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Favorite Moments in a Movie


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So what moment in a movie is ur favorite?? If u have more than one go ahead and post it.

Mine are:

The movie "Heat", when Val Kilmer is supposed to be setup by his X and when he gets there and she signals "NO"...letting him to know that it's a setup!!!!

Also "The Usual Suspects" when Kevin Spacey at the end of the movie walks more than normal.

"Primal Fear", when Edward Norton at the end of the trial shows Richard Gere that he was faking all along.

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When Aragorn told the Hobbits in Return of the King, "My friends...you bow to no one."

Rocky getting up first in Rocky 2, and the ref shouting to Apollo, "You're out!" And the announcer saying, "Rocky Balboa has shocked the world, he is the new heavyweight champion of the world!"

The moment "Jack" found out the truth about Tyler Durden in Fight Club. Best surprise ending ever.

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John Cusack holding the boom box in say anything...

...good pick...

...when john malcevic asks clint eastwood if "he believes in the nobility of suicide?" and then lets go plunging to his death in In The Line Of Fire...

......when al pacino says, "whover said you wus one?" and then plugs one into the cop in scarface...

.......when val kilmer says, "I'm your huckleberry." when he shows up to gunfight the cowboy leader at the end of Tombstone...

....many more, i'm sure....

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when andy dufreisne crawls out of the sewage pipe @ the end of shawshank and its thundering..the rain is just hitting his face...ahh gr8 moment..triumph of the human soul over extreme adversity

also in shawshank ..the whole scene about Brooks' release from jail..which leads up to his suicide

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Guest onisakura

YES YEs YES!!!! Hands down one of my all time fav movies.

I also love in the Thomas Crowne Affair then the sprinklers go off and you see that the painting was returned to the gallery almost immediately. :) Amazing movie.

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when andy dufreisne crawls out of the sewage pipe @ the end of shawshank and its thundering..the rain is just hitting his face...ahh gr8 moment..triumph of the human soul over extreme adversity

also in shawshank ..the whole scene about Brooks' release from jail..which leads up to his suicide

Yup, but I think that the best moment is when the Guards discover the HOLE he was digging behind the poster....all those years!!!!!
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YES YEs YES!!!! Hands down one of my all time fav movies.

I also love in the Thomas Crowne Affair then the sprinklers go off and you see that the painting was returned to the gallery almost immediately. :) Amazing movie.

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one of my fav's:

godfather 2: michael and his family are morning the death of his mother. michael approaches his estranged brother fredo at the dining room table, they hug each other. but it's the look that michael gives to hal, silently giving hal the ok to murder fredo soon thereafter. that look causing hal to look away once he understands the order. :aright:

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I also love in the Thomas Crowne Affair then the sprinklers go off and you see that the painting was returned to the gallery almost immediately. :) Amazing movie.

excellent movie. whole thing was like a game of chess...each person one-up'ing the other, every second anticipating their next move.

i also like the scene in Usual Suspects where the detective reads "kubayasha" on the botton of the cup.

also in Dogma where they go in and terrorize the Disney-esque board room full of people, naming their sins.

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