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What it means to be "underground" (pacha related)

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Gabe, you wouldn't get so much grief if you didn't like a condascending asshole on messageboards who feels he needs to preach to people. I'm sure you're a cool guy in person, we go to many of the exact same parties and have similar interests in music, but I'm not on here bashing one genre of music or one club or DJ. And believe me dude, I've been around A LOT longer than you. Ultimately, it's just fucking music, it's not a crusade so there's no need to be preachy or come off sounding like a know-it-all prick. Is it important in my life? Yes. Does my life revolve around it? FUCK NO. So just let people be and like what they like. Maybe you just don't realize it, but sit back and read some of your posts some day and read how condascending you sound. If you didn't talk down other genres and DJs and clubs, there would never be threads like this. You come off as a hypocrite, preaching positivity and then being negative.

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So a dj/producer was asked to play pacha for a certain amount of money, and he refused cause pacha goes against his own agendas and is not underground. And b4 any nonsense gets said the dj/producer who was ask by erick morillo has been a long time associate of his since back in the soundfactory bar days (thats 21street for those who dont know) .


^ Kinda like what Jeff Van Gundy did in the 2005 NBA Playoffs....

Dont open your mouth unless you got proof brotha

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Keeping It Real Is Playin The Same Type Of Music At all Your Shows, Not Playin Commerical Stuff At Certain Venues...... That's Keeping It Real...... So U Get Paid Alot Of Money, As Long As U R True To Your Fans And Play Music That U Would Normally Play At A Underground Party, Then It's All Good....

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thats the problem pyro i do have proof and because i made a topic about it things have been taken wayyyyy out of context. I just wanted to show that some people are given the oppurtunity to make decisions in thier lifes that would change them in some way, but this artist choose not to go that route. Why cant that be respected. Im not saying hes the man for choosing this but im saying i respect him for sticking to his beliefs and morals.

I hear your words dkny8, maybe there is something bout the way i speak about things. In reality the only thing i would talk down about is my disliking of trance music. I dont like trance music, why cant i have my opinion. If i said trance sucks and this djs suck well thats for my ears. But obviously trance seems to dominate on a global aspect of things, so it must be doing something right. If ifind another cartoon that is saying how trance sucks i will post it. Just like if i find a cartoon about what househeads are like and its making fun of us i iwll post it also, cause this is a music messageboard and its a music cartoon.

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thats the problem pyro i do have proof and because i made a topic about it things have been taken wayyyyy out of context. I just wanted to show that some people are given the oppurtunity to make decisions in thier lifes that would change them in some way, but this artist choose not to go that route. Why cant that be respected. Im not saying hes the man for choosing this but im saying i respect him for sticking to his beliefs and morals.

I hear your words dkny8, maybe there is something bout the way i speak about things. In reality the only thing i would talk down about is my disliking of trance music. I dont like trance music, why cant i have my opinion. If i said trance sucks and this djs suck well thats for my ears. But obviously trance seems to dominate on a global aspect of things, so it must be doing something right. If ifind another cartoon that is saying how trance sucks i will post it. Just like if i find a cartoon about what househeads are like and its making fun of us i iwll post it also, cause this is a music messageboard and its a music cartoon.

What impresses me about your quotes is that you never were @ Paradise Garage or Warehouse, yet you talk of it like you were there every night. It Sounds like you personally knew Larry and he played for you to dance. Everything you know about house is based on stories you heard but never experienced. So I find it kind of hard for you to have an opinion about trance or techno. You r still a Kid, You can't even imagen what's out there...


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mikey, relax. let it go. so what if ur not industry? why do u let it bother you?

and as far as mr growinupjersey is concerned, there are plenty of really nice little clubs in new york that have world-class dj's coming through on a nightly basis who choose the smaller venues because its about the music. maybe if you went somewhere other than crobar you would dig it and would have some real thought to put into your comment before you go posting on here like you know it all.

First off wheather a venue or dj is 'underground' doesnt matter to me. I dont give a shit about that anymore. Im 26 now, i can party with anyone, dont matter if they're there for the music, drugs, i dont give a fuck. Ill party at crobar, then go to a small shit hole club and watch Frankie Bones play. I dont act like i know it all, hell im not even into the scene as much as i was when i was younger. This is about a comment being made about this scene being 'underground' which it's not anymore. I dont know how long you've been around for but i got back into the scene in 95. Just as the 'underground' was comming up for the most part. The kids who got me into this had been partying since 91 and the Limelight Disco 2000 days. Here i did some leg work for you, see how nice i am i and dont even know you

un·der·ground (ŭn'dər-ground') pron.gif


  1. Situated, occurring, or operating below the surface of the earth: underground caverns; underground missile sites.

    1. Hidden or concealed; clandestine: underground resistance to the tyrant.
    2. Of or relating to an organization involved in secret or illegal activity: underground trade in weapons.
  2. Of or relating to an avant-garde movement or its films, publications, and art, usually privately produced and of special appeal and often concerned with social or artistic experiment.
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  • 11 months later...

the party is usually at deep which as well isnt an underground venue...but the party and the music is more leaning toward the underground...because you wont find the muscle spikey haired guidos or the dressed up guidette scensters that just go for the sake of going to an event...its not going for the sake of the music and going to dance your ass of to the music you love...i dont agree with the artist not playing a venue ..because the last underground spot was vinyl where there were no pretty awnings or signs to tell you where it was and it was mostly built by word of mouth(until the end when it became arc)...(well i guess we still have shelter and love somewhat) they have very good reasons not to do the party at deep which i cant disclose on a public message board but they are valid ..to move the party to pacha and not deep

and gabe were u talking about avalon in ny or avalon in la ???

and it had nothing to do with money

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I haven't been in here in a long time - it's nice to come back and see the laughing stock of the club landscape is still around. Silverbull!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!. Still serious with that avatar i see - wow- your not embarrassed that you look like that? I always get a good laugh first at your avatar - second with anything you say - and finally with your grammar. One word sums you up in all areas - WEAK (and thats being kind)


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He wont tell you- thats how he makes himself important and feels like he is better than you because he knows and it's hush hush and the rest of the board isn't allowed to know - only Silverbull is. It's such a huge secret but yet silverbull gets to know it and dangle it in front of you. Does anyone really care. He needs this because he is so ordinary and unimportant to feel better about his horrific existance. Silverbull drop a bomb , get some tina and dont stop until your dead. Please i beg you to do this.


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the party is usually at deep which as well isnt an underground venue...but the party and the music is more leaning toward the underground...because you wont find the muscle spikey haired guidos or the dressed up guidette scensters that just go for the sake of going to an event...its not going for the sake of the music and going to dance your ass of to the music you love...i dont agree with the artist not playing a venue ..because the last underground spot was vinyl where there were no pretty awnings or signs to tell you where it was and it was mostly built by word of mouth(until the end when it became arc)...(well i guess we still have shelter and love somewhat) they have very good reasons not to do the party at deep which i cant disclose on a public message board but they are valid ..to move the party to pacha and not deep

and it had nothing to do with money

the DT/ Krivit 718 Classics party is just an example in general

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look brother, im just sticking up for a friend. if u have a problem w/ him why not take it up w/ him like a man instead of being a pussy? face to face? a fight was never mentioned. why are you implying that? why not meet him out somewhere and talk the differences over? does everything have to come to blows? i can see where your mentality rests. you obviously do think your a tough guy

Man o' man, has times changed.

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