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Hurt by Gabo?


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So I went out with Gabo from June 2004 to I guess January 2005. We would be together almost every weekend being we lived in different states…I say I guess about when it ended because I had to find out myself that we were no longer dating…

No phone call, no note, nothing… The last time I spent at his place was mid-January, but I have heard little since… I called him and sent him emails, only to be ignored or told he was not feeling well…Nothing…I was very careful of not being over bearing and only wrote or called once or twice a week…It was finally in late February I asked through pm if are going out anymore… He said that he was so stressed and that no, if I needed an answer, the answer was no… Then the next day he said he was sorry… not knowing what he was sorry about, I again asked for a phone call… I still have not heard from him by phone, he has not shown the respect to tell me in person, or by phone as to why he left me hanging for a month and a half… I have asked countless times for some sort of closure and to at least call me…Nothing….Serious relationship or not, it’s not what you do to a girl you’ve been fucking for six months.

So why do I write this? To send a message to guys not to do this to a girl…It is so hurtful. You could never imagine how hurtful it is until it’s done to you… I’ve never been treated as such. I’ve had guys cheat on me, yet they were man enough to admit it and tell me… I never got any sort of respectful break-up...I get pm’s and emails from a guy I’ve been fucking for six months. And that’s if he writes me…As weird as it may be to make a public post about this… I really cared for the guy… and thought he felt the same through his words and actions …and to the girls, just be careful of things like this.

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So I went out with Gabo from June 2004 to I guess January 2005. We would be together almost every weekend being we lived in different states…I say I guess about when it ended because I had to find out myself that we were no longer dating…

No phone call, no note, nothing… The last time I spent at his place was mid-January, but I have heard little since… I called him and sent him emails, only to be ignored or told he was not feeling well…Nothing…I was very careful of not being over bearing and only wrote or called once or twice a week…It was finally in late February I asked through pm if are going out anymore… He said that he was so stressed and that no, if I needed an answer, the answer was no… Then the next day he said he was sorry… not knowing what he was sorry about, I again asked for a phone call… I still have not heard from him by phone, he has not shown the respect to tell me in person, or by phone as to why he left me hanging for a month and a half… I have asked countless times for some sort of closure and to at least call me…Nothing….Serious relationship or not, it’s not what you do to a girl you’ve been fucking for six months.

So why do I write this? To send a message to guys not to do this to a girl…It is so hurtful. You could never imagine how hurtful it is until it’s done to you… I’ve never been treated as such. I’ve had guys cheat on me, yet they were man enough to admit it and tell me… I never got any sort of respectful break-up...I get pm’s and emails from a guy I’ve been fucking for six months. And that’s if he writes me…As weird as it may be to make a public post about this… I really cared for the guy… and thought he felt the same through his words and actions …and to the girls, just be careful of things like this.

cant believe nobody quoted this yet! lol... damn gabo you really are trying to get with every girl on the net... holy~!

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Relationships do suck. Well at least as of recent... It just seems there are more fucked up people in this world... More in this city than ever before. And with each year it gets worse. People are so self centered and so about what you have and what you are worth. They never give opertunity to see who you are.

I have learned this more and more over the years as I get OLDER =(. I moved out when I was 18. Things started slow. But moving up in my company has truly paid off. Don't have the nicest car or millions in the bank. But I have my own place and have had it for 8 years now. Have had total privacy, do what I wish, have company when I wish, and come and go as I wish. And I am glad that everything I own I have no one to thank for or rely on but myself. It gives one more respect for themselves, the people around them, and their posessions.

But many people are to dense to see it that way. They are all about the Benz, BMW, Hummer, etc... Even though their man is living with Momma and Poppa. And when things get hard they can always turn around and ask for a hand out. I fucking hate spoiled people. It is kinda funny though. These people when they finally get up and move out half of them don't have a clue what to do or what they are in for. It is another world on the other side and you don't realize the expenses.

What is also not realized is I have finally built a decent "nest egg", do as I please because I make a good living. Just because I don't have an $80,000 car does not mean I don't have money. I just choose to spend it more wisely, enjoying myself, saving for a house, and other luxeries in life. And I don't want to live from paycheck to paycheck because I have a $600 car payment with a $5000 a year insurance policy. I would rather know if something out of the ordinary happens I have something as a back up. The nice car can wait a few more years.

Another funny thing is so many people who go after these materialistic spoiled brats bitch and complain that they treat them like shit. Have you all ever looked at the other side. Normally the more down to earth, not so spoiled person who has lived life outside of Mom and Dads house and does not feel he needs the car, and all that other shit to impress someone into being with them will normally treat a person with alot more respect than the spoiled brats?

Sounds like I am pissed... Not really, I just kinda laugh when people I know come to me for advice, complain, and what have you about the people who they are with. And I constantly tell them that if they have not seen the light by now that they never will. That it is the type of person they are looking for that is giving them so many problems. Cause as their relationships come and go it is the same drama, new episode. It is like they constantly talk about wanting a significant other who treats them like gold, respects them, and all that other mushy shit. But when they do get that they let them go and move on to another person who treats them like shit again. And the cycle continues... People are just confused. Too many people are all about the game. The game is rediculous. But if you like it then don't complain about it. If you are attracted to the type that treats you like shit. Don't complain about it. Just look back at all of your relationships and see if there is a pattern. I am sure there is one.

Am I saying all people staying at home are the same way? No not at all. I know quite a few people who do it and I have alot of respect for them. But they also never had anything handed to them and have landed themselves in good careers, finished school, and have relationships where mutually they are great to one another. Which is why we have all known one another for so long. We all seem to have the same personality. And that personality seems very rare here in NY. And sometimes I wonder how I was raised in this city and didn't end up like half the people out here.

Shit I am rambling... Probably get ripped apart for this post because I am being "REAL"...Call me a softy. Do what ever you wish... I just know the person I am and hate the way society has turned out. I happen to be an overly friendly person when I am met in person. I hate drama, I hate bullshit, I hate games... That is me.

Crow - sorry things turned out the way they did. Probably not the best place to talk about it. But some people feel that venting in abnormal places is easier then venting to people they know. So do as you wish.

By the way, I thought Gabo only dated little boys... ;)


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Relationships do suck. Well at least as of recent... It just seems there are more fucked up people in this world... More in this city than ever before. And with each year it gets worse. People are so self centered and so about what you have and what you are worth. They never give opertunity to see who you are.

I have learned this more and more over the years as I get OLDER =(. I moved out when I was 18. Things started slow. But moving up in my company has truly paid off. Don't have the nicest car or millions in the bank. But I have my own place and have had it for 8 years now. Have had total privacy, do what I wish, have company when I wish, and come and go as I wish. And I am glad that everything I own I have no one to thank for or rely on but myself. It gives one more respect for themselves, the people around them, and their posessions.

But many people are to dense to see it that way. They are all about the Benz, BMW, Hummer, etc... Even though their man is living with Momma and Poppa. And when things get hard they can always turn around and ask for a hand out. I fucking hate spoiled people. It is kinda funny though. These people when they finally get up and move out half of them don't have a clue what to do or what they are in for. It is another world on the other side and you don't realize the expenses.

What is also not realized is I have finally built a decent "nest egg", do as I please because I make a good living. Just because I don't have an $80,000 car does not mean I don't have money. I just choose to spend it more wisely, enjoying myself, saving for a house, and other luxeries in life. And I don't want to live from paycheck to paycheck because I have a $600 car payment with a $5000 a year insurance policy. I would rather know if something out of the ordinary happens I have something as a back up. The nice car can wait a few more years.

Another funny thing is so many people who go after these materialistic spoiled brats bitch and complain that they treat them like shit. Have you all ever looked at the other side. Normally the more down to earth, not so spoiled person who has lived life outside of Mom and Dads house and does not feel he needs the car, and all that other shit to impress someone into being with them will normally treat a person with alot more respect than the spoiled brats?

Sounds like I am pissed... Not really, I just kinda laugh when people I know come to me for advice, complain, and what have you about the people who they are with. And I constantly tell them that if they have not seen the light by now that they never will. That it is the type of person they are looking for that is giving them so many problems. Cause as their relationships come and go it is the same drama, new episode. It is like they constantly talk about wanting a significant other who treats them like gold, respects them, and all that other mushy shit. But when they do get that they let them go and move on to another person who treats them like shit again. And the cycle continues... People are just confused. Too many people are all about the game. The game is rediculous. But if you like it then don't complain about it. If you are attracted to the type that treats you like shit. Don't complain about it. Just look back at all of your relationships and see if there is a pattern. I am sure there is one.

Am I saying all people staying at home are the same way? No not at all. I know quite a few people who do it and I have alot of respect for them. But they also never had anything handed to them and have landed themselves in good careers, finished school, and have relationships where mutually they are great to one another. Which is why we have all known one another for so long. We all seem to have the same personality. And that personality seems very rare here in NY. And sometimes I wonder how I was raised in this city and didn't end up like half the people out here.

Shit I am rambling... Probably get ripped apart for this thread... Do what ever you wish... Crow - sorry things turned out the way they did. Probably not the best place to talk about it. But some people feel that venting in abnormal places is easier then venting to people they know. So do as you wish.



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So I went out with Gabo from June 2004 to I guess January 2005. We would be together almost every weekend being we lived in different states…I say I guess about when it ended because I had to find out myself that we were no longer dating…

No phone call, no note, nothing… The last time I spent at his place was mid-January, but I have heard little since… I called him and sent him emails, only to be ignored or told he was not feeling well…Nothing…I was very careful of not being over bearing and only wrote or called once or twice a week…It was finally in late February I asked through pm if are going out anymore… He said that he was so stressed and that no, if I needed an answer, the answer was no… Then the next day he said he was sorry… not knowing what he was sorry about, I again asked for a phone call… I still have not heard from him by phone, he has not shown the respect to tell me in person, or by phone as to why he left me hanging for a month and a half… I have asked countless times for some sort of closure and to at least call me…Nothing….Serious relationship or not, it’s not what you do to a girl you’ve been fucking for six months.

So why do I write this? To send a message to guys not to do this to a girl…It is so hurtful. You could never imagine how hurtful it is until it’s done to you… I’ve never been treated as such. I’ve had guys cheat on me, yet they were man enough to admit it and tell me… I never got any sort of respectful break-up...I get pm’s and emails from a guy I’ve been fucking for six months. And that’s if he writes me…As weird as it may be to make a public post about this… I really cared for the guy… and thought he felt the same through his words and actions …and to the girls, just be careful of things like this.


isnt he dating foxylady69 now??

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I think this needs to be a sticky...

Drama Queen ;)

Spragga I tell it how it is... I am probably one of the nicest people to meet. Just don't cross me... Cause I am not so fast to forgive. And in that sense I am not easy for people to mistake my kindness for weakness. :rolleyes: hate the term but very true.

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Relationships do suck. Well at least as of recent... It just seems there are more fucked up people in this world... More in this city than ever before. And with each year it gets worse. People are so self centered and so about what you have and what you are worth. They never give opertunity to see who you are.

I have learned this more and more over the years as I get OLDER =(. I moved out when I was 18. Things started slow. But moving up in my company has truly paid off. Don't have the nicest car or millions in the bank. But I have my own place and have had it for 8 years now. Have had total privacy, do what I wish, have company when I wish, and come and go as I wish. And I am glad that everything I own I have no one to thank for or rely on but myself. It gives one more respect for themselves, the people around them, and their posessions.

But many people are to dense to see it that way. They are all about the Benz, BMW, Hummer, etc... Even though their man is living with Momma and Poppa. And when things get hard they can always turn around and ask for a hand out. I fucking hate spoiled people. It is kinda funny though. These people when they finally get up and move out half of them don't have a clue what to do or what they are in for. It is another world on the other side and you don't realize the expenses.

What is also not realized is I have finally built a decent "nest egg", do as I please because I make a good living. Just because I don't have an $80,000 car does not mean I don't have money. I just choose to spend it more wisely, enjoying myself, saving for a house, and other luxeries in life. And I don't want to live from paycheck to paycheck because I have a $600 car payment with a $5000 a year insurance policy. I would rather know if something out of the ordinary happens I have something as a back up. The nice car can wait a few more years.

Another funny thing is so many people who go after these materialistic spoiled brats bitch and complain that they treat them like shit. Have you all ever looked at the other side. Normally the more down to earth, not so spoiled person who has lived life outside of Mom and Dads house and does not feel he needs the car, and all that other shit to impress someone into being with them will normally treat a person with alot more respect than the spoiled brats?

Sounds like I am pissed... Not really, I just kinda laugh when people I know come to me for advice, complain, and what have you about the people who they are with. And I constantly tell them that if they have not seen the light by now that they never will. That it is the type of person they are looking for that is giving them so many problems. Cause as their relationships come and go it is the same drama, new episode. It is like they constantly talk about wanting a significant other who treats them like gold, respects them, and all that other mushy shit. But when they do get that they let them go and move on to another person who treats them like shit again. And the cycle continues... People are just confused. Too many people are all about the game. The game is rediculous. But if you like it then don't complain about it. If you are attracted to the type that treats you like shit. Don't complain about it. Just look back at all of your relationships and see if there is a pattern. I am sure there is one.

Am I saying all people staying at home are the same way? No not at all. I know quite a few people who do it and I have alot of respect for them. But they also never had anything handed to them and have landed themselves in good careers, finished school, and have relationships where mutually they are great to one another. Which is why we have all known one another for so long. We all seem to have the same personality. And that personality seems very rare here in NY. And sometimes I wonder how I was raised in this city and didn't end up like half the people out here.

Shit I am rambling... Probably get ripped apart for this post because I am being "REAL"...Call me a softy. Do what ever you wish... I just know the person I am and hate the way society has turned out. I happen to be an overly friendly person when I am met in person. I hate drama, I hate bullshit, I hate games... That is me.

Crow - sorry things turned out the way they did. Probably not the best place to talk about it. But some people feel that venting in abnormal places is easier then venting to people they know. So do as you wish.

By the way, I thought Gabo only dated little boys... ;)


jesus Jesuits man!!!

ever heard of the term "nice and concise" wooo-weee

this is hot..sticky this someone....soon we can out all the E-Pimps..one by one by one.....bbbbbbbbbbbuaahahah

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