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just got back from jp s9

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just a little knowledge since 2 ppl brought up the topic about using the Mac. ive seen this program in use up close (never got to use it myself yet) and i was very impressed. i used to think that dj's using computers would be boring to watch too until i saw how it works. he's got all his music in that computer. this way he doesnt have to lug around tons of record bags or cd books. but he's got 2 pieces of vinyl and his mp3s play thru that vinyl. so he's still using the turntables and mixing normally. i was paying real close attn to wut he was doin last nite. he was def mixing live, u could tell, he even fucked up one of his first couple mixes. not bad..he mixed in a track and had to make a quick eq adjustment. im sure NO ONE noticed it but i was sober and really really listening. he was going crazy with the effects, which is one of the great advantages of the computer. u can "remix" tracks right there, take small elements form a track, loop them, and mix them in. he played countless accapellas over perfectly looped beats. i gotta say i was real impressed with his set. im not a die hard JP lover. i never even went to SF on a sat nite. first time i saw him actually was NYE at exit 2 yrs ago. ive only seen him a few times since then. but i usually get drunk and pay more attn to women than the music. but in last nite's case i listened to every little detail. i knew he was playing GTI for about 10 min before the ppl around me could tell. im not bragging, im just sayin i was REALLY listening. he dropped little samples of it over a loop that he kept goin in and out of. for those of u that were there u know wut im talkin about. i coulda stood there for a good 4 more hrs and just watched him work.

but wut was up with him bitching out his soundcrew every 5 min? u see that one time he snatched the flashlight out of the dude's hand and walked around to the speaker. u could tell he musta got frustrated and figured he could handle it himself. idk, it all seemed very diva-ish to me.

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i mean no disrespect to anyone out there..but jp is an overrated bum. i personally don't see what everyone is ranting and raving about, but hell its only my opinion. if you swear by him i am not looking for you to sway away. i wouldn't waste my time to seeing him. i saw some people who left studio 9 early last night, and they said it wasn't impressive. now to hear that he charged 30k for his set and he was playing from an imac, he should have just brought his ipod if u ask me if he was just gonna press play. that's disrespectful much like morales set at deko. if he were playing anywhere else i seriously doubt he would bring his imac. doesn't get my seal of approval. but once again. i only like listening to music.

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I'm sorry but to book a $10-15,000 DJ to make a party good in NJ, the party/place can't be that good. This past month on Thursdays they've done Denny Tsettos, Skribbz and some other stuff and never broke 50-75 people. I find it funny how their Saturdays went from 1,500 to 150. And Studio 9 fridays?? I don't even know if they even have one. I know it's summer time but if you can only hold 10% of your crowd than something is WRONG. I know you gotta spend money to make money, but you just opened up a HUGE spot and your paying monthly rent (your most likely in the hole in debt for a year or 2). It's not that I'm "hating" on the place, this is just my honest opinion and every one has their right to their opinion.

But on a side note did the owner let the dogs out on Thursday lol ;)

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I'm sorry but to book a $10-15,000 DJ to make a party good in NJ, the party/place can't be that good. This past month on Thursdays they've done Denny Tsettos, Skribbz and some other stuff and never broke 50-75 people. I find it funny how their Saturdays went from 1,500 to 150. And Studio 9 fridays?? I don't even know if they even have one. I know it's summer time but if you can only hold 10% of your crowd than something is WRONG. I know you gotta spend money to make money, but you just opened up a HUGE spot and your paying monthly rent (your most likely in the hole in debt for a year or 2). It's not that I'm "hating" on the place, this is just my honest opinion and every one has their right to their opinion.

But on a side note did the owner let the dogs out on Thursday lol ;)

thanks for buying me that shot of hypnotic last night. very tastey...

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JP rules! It was great seeing all the old faces and meeting some new ones. George, once again, thanks for all the free shots! I was so hammered! :) It was by far one of the best nights of my life, and am looking forward to next week! Thank you too everyone who helped make it happen. :beer::party:

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the only reason studio 9 failed is because of bad publicity on CP :)

p.s. you should have been nicer to us 5qtpies

studio 9 is like the crappppppyiuest room on earth

like a warehouse with candles and red paint..

hahahah k lets all support the red box :finger:

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ok i was there last night, stayed till the end and the place was pretty packd....there were a lot of hot girls, and more girls then guys.......there was room to dance so i didn't feel like i was in a sardine can or something

jp set was ok, even for a imac....but hey, a lot of dj's do that now and days

the crowd was ummmm, lets just say it was better then roxys crowd on july 3rd

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no disrespect to you but if you dont the answer to this then you are a fuckin idiot...it's called 'municipal ordinance' - a law that the town leaders set whether its what day they are gonna pick up the garbage to what time a club/bar closes. XS and Tempts b/c the town of Seaside Heights has set the closing time to 4am. IMHO, its the municipall ordinances that destroyed the NJ club scene, which lead to the closing of Hunka Bunka and Metro Lounge.

no disrespect to your friends either, since they dont know much about the club scene, they probably didnt realize nor care that JP was standing there playing music from his iMac...not that its bad, it was probably produced in his studio and he just pressed play

sorry me idiot. i obviously know its how the town wants it but thought maybe there was more details behind it, like if its located close to residents or something like that you know?

and just let u know and other dude said it too. JP was just using IMAC just to store tracks. Theres a hardware/software combination called Serato Stratch Live or Final stratch 2. It's actually pretty cool, you get two pieces of vinyl that control the mp3s. Its very percise, just trying to say JP did all the work not the IMAC.

and arent we all jus having good time. if u know you gonna have bad time then why do people bother going? sorry i just don't understand why people know they gonna hate on a place but go anyways and waste their money to hate more...why? :huh:

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