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In My Opinon The Evolution Of House Music

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After the post of who was the first dj i ever heard i started thinking about how house music came to be.

1. first: there was disco (which was before my time so i really cant comment on it.)

2. After disco there was freestyle. Mic Mac records ruled the world from like 1986-1989

3 some where along the line became hip house ala doug lazy, chuck chillout, maurice, etc.

4. now the best house ever came out. songs like follow me, break for love, french kiss, blackout (not the one that came out like 5 years ago for you new kids. I'm talkng about the lil louis version.)

5. then techno remeber the 611 people they used to kill it. for example nigel richards, who if i am corrects o/d/. No disrepect Frankie Bones, micro, adam x and everyone else from nyc who helped create this scene. at this point jenko didnt exist we were sewing extensions into our pants to make them flair out at the bottom

6.. after that things started to change you would see the kid in high school who would never do anything out of the norm show up at limelight. except he couldnt make fun of you cause he was in your house.

7.. then came a new phase everyone was into it.every idiot was raving till dawn. lol

8. jungle was hot for like 30 seconds

9. then things got quiet for like 5 years unless things were new to you and you consider the second soundfactory the first soundfactory.

10. present day.. house is back... the songs are hotter than eva the movement is growing.. we didnt do or grow as large as hip hop did but no sweat cause our time is coming!!!

Let me know your thoughts do you think i got it right or tell me where your expereinces differed.

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heres the real history told by those who were there and are still rocking it out today.

The PUMP UP THE VOLUME 3 part history of house (in a european view)




The only flaw with these links are that its very much focused on the european scene after part 1. Which is where and why the maestro dvd is important as well, for people to see what was happening during the 70,80,90s in america.

WWW.MAESTRO-DOCUMENTARY.COM (check out the special feats) which is gonna be realesed soon worldwide. Def shows ya some stuff from the nyc,chi town, worldwide style. This movie is soooooo good saw it 3 times in the movie theater in 2004.

And the books that are great for any house history fan





Here are the words by BLAZE "DO YOU REMEMBER HOUSE"

I remember house

before it was called house.

I remember house

when house respected house.

I remember house

when house groove on the roots of house.

I remember house

when house was soul music and R'n'B,

before house was disco.

I remember house

before the superclubs.

I remember house

when people knew the lyrics of house.

I remember house

before recordlabels sold the house.

I remember house

when house was about love...

I remember house.


I remember house

when house was more then just a name to package te sound of ~sproove(???)~this emotion.

I remember house

when it was just one house.

I remember house

when house had artists, songwriters and personalities.

I remember house

when you didn't have to be a DJ just to be into house.

I remember house

when house was broke.

I remember house

when house was done in the house.

I remember house

when it WAS a spiritual thing...

I remember house

Do you remember house


Do you remember house


I remember house

before it was techno

I remember house before it had an afro.

I remember house

before it was deep.

I remember house

before it was hard.

I remember house

when house had tempels(or tempo's?).

I remember house

before mpc16's.

I remember house

before house had loots

I remember house

before the whole world knew.

I remember house

Do you remember house


Do you remember house


I remember house

before it was called house.

I remember house

when house respected house.

I remember house

when house groove on the roots of house.

I remember house

when house was soulmusic and R'n'B,

before house was disco.

I remember house

before the superclubs.

I remember house

when people knew the lyrics of house.

I remember house

befor recordlabels sold the house.

I remember house

when house was about love...

I remember house

Do you remember house


Do you remember house


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you also missed alot of in between things. Cause FREESTYLE was being played at THE FUNHOUSE and or HEARTHROB by LOUIE VEGA n JELLYBEAN BENITEZ during the MID 80S. bUT YOU HAVE TO REMEBER that over in CHICAGO at the WAREHOUSE the music called house was being made during the late 70s early 80s. Just like what was being played at the paradise garage wasnt freestyle at all from 1977-1987. Straihgt up funk, dance classics old school r n b, disco, and house was at 84 king street.

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but i think the personal stories are funnier and more real. granted i was a little drunk when i wrote eveything so i am not expecting it to be perfect. but some of my comments are very true about kids who all of a sudden bought those rave till dawn cd's and entered my world. or jenko coming out with pants ready made.

i am sure you have great stories and experiences with your life and going out to nightclubs and music. you should share em.

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what about back in the 1930's- 40's when people would hold underground parties in germany to avoid the nazi’s? the drum was the heart beat of swing... or in the 20's?... you could even go before that with the native americans and the drum circles, or the africans and their tribal drums beats… house has been with us since the beginning of time……house music is an example of evolution since man has walked the earth....

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what about back in the 1930's- 40's when people would hold underground parties in germany to avoid the nazi’s? the drum was the heart beat of swing... or in the 20's?... you could even go before that with the native americans and the drum circles, or the africans and their tribal drums beats… house has been with us since the beginning of time……house music is an example of evolution since man has walked the earth....

does it really matter, just shut up n dance ^_^

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I was looking at that site and Im a little confused. It shows "Garage House" coming from Chicago. Wasnt Garage house named from the Paradise Garage in NYC. Also other documentaries show house actually origionating in europe at the same time as NYC. Is there any truth to this?


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After the post of who was the first dj i ever heard i started thinking about how house music came to be.

1. first: there was disco (which was before my time so i really cant comment on it.)

2. After disco there was freestyle. Mic Mac records ruled the world from like 1986-1989

3 some where along the line became hip house ala doug lazy, chuck chillout, maurice, etc.

4. now the best house ever came out. songs like follow me, break for love, french kiss, blackout (not the one that came out like 5 years ago for you new kids. I'm talkng about the lil louis version.)

5. then techno remeber the 611 people they used to kill it. for example nigel richards, who if i am corrects o/d/. No disrepect Frankie Bones, micro, adam x and everyone else from nyc who helped create this scene. at this point jenko didnt exist we were sewing extensions into our pants to make them flair out at the bottom

6.. after that things started to change you would see the kid in high school who would never do anything out of the norm show up at limelight. except he couldnt make fun of you cause he was in your house.

7.. then came a new phase everyone was into it.every idiot was raving till dawn. lol

8. jungle was hot for like 30 seconds

9. then things got quiet for like 5 years unless things were new to you and you consider the second soundfactory the first soundfactory.

10. present day.. house is back... the songs are hotter than eva the movement is growing.. we didnt do or grow as large as hip hop did but no sweat cause our time is coming!!!

Let me know your thoughts do you think i got it right or tell me where your expereinces differed.

Are you kidding me?

Worst post ever! :laugh:

Freestyle before Techno???!?!?!


lemme guess, you were born and raised in either NY / NJ /CT

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i was out during the disco peak of 76-79. in studio and xenon many times. house today is connected to disco in the 4/4 kick drum beat. thats where it came from. up to that point there was soul and r/b with dance beats but they were never 4/4 steady. listen to gregg diamonds bionic boogie productions or cerrone. the pure 4/4 is there and at times records would be 30-40 mins cont 4/4 beats to be played in the clubs. when i listen to house todat say by d. morales or r. sanchez or frankie k. the disco influence grabs you right away. i can remeber nights in 78 at studio or clubs in jersey where the producers would come to the clubs just to try out new mixes to see crowd reactions. then there was the whole european influence that was much more melodic with sweeping synths that can be connected to more trance of today. it all came from disco and r/b before that, just some thoughts from an old timer. dont matter the age, its still all about the music. :type:

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There bootleg versions out on ebay i believe. Being that one guy whos not license to sell it has done so after dloading it onto their own computer. Other website and messageboards in the house community are trying to stop him caue its illegal.

Also while it is a great documentary indeed i feel that it leaves out so much more of the influence nyc and chicago had. Seems after the first part and almost midway to the 2nd it becomes about the european side of the story. Which is great since it is a european version of the documentary. Which is what makes MAESTRO documentary a great one as well, and the one i feel you should watch when you get the chance to.

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Although the 2nd part (and a-lot of the 3rd) focuses on the UK (not really other parts of europe like Germany), I think the documentary is pretty clear about how the origins are in NYC and chicago and that the Brits simply took the US sound and went with it. There's never a part where the US influence isn't emphasized. Almost every UK DJ talks about how they were influenced by the US DJs. Also, even when the main subject is the UK scene, the US DJs come in and comment pretty regularly. So I didn't feel like it was as one-sided as you seem to feel, but then again these are subjective things.

I think it's really interesting that NYC and Chicago DJs created a whole new sound, which went on to spark a revolution in the UK even though it never left the underground here in its birthplace (in the 80s-90s). It's interesting to explore why the music had such an impact on British (and then other European) culture and why it's still not really accepted here. I don't really have the answer to that one. Any ideas?

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Are you kidding me?

Worst post ever! :laugh:

Freestyle before Techno???!?!?!


lemme guess, you were born and raised in either NY / NJ /CT

Are you for real? I wrote the thing more of an introspective point of view. with my opinion of what i personally witnessed. i actually thought there were some funny points about kids all of a sudden raving till dawn ( get the pun silly) and jenko jeans. it wasnt supposed to be a factual documentation. more of an opening for people to add there personal experience of how that witnessed this world of dance we have to today. and yes i am from new york home to house music, and home and birthplace to the best dj's and producers in the world. as a matter of fact i'm not sure of anything that wasn't started in new york. so do me a favor and go back to san diego or wherever you are from and save us all your negativeity.

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