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Pacha shut down

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holy crap...2 1/2 hours on line got 10 steps from the door...and goodbye.

shut down a 2am...kicked everyone out inside outside...

what a scene no managemet skill what so ever... the boncers were grabin money left and right from people on line...it was crazier than i'd ever seen any club...now i have to figure out how to get my refund on my tickets..

and from what i heard from somone that made it in... 2 am lights, police everywhere and murrillo said thank you to the croud and ran outta there....

wonder if this will suriously hurt the bussiness...?

I dont think ill be back there in a while...

theres my review of the line


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I knew something was going to happen. I went on wednesday to the "invite only" premiere and that alone packed out the club and i could only imagine when open to the public. So i stayed away from that whole scene and knew it will be uncomfortable once inside. My friends called me as they were waiting for their coats and said the cops just shut down the place and will never go back there again. Everyone flocked to either Crobar, Spirit, or Avalon. I'm assuming that they went way over capacity.

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wow what a night

i got there at 9:45 i walked in about an hour later, the funny thing was they didnt check id's or search people.funny thing was i didnt even spot any young crowd for that matter.....bouncers and staff were complete dicks and were kicking random people of the line. When i got in there was a sick vibe (prob till this day the best sound system i heard) ...and plenty room to dance which was good .... then 1:50 the music shuts ......so hour later waiting fo the music to go on , morillo comes on saying sorry guys but im gonna have to shut this place down. Oh yea coatroom was a fucking disaster...1000 people killing eachother to get in....fucking massacre.....3:50 im out the place .....lol shortest night ever in my book

sick beats by morillo though.....as for pacha staff a big fuck you and for those girls who overdosed .......fucking learn how to handle ur drugs.....or just dont do it all u bunch of posers who destroy nightlife experience for everyone else :gang::mad:

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very unfortunate indeed! the politics of clubland bah.

was not there, didn't even bother going...i knew something was gonna happen. people acting like village idiots! can't be arsed! and what's up with bouncers acting like they are mike tyson? seriously, there is no need to be a prick..this is one of my no no when it comes out to clubs! what happened to great customer service? i applaud crobar, and some people might have some issues that they have experienced at crobar, however, their staff over there, in my opinion, particulary the bouncers are trained properly! to me it's all about service...GIVE IT! DON'T ABUSE IT!(and iam not pointing at pacha, just in general) no need to treat patrons like animals! i hate it i hate it! it just proves to me and gives me the impretion that nyc and it's nightlife has totally gone to shit! it should be a whole..great music, great people, great crew...one can only wish! it has happened though...once upon a time :)

learn to do it right then we will talk....


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it's just unfortunate because we should welcome a new comer to our beloved city. i give it to erick and rob, however, all these negative talks about pacha is absurbed. if you expect negativity, then negativity will come to you. hence what happened tonight! yes, it will not be the old factory, but be glad that it has been resurected into something else instead like the fate of the tunnel and vinyl. no need to be so jaded and act selfish about it. keep it as a memory and that's it! move on! get ova it! why stagger? no?

i am stating my opinion, the idea of a new club in our city is refreshing, however, like i said in my previous post, they need to do it right! in order to flurrish. check id's, hire respectful bouncers etc etc

and for fucks sakes these bad lil kiddies need to start behaving like adults and stop doing bad lil things so you won't make it on the next days paper!! etc etc...

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Best clubs in nyc are(IMO) CIELO, SOL, SULLIVAN ROOM, SHELTER (satnights/sun afternoons). Dunno what to say about these events at that uunfolded at pacha.. Lot of heads rolled thru to sol after pacha closed and partied there till about 450am. Sorry to everyone i know that went there and had this happen to them. But cmon who didnt really see this coming.

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fckin jenbabe ruined it for everyone.

You asshole, I wasn't even there. I would NEVER get involved with Friday night, it was pretty obvious this was going to happen. And as for tomorrow fuck that, I've already seen the place and the same thing will happen again. Crobar it is.

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