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Katrina aid from Cuba rejected!


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vietnam donated 1,000 as a good jesture to show they care,

we as a country do not have any outstanding issues with vietnam thats why we can accept from them

on the other hand we do have PLENTY of outstanding issues with castro so there for we should not accept

i love it ho everyone on this board thinks they are fuckin smart asses mean while non of you even have commen sense enough to know that one simple fact

yea and im the retard right


and if u cant agree with that then heres another thing for you to ponder

we already raised 1 billion dollars

its not even they $$ that means anything its everything that was lost that $$ could never replace

peoples whole lives

once again

fuck all u cubans, spics, niggas, argentenians, miami bitches, tricks, hoes, fags, and all the rest of u who read this board

unless ur italian or from NY then ur cool


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i read right !! i just feel like raggin on you cubans tonight !! btw !! where the fuck is sotuchick ?? where the fuck is that damn, dumb, cuban bitch ??

Here I am bitch!

Well I think Cubans are not being selfish like you say, boludo come pinga! Learn some of our history first before you type again....1 888 -Cuban History for you.

The issue here is the following... how is U.S.A going to accept help from Cuba when we (Americans) know Fidel Castro harvest terrorists (aren't we fighting against terrorism? how can we accept help from a terrorist himself!) We also know Cuba helps the Colombia guerrilla and most importantly...Fidel Castro's government has 11 million people under a dictatorship, these poor people have been forced to leave their country in hopes for a better life.

Just for your information Koky, many Cubans came to this county with hopes to go back one day!

Have you ever been to a hospital in Cuba? have you ever tried to go to the pharmacy with a prescription and get a medicine? well, you don't want to because you will die before you get treated like a human (this is due to lack of resources)...Unless you are a tourist and have dollars some medicines are not available for the Cuban population but then Fidel dares to tell Bush to accept his help!

I will be ashamed if the United States accepts any help from Cuba.

I just think Fidel lost his head a long time ago, and this is just offensive! The Cuban exile are the ones that understand this situation only because we lived under Fidel's government and we know what is like!

Do any of you remember when Fidel rejected our help after a Cat 5 Hurricane passed by the Occidental region of the island? why is it so different now?

I just love this country each and every day more and more...I am glad they responded the way they did to this situation (Aide from Cuba). I am glad they only allow cubans to go to Cuba every 3 years, I am glad they they do Visa lottery for cubans and I am glad the United States of America gave us the freedom to be able to come to this board and be able to say FUCK YOU FIDEL CASTRO AND ALL YOU COMMUNISTS!!!!

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the US would never accept aid from countries that supposedly harbor terrorist, communist countries, or countries that violate human rights...:rolleyes:

I know you're being sarcastic but let's just assume for a second that what you said was true...

Then according to the US, we could only accept aid from Canada and French Polynesia. :D

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Can u please give us some examples?

As far as I see we respect human rights!

You know I was going to type this whole long statement on how human rights are violated by Americans and /or its government. But on this board it wouldn’t be worth it. But let me just say


Yup, it’s on almost any type of legal form you may ever fill out, we don’t Discriminate. We are equal. Lenders/employers/whatever

Is the most common form of human right violation; Discrimination.

Things that go on in the world can be cloaked easily and if it’s something obvious to the public, damage control is the remedy and best tool for the cloak.

In this day in age, it depends where you stand that would make the difference how you see things.

A small scale example;

You’re in high school and you are a part of a click of cool people, as we all know the cool people usually pick on another less fortunate group of people, sometimes in a very mean and violating way, you think its funny and sometime play a part in it. Never really think about; it’s cool your in the better half of things, no complaints, no hard feelings.

Well let’s turn the tables; you are now a part of that less fortunate, getting picked on, beat up on, money taken from you. What are your thoughts now? Still have no complaints, no hard feelings?

Don’t know if you can understand what I am saying as I am not one to really express my thoughts well on paper, I rather debate in vocal form.

Its just all psychological how you see thing and what you approve.

If you ever find your self being discriminated against you in a serious way, I’m sure you won’t be asking such questions as “can u please give us some examples?

As far as I see we respect human rights!â€

An u please give us some examples?

Discrimination is a minor violation of human right because it’s been tamed to that. It may not seem has something serious unless you find yourself on the bad side of it.

Human rights, it’s a very complex topic, but it is violated.

If you study the social structure in America, learn to be un-bias, then you can read between the lines.

you asked for my thoughts, and I am not going to move forward with this. its just to complex to get into. I rather smoke weed, lay back and be fair to everyone that comes into my path.

and spam CP..


POLITICS = the "theory" and practice of forming and running organizations, other words people. look it up.

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abu ghraib and guantanamo are two clear examples that we do... if we are going promote respect for human rights, then we need to adhere to them ourselves.

see Iwas going to post those in detail, but what for.

people being detained for years with out trial.

"hundreds of people of around remain held in effect in a legal black hole, many without access to any court, legal counsel or family visits."

most of them might not be guilty?

is that a violation of human rights

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Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri, a citizen of Qatar who had been studying in Peoria, Illinois, before his arrest, asked the federal district court in South Carolina to declare unconstitutional the severe and unnecessary deprivations and restrictions to which he has been subjected since he was placed in military custody in June 2003. Al-Marri had already initiated habeas proceedings challenging the legality of his detention as an enemy combatant. That case continues.

“It is bad enough that al-Marri has been held indefinitely without charges and incommunicado,†said Jamie Fellner, director of Human Rights Watch’s U.S. Program. “Now we learn that his life in the brig has also been one of cruelty and petty vindictiveness. Whatever the Bush administration believes he has done or wanted to do, there’s no excuse for how they are treating him.â€

Al-Marri’s complaint describes virtually complete isolation from the world. He has been confined round the clock in a small cell with an opaque window covered with plastic. He has not been allowed to speak to his wife or five children. He is allowed no newspapers, magazines, books (other than the Koran), radio or television. He is allowed no personal property. His cell contains a steel bed, a sink and a toilet. During the day, the mattress on his bed has been removed.

Out-of-cell time has been limited to three showers and three short periods of solitary recreation a week—but al-Marri has frequently been denied that out-of-cell time. Once he went 60 days without being permitted to leave his cell at all. When bad weather prevents him from going outside, he must remain in hand cuffs and leg irons during his indoor recreation. Leg irons and handcuffs are placed on him when he goes to the shower.

Al-Marri alleges that on occasion he has been denied basic hygiene products such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and toilet paper. When not provided with toilet paper, he has had to use his hands to clean himself after he defecates, and it has taken more than an hour before soap was brought to him so that he could wash his hands. The water in his cell has frequently been turned off. He has been denied socks or footwear for months at a time, including during the winter months. Officers at the brig often lower the temperature in his cell until it becomes exceedingly cold, but they do not give him extra clothes or blankets to keep warm.

According to al-Marri’s complaint, he has not been formally interrogated for almost one year. He states, however, that when he was interrogated, government officials threatened he would be sent to Egypt or Saudi Arabia, where they told him he would be tortured and sodomized and his wife would be raped in front of him.

For more than a year, al-Marri was not allowed to speak with any non-governmental personnel other than representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Military personnel guarding him would not talk to him other than to give him orders. In October 2004, the government finally agreed to let him have access to counsel.

Al-Marri is a devout Muslim. According to his complaint, military officials have not permitted him to meet with a Muslim cleric, do not let him have a prayer mat and punish him if he follows his religion’s requirement to cover his head while he prays (he uses a shirt for this purpose). They do not tell him which way Mecca lies, so he does not know in which direction to pray; nor do they provide him with a clock, so he does not know when to pray.

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im american why the fuck would i care about cuba in any way

NUFF said

i aint no refugee

some people are just so stupid

u dont accept ANYTHING from people you dont like

its like saying oh yea let saddam or bin laden help with the aid

ofcourse not

I swear I have a mosquito BUZZING at my EAR, annoying motherfucker!!!!

Honey really stay out of grown up conversations, we are talking about HUMAN LIVES and Animals........not THINGS as you are!!!

So when it comes to that like 9-11 the world needs to set aside their differences and come together, after everything is back to normal then they can continue on their regularly scheduled program. But until then like I said HELP id HELP, in times like these people need to swallow their pride and take it where it comes from, they seem to not have a problem accepting from other countries they dont like(we don't like alot of countries), so what are we proving that we are HYPOCRITES(nothing new actually)!!!

And you making a comparison between BinLaden and Saddam, is just moronic.....but that comes normal to ITALIANS it's their second nature, actually its their first nature, along with obnoxiousness, arrogant, self absorb......help me out did I miss anything!?!

Oh and kissed any guys lately??? I've been told you guys have a streak of HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY in you!!!

Oh and I almost forgot my IQ is 128:)!!!

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vietnam donated 1,000 as a good jesture to show they care,

we as a country do not have any outstanding issues with vietnam thats why we can accept from them


Of course we don't cause we still feel bad about BOMBING vietnam and that to this day there are still feeling the effects of that little decision!!!!
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