be so much of a beauty pageant with all the door drama, etc.

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03/22 mauro picotto at space $40, sucked!!

how were the other dj's? :confused:

lets see:

thursday: went to clevelander. i was impressed by the music (tribal with few vocals.......i wasnt there for tsettos thank god). crowd was pretty terrible though.

I wasnt feeling very well, so i didnt go out that night. I would have forced myself out if the Decked Out party wasnt cancelled though.

friday: radio one and porterhouse. radio one was good, but tong's set was a little annoying (not a alot of real mixing). porterhouse was fucking bonkers! :bounce: Every DJ there was great, Porter especially.

saturday: ultra after party. pretty well disorganized. it started an hour late. security stopped letting people on the main floor after the first half hour or so, as well as restricting the exits. if you had to leave to go to the bathroom, you had to wait on a really long line to get back. i found a good spot in the bleachers. the zabiela and cattaneo (or was it lavelle?) tag team bored the shit out of me. sasha and digweed were ok, nothing spectacular.

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Funniest quote I heard was in the lobby of the hotel "YOUR ONLY JOB IS TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" some girl YELLED at her friend so I guess I wasn't the only one with drama.:

lol the funniest quote i heard was some kid walking out of the restaurant/inside bar at the eeevntvibe pool party saying "damn... even the waitresses are trippng balls"

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This Was By Far My Best Conf. Thurs-doubletree-derrick Carter,kerri Chandler,poolside ,open Bar Top Shelf Liquor 5-7,john Legend ,cool People ,no Hassles Great Music ,no Posing,nikki Beach -shelter Party ,great Music No Hassle At Door .no Posers,marlin Hotel Same ,shelly Hotel Groove Parlor,great Music Cool Peeps,addidas Store Free Red Stripes,jazids Eman ,jazz Downstairs, National Hotel Free Great Vibe And Music And So On. Fri -addidas Store,chesterfields Great Party,astor Hotel Triple 5 Soul Party Incredible,state Porterhouse No Hassle At Door Free,sofi Lounge Free Great Music Cool Peeps. And So On. Sat-doulbletree ,great Music,open Bar,marlin Great Party,sofi Lounge, I Guess You Get The Picture For Me Its About The Music And The Vibe You Can Keep Your Space,warehouse ,and Other Places Where The Dj Plays For Himself And Not For The People.plus When You Wait 1-3 Hrs To Get In A Place. Doormen With Shitty Attitudes ,pay 50-100 A Ticket.people Who Are So Plastic It Sad,stuffed In A Room Wth Who Knows Thousands Of People What Do You Expect.you Can Keep It.cant Wait Till Next Yr.peace

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how were the other dj's? :confused:

lets see:

thursday: went to clevelander. i was impressed by the music (tribal with few vocals.......i wasnt there for tsettos thank god). crowd was pretty terrible though.

I wasnt feeling very well, so i didnt go out that night. I would have forced myself out if the Decked Out party wasnt cancelled though.

friday: radio one and porterhouse. radio one was good, but tong's set was a little annoying (not a alot of real mixing). porterhouse was fucking bonkers! :bounce: Every DJ there was great, Porter especially.

saturday: ultra after party. pretty well disorganized. it started an hour late. security stopped letting people on the main floor after the first half hour or so, as well as restricting the exits. if you had to leave to go to the bathroom, you had to wait on a really long line to get back. i found a good spot in the bleachers. the zabiela and cattaneo (or was it lavelle?) tag team bored the shit out of me. sasha and digweed were ok, nothing spectacular.

The ULTRA Carry On was delayed because we had some issues with the Fire Dept that had to be ironed out for the safety of everyone. The reason why you couldn't get back on the floor was because the floor reached it's capacity very early. So it's not that there was disorganization, we were all being cautious about the safety of the entire crowd.

Terry McNeil

Production Manager

ULTRA Carry On 1

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overall, not the best wmc i've attended, but still a great time and great memories (as always)

damian lazarus at space monday night was the highlight/ surprise of wmc for me ($20 entry and 3 free drink tickets from a city16 rep beacause the event moved from nocturnal which STILL wasn't open)

danny howells at B.E.D. was another great night out ($12 entry)

nikki beach was a blast. went around 7pm and there were people waiting but i got in fairly quickly WITHOUT paying anyone off (free entry)

pool party at sagamore was also a blast (thursday)

sorry to hear that some of you didn't have a great time. trust me, you can have fun on a budget, you just have to plan ahead. and of course all the big names will usually be expensive entry. it's the same in ibiza or anywhere else. wmc is still one of the best weeks of clubbing in the world. hope to see you back next year!

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DANNY motherfucking TENAGLIA showed every single dj out there how is it supposed to be done. Every single year he impresses me with his conference set...


I should have went to see DT @warehouse efen JP played some really hard techno shit which SUCKED. I had to ask few people is that really JP there grrr.

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I should have went to see DT @warehouse efen JP played some really hard techno shit which SUCKED. I had to ask few people is that really JP there grrr.

You should have gone to Nikki Beach. It was PHAT as hell. A little hot inside but overall a great party.

Good to meet ya Maria. (and Marc) Maybe next year we can hang some more. :love2:

I will post some pics my friend took of us when he sends them to me. (from his camera phone)


Greg aka Frosty

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You should have gone to Nikki Beach. It was PHAT as hell. A little hot inside but overall a great party.

Good to meet ya Maria. (and Marc) Maybe next year we can hang some more. :love2:

I will post some pics my friend took of us when he sends them to me. (from his camera phone)


Greg aka Frosty

You're Crazy lol...I got pics which I'll send you but don't post shit on here lol.

Next year I'm definetly hitting up Space and not listening to retarded people who tell you it sucks.

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You're Crazy lol...I got pics which I'll send you but don't post shit on here lol.

Next year I'm definetly hitting up Space and not listening to retarded people who tell you it sucks.

Space is a great venue period. Especially the patio. Don't know why people dislike it so much.

Cool Maria. PM me the pics and I will do the same.

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Space is a great venue period. Especially the patio. Don't know why people dislike it so much.

Cool Maria. PM me the pics and I will do the same.

I heard Space gets really hot and everyone is stinky there, can't move and sweaty guys rubbin all on you...is it true? lol.

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I heard Space gets really hot and everyone is stinky there, can't move and sweaty guys rubbin all on you...is it true? lol.

Not hot in the inside at all but the patio can be after 8 AM. There were a lot of dudes on the terrace with shirts off sweatin balls. Didn't notice the smell since I was fawked up. Just try it next year. Gotta be better than that JP party you went to. :yuck:

Man I got trashed at Willies on Thursday.

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