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Ok here I go.....


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Man ok this is going to be very hard to do, but here I go........even though it looks like I might be here till Saturday(supposed to leave Friday) cause of this damn storm, I might not be online after tonight for a while. Sooooooooooooo I want to take this time to say my goodbyes and thank yous, first off a big FUCK YOU to everyone that will read this and have something negative to say about it....you can be sure I GIVE A FLYING FUCK what you think but I like to stay a step ahead of you like I always have.

Well I was going to BUMP the old thread but I rather just write a new one, ok in the past months I can safely say that I have met the greatest bunch of people that anyone can meet. It's nice to know that true friendships can exist outside of these boards, especially with all the bullshit(people) that surrounds them....but I guess those come to light very quickly as we may have learned in the past few months, and we get rid of them very fast. As for those that are truly genuine, i'm glad that you were part of my life.....and for those that offered ur support when I needed it the most THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

This past weekend was AMAZING it had been a while since I had soooooo much fun(oh and Manny if u do not remember I did put you guys to bed at ur first party;))!!! Im glad we decided to have this party I don't think there was a better way to end my stay here....and i'm glad it was with all of you. With the exceptions of some people that could'nt make it, I guess we can catch up when I visit :bounce: . Well I guess there is not much more that I can say, than THANK YOU for everything!!!!

I wish all of you a safe weekend, stay dry......and KISSES TO ALL!!!!

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Man ok this is going to be very hard to do, but here I go........even though it looks like I might be here till Saturday(supposed to leave Friday) cause of this damn storm, I might not be online after tonight for a while. Sooooooooooooo I want to take this time to say my goodbyes and thank yous, first off a big FUCK YOU to everyone that will read this and have something negative to say about it....you can be sure I GIVE A FLYING FUCK what you think but I like to stay a step ahead of you like I always have.

Well I was going to BUMP the old thread but I rather just write a new one, ok in the past months I can safely say that I have met the greatest bunch of people that anyone can meet. It's nice to know that true friendships can exist outside of these boards, especially with all the bullshit(people) that surrounds them....but I guess those come to light very quickly as we may have learned in the past few months, and we get rid of them very fast. As for those that are truly genuine, i'm glad that you were part of my life.....and for those that offered ur support when I needed it the most THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

This past weekend was AMAZING it had been a while since I had soooooo much fun(oh and Manny if u do not remember I did put you guys to bed at ur first party;))!!! Im glad we decided to have this party I don't think there was a better way to end my stay here....and i'm glad it was with all of you. With the exceptions of some people that could'nt make it, I guess we can catch up when I visit :bounce: . Well I guess there is not much more that I can say, than THANK YOU for everything!!!!

I wish all of you a safe weekend, stay dry......and KISSES TO ALL!!!!

Do what you gotta do homegurl...

Wish you nuttin but the best.

and btw that phone number that you gave me is disconnected.

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Man ok this is going to be very hard to do, but here I go........even though it looks like I might be here till Saturday(supposed to leave Friday) cause of this damn storm, I might not be online after tonight for a while. Sooooooooooooo I want to take this time to say my goodbyes and thank yous, first off a big FUCK YOU to everyone that will read this and have something negative to say about it....you can be sure I GIVE A FLYING FUCK what you think but I like to stay a step ahead of you like I always have.

Well I was going to BUMP the old thread but I rather just write a new one, ok in the past months I can safely say that I have met the greatest bunch of people that anyone can meet. It's nice to know that true friendships can exist outside of these boards, especially with all the bullshit(people) that surrounds them....but I guess those come to light very quickly as we may have learned in the past few months, and we get rid of them very fast. As for those that are truly genuine, i'm glad that you were part of my life.....and for those that offered ur support when I needed it the most THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

This past weekend was AMAZING it had been a while since I had soooooo much fun(oh and Manny if u do not remember I did put you guys to bed at ur first party;))!!! Im glad we decided to have this party I don't think there was a better way to end my stay here....and i'm glad it was with all of you. With the exceptions of some people that could'nt make it, I guess we can catch up when I visit :bounce: . Well I guess there is not much more that I can say, than THANK YOU for everything!!!!

I wish all of you a safe weekend, stay dry......and KISSES TO ALL!!!!

well i for one can say that i am going to miss you around here. you always have an opinion on everything and i enjoy reading some of your crazy ass posts sometimes...lol.....one thing i've always liked about you is your honesty. although we never really hung out, at least i had the pleasure to meet you in person. from the past year i've assessed you to be the type of person that understands the true meaning of friendships...that it's not about taking but giving as well....which is a lot more some people could ever understand. don't ever be a stranger, whenever you get a chance drop in and say hi from time to time. we'll all be here when you come back to miami :party: good luck and best wishes in everything....:kiss2:

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Man ok this is going to be very hard to do, but here I go........even though it looks like I might be here till Saturday(supposed to leave Friday) cause of this damn storm, I might not be online after tonight for a while. Sooooooooooooo I want to take this time to say my goodbyes and thank yous, first off a big FUCK YOU to everyone that will read this and have something negative to say about it....you can be sure I GIVE A FLYING FUCK what you think but I like to stay a step ahead of you like I always have.

Well I was going to BUMP the old thread but I rather just write a new one, ok in the past months I can safely say that I have met the greatest bunch of people that anyone can meet. It's nice to know that true friendships can exist outside of these boards, especially with all the bullshit(people) that surrounds them....but I guess those come to light very quickly as we may have learned in the past few months, and we get rid of them very fast. As for those that are truly genuine, i'm glad that you were part of my life.....and for those that offered ur support when I needed it the most THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

This past weekend was AMAZING it had been a while since I had soooooo much fun(oh and Manny if u do not remember I did put you guys to bed at ur first party;))!!! Im glad we decided to have this party I don't think there was a better way to end my stay here....and i'm glad it was with all of you. With the exceptions of some people that could'nt make it, I guess we can catch up when I visit :bounce: . Well I guess there is not much more that I can say, than THANK YOU for everything!!!!

I wish all of you a safe weekend, stay dry......and KISSES TO ALL!!!!

Fucking Christ, woman! You don't need to create an entire ritual! Just say your speedy goodbyes and off you go! :D

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:smoke::clap: finally you'r out of here dam about time kidding, i hope you had fun sat, we haven't hung for a long time but in the time ive known you your coooooooooooool people's you know you can count on anything you need with in my reach i would do. it's (nelson) manny's friend just incase you don't know me as drill you that geos for the rest of you cp bitches no disrespect intended. if i hurt you feelings :finger2: perdone rosa si le rose un petalo. well there is a storm if you dont fly out call me or manny for party info.part 3 in affect.
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This past weekend was AMAZING it had been a while since I had soooooo much fun(oh and Manny if u do not remember I did put you guys to bed at ur first party;))!!! Im glad we decided to have this party I don't think there was a better way to end my stay here....and i'm glad it was with all of you.

I know that. that y i said only about this lst one. GOTCHA!!!!..


i wish you the best & take care Ingrid. i'm glad you had a good time.

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Man ok this is going to be very hard to do, but here I go........even though it looks like I might be here till Saturday(supposed to leave Friday) cause of this damn storm, I might not be online after tonight for a while. Sooooooooooooo I want to take this time to say my goodbyes and thank yous, first off a big FUCK YOU to everyone that will read this and have something negative to say about it....you can be sure I GIVE A FLYING FUCK what you think but I like to stay a step ahead of you like I always have.

Well I was going to BUMP the old thread but I rather just write a new one, ok in the past months I can safely say that I have met the greatest bunch of people that anyone can meet. It's nice to know that true friendships can exist outside of these boards, especially with all the bullshit(people) that surrounds them....but I guess those come to light very quickly as we may have learned in the past few months, and we get rid of them very fast. As for those that are truly genuine, i'm glad that you were part of my life.....and for those that offered ur support when I needed it the most THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

This past weekend was AMAZING it had been a while since I had soooooo much fun(oh and Manny if u do not remember I did put you guys to bed at ur first party;))!!! Im glad we decided to have this party I don't think there was a better way to end my stay here....and i'm glad it was with all of you. With the exceptions of some people that could'nt make it, I guess we can catch up when I visit :bounce: . Well I guess there is not much more that I can say, than THANK YOU for everything!!!!

I wish all of you a safe weekend, stay dry......and KISSES TO ALL!!!!

bitch will you just get the fuck out already :rolleyes:

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