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Yes, 18+ noon to 7pm. Hip-hop djs. Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. I'm getting a free guest list together - will be ready tomorrow.

For your friend thats in LA (besides throwing bashes in Vegas) I also just picked up a big bash this Saturday here in LA on Sat (along with 3 others in the next 30 days) [/2 tylenol lol!] ..... time for that bullet train to vegas to be built lol.

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I was at OPM this last weekend, and we got there at 11:15 the list guy very nicely told us that it was too late for the list,we needed to get there by 11:00,which I knew,but had to try. But that is where the "coolness" ended. We waited an hour in line,only to get to the front where the door man was letting in hoards of people,because they were "palming" him then after 2o mins of lining his pockets he turns to us and only wanted to let 2 out of 5 of us in... We finally get in there, and maybe this is just a hip hop club thing, but people were rude, mean, even pushing us out of the way, like they were someone special. And to top it off, while sitting in the hall louge one guy was getting a B.J. and another couple were doing it, but the security decided to follow "the ravers" (us) around instead.I really didnt care for this place, but most ravers probablly wouldnt either. I stay where people say I am sorry when they bump into you, or ask if you are o.k. :boohoo:

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You have got to be kidding. Bouncers don't let people get blowjobs or "do it" in the hallway (but I do give you an "A" for effort in your attempt to enhance your story). I've never seen anything remotely like that in a year of being there. And it makes me quite suspect to hear you state they simply followed the ravers around? Maybe whatever drugs you took caused paranoia and halucinations. The bouncers have better things to do than just follow innocent people around unless their activities warrant it.

Further, this weekend was a completely friendly crowd, so if people were being rude to you I have a feeling it may have been a two way street. LOL when there's 1500 people in a medium sized space people have a tendency to make some physical contact, but that's not considered rude, it's considered moving in a busy club.

Your version of people feeling like they were special, may be an interpretation of people feeling confident and comfortable, which is a trait of regulars who attend hip-hop clubs. It's not the same vibe as a rave - attitude is often misunderstood by people who are not familiar with the hip-hop vibe.

As far as people skipping the line, like every other hot spot, doormen accept tips to allow people to skip. Further, the tables were sold out and all the table customers can walk straight through VIP because they are paying for it. It's just the way it works in Vegas. If they only wanted to allow two out of five in, that's probably because your friends were out of dress code.

Anyway sorry it didn't work for you. Hip-hop clubs aren't for everyone. I would recommend Ice for you next time.

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Buuuddddy! sincerely I have had many types of experiences in my lifetime, and know imagination from reality, and know when to rely on the intake and when not..... I saw what I saw, in the couch hallway. I can take it down to maybe some of our activity was out of sorts for the security guy, but as for being in a place where its hot,sweaty, and super packed, this is nature to any raver, two of the people I was with actually got hand to the back and pushed!!! I couldnt believe it.And even if it is packed people still apologize if they step on someone,or if it appears they've cause a trip or loss of balance.

And lastly yes, I just might take that advise and stick to ICE. :tongue:

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Well what activity were you involved in then, if you don't mind my asking?

As far as hand to the back and pushed without saying sorry - we do that every single day at the club - and it happens at Pure, Body English and every other packed spot. It's really no big deal :makeout: How else do you get where you're going in a situation like that? If you apologized for moving people out of your way in Vegas, you'd be saying "sorry" all night!

Seriously though, I am sorry it didn't work out for you, and I cannot stress enough that the raver scene is about the opposite of the hip-hop scene. Just listen to the lyrics of the music and that just about says it all.

All good and peace my friend.

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The activity was 5 people hugging,smiling,leaning on each other, massaging and talking to anyone who stood still long enough. The usual stuff for us and many :roll: 's. But hey we wanted to try something new, I guess it didnt work out, but your list guy was still very nice about not being able to let us in.Thanx for the input.peace to you to friend. :)

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Maybe next time you should try Gilley's!

Simply put, it pays to do your research on a club before going... especially if you're signing up for a free guest list (which are generally VERY clear about the time the lists close). You make frequent references to coming across as a group of "ravers" yet you choose to go to the one hip-hop club on the strip that carries the best cred for urban tracks?

I must have gone to OPM at least 8-9 times since last fall and I've never seen any of the extracurricular activities you describe, and that's including trips where we've gotten tables (where shit usually slides a bit more). For that matter, I've also never seen it at the likes of BE, ICE, Pure, Tangerine, or pretty much any other club that closes around 4-5am.

I'll also say this about club security in Vegas: they're not going to be bothered following anyone around for more than a minute. Give these guys a bit of credit, especially at a place like OPM; within 30 seconds of watching you, they're going to either decide to leave you alone, provide you with a warning, or simply ask you to leave.

Suggesting that they were following you, that's sheer paranoia.

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Oh for heavens' sake, since when is it against the law to have an "OPINION" about something. We went there because one of our friends likes that music, and seeing it was his birhtday, we obliged. The security guy was posted to watch the balcony, he kept looking over at us, then when 2 of my friends got up to use the bathroom, he followed after them. I sent the sober person behind them to make sure all was well. As for what I saw, it was after3, we were sitting in the hallway with all the chairs, I saw someone getting a B.J. and at the very least a risque lap dance, all was substantiated by the person who did not have anything in their system. And like I had already settled with Mr. webmaster, I if anything have learned that Opm is probably not the place for me. Geezz, if you had been going on about an experience you'd had at Giant, Spundae, Liquified, or Godskitchen out here, I would'nt be knocking you...Peace...

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Actually it is equally not against the law for other people to have opinions too - but its all good. It's just not everyday that someone makes a claim like that. I even brought it up at the manager's meeting today and we looked over the security tapes (there are cameras there ya know) and didn't see anything that supported your story. Regardless there's a big difference between a "lap dance" and "doing it." People give lap dances at clubs all the time, but you don't see them banging on the floor that often. Perfect example how a story can be slighly altered to enhance the actual story. Again it's no big deal. I'm always quick to defend the club I promote so don't take it personal, I know I didn't.

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I thought the story was kind of out there too. Masterweb I'm trying to get on your list for Fri Jul 15 and the latest date in the drop down box is the 10th. When will later dates be available?


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Well said mw.

Lapdances (which i and several others got in FC LA on Frid) and grinding/dryhumping on the dancefloor (which I and many got at Av on Sat) is not sex. Its as much sex as saying a chocolate bar is the same thing as a three-layer chocolate souffele (sp).

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Out side of all that drama ol' boy kicked up in here, O-PM shows MUCH love to the locals and they take care of the ladies with free drinks (RIGHT ON!). They are one of the few clubs makin' a difference here in vegas. these other venues that don't get it, check out the population retention numbers here in vegas. M-Web - i see you guys launched ur guest lists with aevegas.com. smart move! that’s one of my favorite sites here in vegas. they are up and coming and will make a big dif for vegas locals! :type:

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Actually it is equally not against the law for other people to have opinions too - but its all good. Again it's no big deal. I'm always quick to defend the club I promote so don't take it personal, I know I didn't.

Mr.Webmaster, you are totally correct.. it is only when I started to feel "BULLIED" for having one that I started to take it personal. I mean seriously, when people start telling you how you feel, and telling you what you did and didnt see, it bothers anyone. I am glad to see that people find your establisment a place where they have release and fun, it is absolutely necessary for the soul ( I sincerely believe this) :aright: So I am done with this thread, cause it is silly at this point. Take Care, Be safe, Party hearty...


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